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I'm torn. I do enjoy the song itself, but I'm not a big fan of the instrumentation. The synth bass kind of gets a bit annoying after the first couple bars. When the "Muse goes 80s synthwave retro whatever" idea started floating around I got really curious as to what kind of cool sounds they could get out of the fad (like the cool stuff Weeknd did with Daft Punk). But the texture for that synth seems to sound a lot more like the crappy wub wubs of the first half of the decade than any sort of retro dive into the 80s. I do enjoy the song and the outburst at the end, but I'm still fairly lukewarm about it :rolleyes:


As with some of Muse's most recent catalog, my issue are never the songs per se. It's just that while I do enjoy the songs, they always reflect loads of unexplored potential, as the band tries to trim stuff down and stay relevant in the charts (even though they haven't been doing so great at that since TR).

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Listened to it then saw the video. I feel like this is gonna take me a few months or maybe even a year to have it grow on me. I'm kinda torn right now because I want to like it but it's not really anything special. That and I feel like the chorus is too gospel-ish or something

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If you exclude the chorus, I think if it's not so cheesy, compared to others they're made.

But the video... yes, it's very well shot, but... How the hell does it relates to the song mood?


My interpretation of the video was that Muse were sending a message to that woman telling her there is still hope and that she should find some way to resist/escape. So she fights her way out but at the end discovers she is in some larger complex and the message just came from some sort of A.I. (the thing with all the broken screens)?

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Had it basically on repeat all hour... I like it. It's maybe not what I had hoped for but overall it's enjoyable... With some obvious crappy parts. It also grows lyrically on you


I hope you don't force yourself to like it if you don't, though, that wouldn't be fair.

It's alright if you don't.


Listened to it then saw the video. I feel like this is gonna take me a few months or maybe even a year to have it grow on me. I'm kinda torn right now because I want to like it but it's not really anything special. That and I feel like the chorus is too gospel-ish or something


The same goes for you, my friend.

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Gotta remember it's a kinda lead single from what will eventually go on an album... Hopefully the rest of it whenever it drops in the future will be different


That's the problem, though. Releasing each song on it's own over a longer timeline means they're going to be pushing for something "accessible" and "mainstream" for every single one, instead of throwing out an album with some Handlers on it.

I can't quite believe people actually convinced themselves this would be heavy, considering it had to stand on it's own. Of course it's a Madness rehash, especially since it is basically promotion for a US tour.


The music video is pretty good though.


Seeing this said about a Muse video actually kind of makes me want to watch it. :chuckle:

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Muse are reaching new Coldplay levels of self-parody


That level was reached a looooong time ago, my dude.


At least Coldplay's crap is commercially viable, so it serves some kind of purpose.


I can't imagine Dig Down getting much radio play at all.


Idk, I can see it doing okay. Retro pop is pretty 'in' atm and the melody is pretty catchy.

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For a song so charged with personal intent and motivation, it's just blergh that while the front is all big and bombastic, it feels pretty shallow inside. The song is okay, but really doesn't move me in any way. Leaves me quite indifferent throughout. And usually I'm actually a sucker for cheesy and grandiose "let's prevail!" anthems. But somehow this really doesn't do anything for me.


Also Dead Inside is one of my fav. Muse songs ever, and I thought Muse were really starting to get it right with their pop sensibilities. I guess not :$

Edited by s3ker
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