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So, now that we have Survival, how do you guys think it will fit into live performances (if it is played live at all)? Do you think they will have extra musicians or a choir onstage, or will it all be done by Morgan? Whereabouts in setlists do you think it will end up? Could it be a concert opener, closer, or neither? Discuss! :)

(sorry if this is in the wrong section by the way or if someone has already made this thread)

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Doesn't feel like an opener or closer to me.


Could work as the transition song from piano back to guitar, put in some epic buildup before the song kicks off at 1.25. That would rock - Matt starting on piano and the switching to guitar :awesome:.

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Not sure how it will be performed live yet but it will definitley be played live. It will be getting worldwide exposure and plus theyre performing it at the closing ceremony so it will be well rehersed by the time the tour comes round.

It will be a beast live, im sure of that.


I assume they'll get the help of a choir and orchestra for the closing ceremony at least. Not sure how they'll do it on tour.

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Yeah, in middle of the setlist.


Could work as the transition song from piano back to guitar, put in some epic buildup before the song kicks off at 1.25. That would rock - Matt starting on piano and the switching to guitar :awesome:.


Right!! :p

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It's going to be very interesting to hear live, with the choir, strings and backing vocals toned down and hopefully the intro will sound better. It'll be worth it just for the solo alone.


It's really not an opener or closer though, could work as the transition back to guitar as has been said, but they normally do softer songs after the piano section,


Could Matt reuse the NSC keyboard?

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As I said somewhere else, just so as you know, instruments will be prerecorded at all performances in the Olympic Stadium because of the bad sound quality or something so...


Doubt it. Not what Danny Boyle would want and the acoustics in this stadium should be top notch for what it's built for.

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What they say is:

"Due to the complexity involved, it's just not possible for the music in all the shows to be live," said the spokesperson. "There will be live musical elements but many of the songs will be recorded in advance. This is standard practice for an event of this scale."


Not everything. So they could still be playing. And from all the bands that will play, Muse are the less likely to accept to mime

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