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Weirdest reasons for not liking Muse..


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my mom sat in the car and listened actually instead of turning it off as she usually does.... her attempt at trying to not be obvious about her hatred:


"so...how did you get into this "moody" music? Moody, right?"

we were listening to time is running out :facepalm:

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Mum (Even though she likes Muse almost as much as me): "Bit depressing, don't you think?"


Yeah, Mum, CE will grow on you, don't worry :LOL:



Brother: "It's shitty girly music."


Not even gonna say anything.



Dad: "Pshh, you've got no taste!"






Friend: "He can't sing for shit! He's so breathy."

Friend: "Too much raw guitar,"

Friend: "Unsteady vibrato'd voice."

Friend: "The singer's gay."

Friend: "It's Twilight, so I can't like it."


Sheesh, sometimes my friends are idiots. :facepalm:

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When it comes to close friends, they like to tease me and never give me a chance, so they automatically say Muse is bad because of me :LOL:. And they're never actually listened to them, except for maybe Valerie because I converted her :D.


Friend: You like them, so no they must be bad!

Friend: Sounds more like whining than singing...

Friend: Maybe if you stopped talking about them all the time, Maria, I would have probably listened to them and grew to like them! (As if, she listens to freaking Justin Bieber :facepalm:)


Then for family, they know about my obsession, but it annoys them.


Sister: Okay, they're good, but not THAT GOOD. So stop obsessing over them so much, idiot. (Gee, thanks -_-)

Dad: He sounds like he's dying or something when he sings (:facepalm:)

Mom: Meh... What's he saying? I can't quite understand.


UGH! :mad:


Then I started talking about Muse to the kid I like, and he told me how he saw the Uprising video. His reaction?


Him: The teddy bears scared me O.o



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Brother: "Is the singer sick or something?"

Mother (although she does like them): "I only know a few use songs, but when I hear that moaning, I know it's them."

...and my father just laughed when I mentioned him that I'm going to see Muse live again.


Edit: Oh and my classmate keeps on saying that the singer has no balls.

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When it comes to close friends, they like to tease me and never give me a chance, so they automatically say Muse is bad because of me :LOL:. And they're never actually listened to them, except for maybe Valerie because I converted her :D.


Friend: You like them, so no they must be bad!

Friend: Sounds more like whining than singing...

Friend: Maybe if you stopped talking about them all the time, Maria, I would have probably listened to them and grew to like them! (As if, she listens to freaking Justin Bieber :facepalm:)


Then for family, they know about my obsession, but it annoys them.


Sister: Okay, they're good, but not THAT GOOD. So stop obsessing over them so much, idiot. (Gee, thanks -_-)

Dad: He sounds like he's dying or something when he sings (:facepalm:)

Mom: Meh... What's he saying? I can't quite understand.


UGH! :mad:


Then I started talking about Muse to the kid I like, and he told me how he saw the Uprising video. His reaction?


Him: The teddy bears scared me O.o





lolz at the teddy bears :LOL: A friend of mine just thinks they're too processed and synthy (referrin to uprising) and that they weren't raw enough. :facepalm: I told him to check out showbiz but he refuses. He likes Oasis though so... :rolleyes:

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My boyfriend says that Matt sounds like a dying cat...and when Uprising comes on he'll sing along, but as a dying cat. "Meeeoooooooooow be victomeoooooowious". :LOL:


Or the part in Uprising where it's the guitar and the lyrics "So come on!" He likes to add "my face". Yeeeeah....

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Because they haven't won a grammy. - says one of my friends.




They've won so many others its not funny, tell em about that!


Yeah, I tried that and Execution Commentary. She refused to listen to them "because they're Muse, that automatically makes them shit."


This is one of the most common answers I get -_-

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this guy in my econ class said that he didn't like muse becasue matt is too metrosexual. He said he preferred more macho lead singers. Umm...i think the guy in my class is a little gay


ugh, he's so weird. He likes metallica and hard core metal and stuff but he's super insecure about himself. And he wonders why we all think he's gay...

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My friend Aleida refused to listen to them for the longest time because she goes "I hate that boring, generic-sounding alternative shit"


. . . :stunned:


I was like "Clearly you have never actually listened to any of their songs before".


And she admitted that she hadn't really, and I quickly mended the situation ;)


She now at least admits they're "okay" and she has a few of their songs on her iPod... slowly but surely, people! :happy:

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My boyfriend says that Matt sounds like a dying cat...and when Uprising comes on he'll sing along, but as a dying cat. "Meeeoooooooooow be victomeoooooowious". :LOL:


Thats what people are always saying to me. My mum is especially fond of telling me how Matt " sounds like he's being tortured and has really bad indigestion". :facepalm:Some people are just really narrow-minded...:phu:

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