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Weirdly though as a Setlist it's pretty comparable to night 3, which was the better of the pair of dates that was the 11/12th. Why this band can't write consistently good set lists we'll never know, though.

A little - Sunburn is better than Feeling Good, but Stockholm is better live than Hysteria, so its about 50/50.

It's no Oakland.


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Did they looked half arsed tonight?


After Supermassive, yes actually imo.


As the set went on, I really started to get the feeling they were in a rush to get off. Stockholm barely had any riffage to it (just a half-arsed Township) and Matt sounded a bit 'off' for bits of The Globalist and TAB. Might've had something to do with the (extra) late start and the fact that it looked like loads of people started walking out at the start of TG.


Map was great though, first time seeing Maggie's Farm :awesome:

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Wasn't that bad. Just feeling good that let it down.


i was still slightly disappointed even though I knew Assassin wouldn't be played two nights in a row


Nah we weren't a song short, they played 20 (including prelude and isolated system) which is normal when they don't do Interlude.

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Tbh, the show/the spectacle is immense.


And Psycho > Reapers > Map > DI > Plug In Baby > The Handler is a great opening run.


However, SMBH (a bit yawn now), Starlight (really yawn now without guitar...), Feeling Good (jskgbidhgfhlbfsjkalsfa), Munich Jam (uninspired), Madness (yawn, plus he can barely sing it) was just so dull.


SS was perky enough, but then it was TIRO and Uprising which sounded exactly the same as they have for the past xx amount of years.


The Globalist LOOKED amazing, I still don't like the song at all really. Loved how the visuals got more and more menacing, they're pretty grizzly.


Take A Bow was absolutely brilliant, Mercy was great too - that song actually stands up very well live, and all the confetti/streamers are fun.


Knights was Knights.


Don't get me wrong, the problem is certainly a great deal mine rather than Muse's, but I find tonight hard to reconcile after last night's set :(. I've still never seen Assassin.

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I think the thing that annoyed me with this show was that I lowered my expectations based on Assassin/AP last night, and still walked out a bit disappointed? Like, the other residencies had songs introduced to the rotation for the first time / changed up immensely, but by london the novelty seems to have worn off for the band and they're just going through the motions. Makes me wonder if I'd ever do "this" again. One or two shows is still a pretty good experience but it doesn't seem there's payoff for 'gambling' unless you go 'all in' - I'd have done better if I didn't drop £80 on this show, for example, because at least then I'd have seen tonight's songs (apart from feeling fucking good) already and be none the wiser that I'd just missed out.


Though it is nice to have 2x Map and 2x TAB added to the 'seen' list.

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I saw that several of the costumed guys go under the stage, and they usually are dressed slightly different.

Honestly, how else would the band member that is on the far end at the beginning get there, I suppose?


I'm still laughing thinking they were trying to take out Jobby before his request got played. :chuckle:

Poor guy.

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