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On that note, actually, can anyone see them selling out Wembley for 2 nights anymore? I reckon it would be a struggle, and if this album is properly shit, the situation is only going to get worse. Can't keep relying on TIRO, Starlight and KOC forever


Broke the record for attendance at the O2 in 2016 (which has since been broken again but still) and probs played to around 100k people that week, which is already more than one night at Wembley and that’s with 6 other UK dates surrounding that week.

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I really hope Muse isn't consciously trying to become bigger and more mainstream, and instead is just making this stuff for the enjoyment of it.


If they are deliberately trying to go chart-friendly, it's sad because they evidently lack the self-awareness (or awareness of anything really) to realise that they're never going to succeed, because the songs are too weak and unoriginal, and because it sort of feels uncomfortable to hear this music coming from the same guys who did Hysteria and SS. It turns off their old fans and doesn't bring in that many new ones, because there are a million other artists out there who do this stuff better than they do.


I'm still less bothered by this track than TC though, because TC really demonstrated how ghastly their vision of their own younger selves is (Fury 2.0, fucking hell), and how if we asked for another album of "heavy Muse", we'd get this hollow caricature of their Abso days, repetitive and devoid of freshness


While I don't really connect with SH, I really think they do things like this because they indeed enjoy them and don't give quite a fuck of what others think.

They have time, money, and the rest. Of course, that might be a problem if they decide to produce and arrange a song that could've potentially been one of the greatest ones in their carrier in a way that kinda ruins it (at least to me) :chuckle:


But I also agree so much about them risking to rehash elements of their past music in a not-so-authentic way, although I consider TC a very good song in its own genre.

That's why a bit wary about their next single, which will be another attempt of theirs to go back to their "classic" sound.


EDIT: Also, I've listened to SH again a couple of times, and I seriously felt like I was listening to a The Rasmus song taken from Dark Matters.

Edited by MartianSpaghettiRider
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Am I still the only one who's really extremely excited for this album? Like, I'm more hyped for this than I was for Drones, though I'm not entirely sure why, I just am.


Sadly, I find myself in the seemingly pessimistic majority. I was really looking forward to Drones based on Psycho, Dead Inside and Reapers. The album more or less met the expectations created by those songs. These 3 latest singles, on the other hand, pale in comparison to the Drones releases and don't give me much optimism for the upcoming album. Hopefully, they'll surprise me because I do want to enjoy their music.

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Am I still the only one who's really extremely excited for this album? Like, I'm more hyped for this than I was for Drones, though I'm not entirely sure why, I just am.


Yeah, I am as well. I'm finding myself searching for bits of news and comments and any info I can get. I've even already started stressing out a little thinking about the upcoming tour, etc :LOL:

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I actually feel really hyped for this album. I think they are really enjoying their work and are creating something that represents what phase of their live they are in right now. I love the feel of the video and how disconnected and connected it is at the same time to the music. It is quite artistically made. The song is well written with a chord progression that is the opposite of todays mainstream pop. Additionally the sounds are very well mixed and put together (with organ and synths). As much I love the old OoS vibes, I think they found something that is more than just searching for a style, which felt a bit insecure and not very much thought out.

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If you’ve been that uninterested in what they’ve been putting out for at least like 5 years now, what motivates you to keep coming back to MM to talk about them?


I don’t mean that in a butthurt way, it just genuinely doesn’t make sense to me.

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This song is like a lot of Muse somgs for me on the first listen. I wasn't even sure how to follow along. But it definitely draws me in by the middle of the song.


After playing it on the road with good car stereo, I like it. A lot. It's different. But it has plenty of elements I love about Muse.


For those saying it is too layered... fair enough. But I like it this way. It starts off slow and builds into a lot of sound that beings me back to 90's videogame nostalgia. The organ perfectly reminds me of NHL94, and the whole thing is like Donkey Kong Country's soundtrack. I personally think the robotic "Huuu-mannnn" fits perfectly.


Not sure I can put this song in my top50 Muse songs, but I like it. Interested to see how they'll play it live.

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The more I listen to this song the more I understand that I actually like the songwriting, and I think it's cool that Matt sounds Matt here and not a Bono Vox/Freddy Mercury copycut. What buzzes me about this song is the way it's arranged and produced, so I think I could really like the acoustic version.

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The more I listen to this song the more I understand that I actually like the songwriting, and I think it's cool that Matt sounds Matt here and not a Bono Vox/Freddy Mercury copycut. What buzzes me about this song is the way it's arranged and produced, so I think I could really like the acoustic version.


Same. Looking forward to it.

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This 80's retro Thriller vibe makes the mid-life crisis shine through :chuckle: Has anyone mentioned the music video to Gorillaz's 'Stylo' yet? I guess Chris has become Bruce Willis.


Jokes aside, I quite like the song, although I feel some details are a bit off, (too big of a jump in singing style between verses one and too, the synth in the chorus a bit too forefront and so on, which makes it a bit incoherent imo) but in terms of the album as a whole it seems it will fit quite well.


And as long as we get an acoustic version, which it seems, I'm all ears!

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Ok. I really loved the accoustic version, I love the melody, it's stuck in my head! I kinda like the single version, I love the video - but it's got nothing to do with the song, except Matts driving suits quite well.

I am waiting for a live version, I think it will be great :D maybe one time "electro", next time accoustic ...

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