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Weirdest reasons for not liking Muse..


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My friend (who happens to be a Muse fan) really scared me one time when we were listening to SMBH and she said something like, "Oh, isn't this song from Twilight? In the baseball scene?"


I was just like :stunned:

But then she announced that she was kidding :p

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"I don't like bands that aren't famous"

... But they're famous, they have a lot of fans all over the world. Check their facebook page, they have millions of fans!

"Then how come I don't know them?. As I said I don't like bands that aren't famous."


aww what a nonsense reason not to like a song. who gives a flying fuck whether they're well-known or not, if they sound great?

I feel sorry for her, missing out on some great stuff out there just because of some odd self-image issue (not that I'm not guilty of that sort of thing sometimes yadda yadda). Music is such a raw, emotional experience for me that I can't imagine allowing something so meaningless to get in the way :(

It's almost like...saying you'll only eat certain foods because they're trendy. Seems almost like a violation of something rather personal and sacred imo.


coming from a die-hard Britney Spears fan:

'i really dislike them, expecially when i listen to the studio albums. it bugs me when you hear the singer's breath....it's like it sounds SOOOO fake!'

like :stunned:



I don't understand. Hearing a singer gasp or draw breath would sound less fake, wouldn't it?

I mean, if it doesn't sound completely polished and computerized, it sounds more real, no?

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aww what a nonsense reason not to like a song. who gives a flying fuck whether they're well-known or not, if they sound great?

I feel sorry for her, missing out on some great stuff out there just because of some odd self-image issue (not that I'm not guilty of that sort of thing sometimes yadda yadda). Music is such a raw, emotional experience for me that I can't imagine allowing something so meaningless to get in the way :(

It's almost like...saying you'll only eat certain foods because they're trendy. Seems almost like a violation of something rather personal and sacred imo.


Yeah, those 'fine-dining' foods... :mad: They'll only listen to real mainstream music. It's just sad... I introduced Muse to lots of people and they all just give out a straight face and say they just don't like them because it's just not their type. But this one really bugged me :stunned: I hope I don't meet another gal that'll say this or something more weirder.


Oh wow, that's really bad :(


Really bad! :(

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that's hilarious!!


U kno, some of these people, whilst funny, are actually quite frightening


:chuckle: i'm stil amazed by how stupid she sounded.


I don't understand. Hearing a singer gasp or draw breath would sound less fake, wouldn't it?

I mean, if it doesn't sound completely polished and computerized, it sounds more real, no?


I KNOW :facepalm:

i tried to explain it to her, saying usually a song sounds 'fake' when you can't hear the singer's breath, and you can clearly understand the song is just a bunch of electronic devices made up in a studio coughbritneycough

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My friend ( only hearing SMBH on Twilight...nothing else :stunned: ) said that "the lead singer sang like a girl."

I tried to assure her that he didn't always sound like that...and it took me a year to convince her. She listened to Starlight, and she said it was okay.

I'm getting closer to converting her. :D

Never let her listen to Showbiz :LOL::p

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'I love the lyrics! write moaaaaarr... Singer's voice is awesome too (stop singing, I'm listening to him, not you)... but i love Paramore more. no, Muse does not suck.. but I, uum, don't like them like you do... yeah, i don't like them.. who said you can stop writing the lyrics??'


my BFF reaction... :p

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aww what a nonsense reason not to like a song. who gives a flying fuck whether they're well-known or not, if they sound great?

I feel sorry for her, missing out on some great stuff out there just because of some odd self-image issue (not that I'm not guilty of that sort of thing sometimes yadda yadda). Music is such a raw, emotional experience for me that I can't imagine allowing something so meaningless to get in the way :(

It's almost like...saying you'll only eat certain foods because they're trendy. Seems almost like a violation of something rather personal and sacred imo.




I don't understand. Hearing a singer gasp or draw breath would sound less fake, wouldn't it?

I mean, if it doesn't sound completely polished and computerized, it sounds more real, no?


Yes it sounds WAY more real if you can hear Matt breathing!!

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Last week, at school, I was showing one of my friends (who I've been trying to get into Muse recently. He mainly listens to Ironmaiden, Slipknot and other heavy metal/hard rock bands) a few videos on my USB stick of Bizarre festival, the Uprising mime and Dom's slipknot impersonation. We were both pissing ourselves laughing at the Slipknot vid, but then he said that he doesn't like Muse because "Matt's weird" :stunned:


However, I made him listen to Execution commentary a while back and he said that he liked the drumming. It's a start! ...I suppose. :erm:

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Maybe you should play IBTY for them. You can just picture Matt and Dom skipping though a meadow of wildflowers while holding bunnies. :happy: <3


:LOL: brilliant!

Oh god, I can't stop laughing!


My mum complains because she says that when he sings, Matt sounds like he's

a) Dying

b) Moaning

c) A strangled cat


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:LOL: brilliant!

Oh god, I can't stop laughing!


My mum complains because she says that when he sings, Matt sounds like he's

a) Dying

b) Moaning

c) A strangled cat



Lol my mom said "dying" too. Granted, she was listening to "micro cuts", so I can see why she said that. Lmao.

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