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Ever since i started lurking in this thread, i've had two Muse dreams :D

Well the one i had yesterday was just me getting the mail and listening to Sing for Absolution in the background, but the one i had today was odd.


I was dragged to a jonas brothers concert(eww):mad: and they opened with Knights of Cydonia.:mad: As they're playing i start chanting Muse, while everyone else is cheering for them, but i wasn't heard. :(I was pretty pissed at that point. So I start to play with my camera, then as I'm moving it around I see Dom, Chris, and Matt they're just standing there smiling. For some reason i didn't go after them. Then I got bored so I walked out and i ended up getting a ride to some plant nursery. After getting there i realized i wanted to go back. It then starts raining, and this one chick that i use to know refused to give me a ride. So i then had to run back, i didn't mind though because i love the rain :] As soon as i got there Muse had just finished playing. I was upset because i missed it.:'( I then saw Muse at the bottom and i wanted to go talk to them. As i'm walking down to them i run into Dom. I was like your Dom Howard. And he was like "No, I'm not" and then he smiled. I knew it was him even though he kept on denying it. He insisted he was not Dom, then i look around and I saw someone else that looked like Dom, but i knew that wasn't him. Then Dom said I looked like his daughter or i was his daughter. I don't remember, but it was something like that. Then he kissed me on the cheek, and my dream ended. :(:LOL:

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in my dreams, dom always seems to be my gay best friend :erm: apart from one, but the whole band knew me as a good friend, and i remember i was at wembley, and matt was wearing his HAARP suit with one of the 2001 t-shirts under the suit jacket. i was a bit :wtf: but then they got on stage and played microcuts. :stunned: then i woke up after falling into the crowd.

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I've had a very special dream about Muse (some time ago), and I also think that was my first dream about them ^^

But first, here's a short version of the story behind it:

When I was about to order my tickets for my very first Muse gig in Oslo, they were sold out... And I was down for months because of that. Then, two days before the concert I dreamed this:


Muse had a private concert for me and my class, in a very little place. After the concert I got to talk with them, and we ended up going out and eating together. (and that's about it)


However, when I woke up I had Uprising stuck in my brain. And this strange feeling was growing inside of me. This feeling that I was supposed to go to my computer. So I did, first thing in the morning. And one last time, I checked if there still wasn't a chance I could get those tickets I wanted so badly. And here's the really good part: I could! And two days later I was in Oslo, having the time of my life! Coincidence, or what? :D

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Last night I dreamt I met Dom again during a gig, and then I asked him if he still remembered the present we gave him last February when we met him after a gig at a bar in Singapore (this really happened). Something like this:




And then he said he didn't. I hope it isn't true! :p

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I had a dream that I went to two Muse gigs in one day! :happy:


The first one was in this weird room that had seats all along three walls, and seats in the middle as well, so there was just a thin bit of floor for them to play on. We were watching the intro act, three people (not Muse :p) in red leather and capes doing acrobatics and fire breathing and stuff. I realise now that I didn't ACTUALLY see them play there, but after in the dream I remembered the show, and that they were uh-maz-ing.

Then I was going to the Wembley gig in september (:awesome:), and as it transpires Wembley Stadium is in fact a coach on top of a hill down the road from my house :LOL: Myself and a group of other people made our way up (I fell over and got covered in dirt in the process. I hope it was dirt, anyway), and we all sat in the coach and strapped ourselves in :erm: Then we were watching the OTHER intro, which was a slide show of pictures of space and weird 3-D hexagonal shapes and words kept flashing up over them saying things like "Is this it? Is this all there is? The edge of the universe? Is this the end?" and then I woke up.

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in my muse dream, it went like this:

i had this big ass house, and i walked home from school and matt and dom were sitting on chairs in my living room, my eyes were like o_O wut?!!?!? and from what i remember i went to a friends house to tell her about it, she didnt believe me so i called my house and matt talked to her she took my hand and we bolted out the door back to my house! and we got there and then i woke up :(


i woke up and was like :o I WISH! :LOL:

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Hmm...For the past two months I have been getting ALOT of dreams about Muse....like i have has six or seven now.....maybe eight:LOL:! It's so weird! but i love it! :D :D :D

The best one i have had so far went like this:


I was at some weird sushi restaurant, and it was very cloudy outside, then suddenly i appeared at home, and it appeared to be Christmas time, and it had was raining outside, the back door was open, and I saw the gate open, and Matt and Dom came into the backyard.....then i let them inside and they started talking to me! Then they where about to leave, and i quickly grabed a piece of paper, and i asked for their autograph, then they handed me the paper, and I said goodbye to them and ran into my room.

Then i woke up....


I also has a dream about them today, only i can't really remember all of it :(

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I find myself having Matt+Kate dreams a lot...:shifty:


So, I had a dream that Matt and Kate Hudson were together at this boardwalk thing, and Matt was carrying a baby with blonde hair and blue eyes... Then I smashed the baby on the ground, Matt got mad at me, like, a lot, but turns out the baby was made of plastic...He was still mad at me though...:(


And I had this dream where I went to this place where Muse were having a concert and they just stood up there, well, Dom just stood up there, then I saw a rabbit below the stage, so I went and picked it up. Them Matt did that funny laugh at me. So I sat down and some little girl was crying next to me. (Why was she crying at a Muse concert?) So Dom asked for the rabbit back and I noticed a little cage and there was another rabbit that looked like the one I was holding in it and Matt was looking at it so I assumed my rabbit should go in there. But when Dom asked for it back I was like, "No! I want to hold it more!" or something, so he walked away and when I was walking back to give it back to them, I woke up.

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I had a dream about the Roswell UFO crash and the aliens were Matt, Dom and Chris and to start building their fan base they mind warped people. They use their powers to make them even more epic than they really are. All of Matts theories about aliens and space are true, but no one believes him (if you've seen Roswell, you will understand) :rolleyes:

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I dreamed I was in some random garden, and then I walked out and I was suddenly in an arena and Muse walked on stage.


They played Cave and Showbiz, and then they started playing Fillip and I was like :eek: WTF is this and I woke up because I realized that I must have been dreaming :(

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i had a dream a couple nights ago that i met matt and dom at some festival. i just remember following them in this weird outdoor place that reminded me vaguely of stonehenge. then all of a sudden dom turned around with a camera for pictures. matt and i took one first...and he basically sat on my lap so i didn't tower over him :LOL: (i'm literally almost 6ft tall, it would be bad). and dom roared with laughter the whole time, but i just sort of stared into matt's eyes :$. it was awkward. then dom and i's picture was us hugging like we'd known each other since birth with creeper faces. think ceiling dom. :LOL:

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Chris was hanging out with me for a while in my dream last night. We were best friends. And Matt and Dom kept showing up, stalking us in these silver limos with glitter all over them. Chris and I would call out to them but once Matt and Dom figured out that we saw them, they'd get back in the car and drive away really quickly. But they'd just show up again 5 minutes later :LOL:

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Only one I can remember off the top of my head is one where I was at a Muse concert and ran into a girl (no one specific, cant even remember what she looked like) and we started talking and kind of hit it off from there. So we hung out the whole concert and rocked out to Muse together and it was pretty awesome.

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