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I had a dream that Muse were holding a concert in my garage (:awesome:) and that the neighborhood was watching it. Matt and Dom looked like they did in the SB years but Chris looked like he did now. I remember my friend taking a picture of me and Chris with my phone and I remember Chris saying something to someone like:


I like you. You're young. Just like Jesus.


And then my friend threw my phone in the air and then we all laughed. When I woke up, I laughed for quite a bit :LOL:.

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A few nights ago I dreamed that I was watching a Muse gig at Jones Beach theatre and we had pretty decent seats. Then I remember them taking a break (possibly for the encore) so I ran to the side of a balcony where I saw Matt resting and started to call out to him. He didn't hear me so he told me to speak louder so I did and asked him to play Micro Cuts. He still didn't understand and thought I said something else so he gave me his acoustic guitar and I ran away with it. I was freaking out and somehow I lost the body of the guitar so I had the neck only. Then they turned into a pair of light up LED BHAR sunglasses.

It was weird, but still cool

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Last night I had the weirdest dream Ever

In my dream Matt Bellamy was dressed as Harry Potter and he and I were trying to kill voldemort and his deatheaters

Voldemort's deatheaters were the cast of twilight

I didn't see Dom and Chris in my dream but in the end we killed voldemort and we sent his deatheaters to azkaban

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Some night after a Muse concert I had a dream that, after the gig, I met Matt, Dom and Chris in a hallway. I talked to Chris a lot remembering that we never get to see him open his mouth much. We greeted each other and they invited me to come sit with them later on in the evening when they went to eat. Of course I said yes and so very I was overly excited seeing as this kind of thing never happens to me (anywayyy). As I was walking in the restaurant to go eat with them, I saw them and hurried over to their table. Just as I was about to sit down, they suddenly turned into LEGO's... :'(

I tuned to Tom and I was like,"What the hell, Tom???"

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Last night I had the weirdest dream Ever

In my dream Matt Bellamy was dressed as Harry Potter and he and I were trying to kill voldemort and his deatheaters

Voldemort's deatheaters were the cast of twilight

I didn't see Dom and Chris in my dream but in the end we killed voldemort and we sent his deatheaters to azkaban



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I had a dream that me, Dom, and Matt were just hanging out. We were in some random room sitting on the couch just pigging out with junk food and I remember Dom telling me to feed him, so i kept on stuffing these green cookies in his mouth. :confused::chuckle:


Then I had another dream the day after that. Matt, Dom, and I were hanging out again. We were walking around and Matt and I were walking around arm in arm and he kept telling me to get rid of the girls following him around. But they still didn't leave him alone. :chuckle: Then i can't remember what happened after that, i think my dream ended.


I noticed my dreams never really have Chris. :(

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This was my first proper muse dream, and it's ridiculously long :stunned:, sorry :$:




I often return to the same places in dreams, and one of them is a slightly chilly beach in Seattle where there's a lot of people milling about and there are often booths and festivals. So, a couple of nights ago, muse played a concert there! :awesome: The thing was, apparently not many people knew them, and the venue was just a tiny stage facing away from the beach, more background music than anything, but my sister and I were blown away that muse would be there. They opened with Assassin, Matt was whaling on his guitar and jumping around like a maniac, but the people around weren't even into it! Just random passerby's watching the band :( so I grabbed my sister and told her to mosh like a crazy person with me in front of the stage. It was proper battle of the bands moshing and we were the only ones :chuckle: next they played IBTY on the piano with the outro from NSC, and then Citizen Erased. After the set was over, I just leaned on the stage and Matt kind of chuckled. I used to remember the entire conversation but now I just know matt said something like, "You were here last time" and (for some reason) I said that I had been, and I had also seen them two other times (which is true in real life). I eventually climbed on the stage to help pack up and got into a polite conversation with matt about the local area and the different venues they would be playing. Finally they were packed up, and as Matt walked away he waved and said, "I'll see you around!" :D I nearly pissed myself, not believing that I had just met muse and that the concert had been so awesome. So of course that's when I woke up. It was one of those slow, dawning reality type things where I sat up in bed overjoyed, and then realized it was just a dream...





However, the creepy part is that I remembered a dream I had a long time ago that was set at the same beach... I was only starting middle school and hadn't heard of muse when I had the dream, but I remember bits of it. There was a long ladder heading down to the ocean, some killer whale was swimming below, I was walking across the sand, and there was a band playing at a small stage down the beach :eek:.

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I dreamt that I was interviewing Matt, who was talking about how he is currently writing the soundtrack to a movie about creampuffs. It was a flash movie on the internet....




I've had a few vague Muse dreams - boring things like I'm shopping for food and I'm in the produce section and I see Matt or Dom picking out apples or something ... I don't even talk to them - so disappointing :(

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The other night I dreamt I was out in town shopping and the boys wre being hassled by the paparazzi, because apparently Matt has a severe hate for Dancing on Ice's Holly Willoughyby. Then last night, although Muse didn't appear, it was alien related - basically this big event was happening where the whole world tuned in - we were finally about to make contact with aliens on another planet. Except, most people were against it or didn't really care, and it was an activist group who were in charge of the contact (Matt probably ran it, although all the employee's were Kenyan) and their campaign was called "Say Yes to the No!", I think "the No!" is what we were referring to aliens as. :stunned:

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I've had Muse dreams the last couple of nights :\



The first one was sad :( They wouldn't let me into the gig I am going to because I was too late :\ And then I cried :rolleyes:


Last night though, was interesting. Muse had had numerous amounts of terrorist scares at their concerts, so management decided that they would split the band up for a month, and hide them in small country houses. Matt came to my house :D But I was a bit embarrassed because my room was so messy, and he had to sleep in there :\ He signed all my CD's though, and he played 'stacks on' with my brother, and Matt accidentally threw him out the window...

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Last night though, was interesting. Muse had had numerous amounts of terrorist scares at their concerts, so management decided that they would split the band up for a month, and hide them in small country houses. Matt came to my house :D But I was a bit embarrassed because my room was so messy, and he had to sleep in there :\ He signed all my CD's though, and he played 'stacks on' [b}with my brother, and Matt accidentally threw him out the window[/b]...


I shouldn't have laughed... but I did :$ I

Why couldn't my brother be thrown out of the window in my dreams! :LOL:

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I had this extremely weird dream last night. I dreamt that i was at a Muse-concert at a random huge venue, and when citizen erased was going t be played, everyone except me and 5 other people left the venue, and on stage Matt, Dom and Chris were standing like nothing was wrong. I remember that me and the 5 other die-hard fans almost started crying because Muse stopped playing, but suddenly Matt said ''Mates, come backstage, we'll continue with some acoustics'' And like, we got backstage, in this orange room with Matt only, i really don't know where Chris and Dom were. Then he asked what we wanted to hear, and then i said that i would love to hear Sunburn, and then he played it, god, it was beautiful. Later he played Citizen Erased (!!?!???!!) on an acoustic guitar, and Map of Your Head. Then we just sat and talked, and i asked him to sin my guitar, that i ran home to get. I got it signed.

Then we left. I was crying because I didn't wanted to go.


The next day the autograph was gone from the guitar, and i started wondering if this was all a dream, with Matt on the acoustic and so on. But suddenly i heard a knocking on the door, and i opened up and out there was Matt. He came inside, signed my guitar again, and then he played it, omg *-* and when he had to go he hugged me for a long time and said ''See you soon''


It was so damn weird.

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I had this extremely weird dream last night. I dreamt that i was at a Muse-concert at a random huge venue, and when citizen erased was going t be played, everyone except me and 5 other people left the venue, and on stage Matt, Dom and Chris were standing like nothing was wrong. I remember that me and the 5 other die-hard fans almost started crying because Muse stopped playing, but suddenly Matt said ''Mates, come backstage, we'll continue with some acoustics'' And like, we got backstage, in this orange room with Matt only, i really don't know where Chris and Dom were. Then he asked what we wanted to hear, and then i said that i would love to hear Sunburn, and then he played it, god, it was beautiful. Later he played Citizen Erased (!!?!???!!) on an acoustic guitar, and Map of Your Head. Then we just sat and talked, and i asked him to sin my guitar, that i ran home to get. I got it signed.

Then we left. I was crying because I didn't wanted to go.


The next day the autograph was gone from the guitar, and i started wondering if this was all a dream, with Matt on the acoustic and so on. But suddenly i heard a knocking on the door, and i opened up and out there was Matt. He came inside, signed my guitar again, and then he played it, omg *-* and when he had to go he hugged me for a long time and said ''See you soon''


It was so damn weird.

Hang on... so is that part a dream or did you actually meet Matt?
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I had a horrible Muse dream last night... we were at a gig, barrier, and there was a huge explosion from under the stage.... 'The Man' had decided that Muse were too popular and were inciting 'The Teddy Bears' to rise up (familiar anyone?). Loads of people were killed including the band and there was a RIP thread on the forum with just loads of usernames of the people who had been killed.


Quite possible the worst dream I have ever had, not great 2 days before a gig either!





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I had a horrible Muse dream last night... we were at a gig, barrier, and there was a huge explosion from under the stage.... 'The Man' had decided that Muse were too popular and were inciting 'The Teddy Bears' to rise up (familiar anyone?). Loads of people were killed including the band and there was a RIP thread on the forum with just loads of usernames of the people who had been killed.


Quite possible the worst dream I have ever had, not great 2 days before a gig either!





....:stunned: I would have cried if I had that dream.

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