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I managed to get the whole way through Aftermath for the first time yesterday! The other two times I've tried it I had to switch it off through sheer cringing.


NOPE. Still sounds like a Gary Barlow reject. How can the same album have that dross and Reapers and The Handler?? :noey:


Agreed, I don't know if I can ever force myself to listen to it again. Especially disappointing because the beginning of the song is so promising.

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I genuinely feel a slight tinge of embarrassment and disappointment every time I remember Aftermath exists.


I feel more dissapointed as the beginning is promising, it has a great guitar work in my opinion, but the chorus and the christian rock ending is just blooody awful.

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After nine months since its release, I can say Drones is quite successfully standing the test of time for me. It isn't the absolutely best Muse' album to date, but to me is sounding more and more cohesive and solid. I even like Aftermath very much, but I wish they could've replaced it with another song, maybe with a "higher voltage" ballad in the style of Invincible.

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One man's 'cohesive artistic proposition' is another man's tacky clichéd thought vomit.


Srsly, Drones is about as intelligent or thought-provoking as the contents of a 12-year-old's Live Journal.


Thankfully, it's got some musical intrigue to bring to the table.

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Maybe no B sides is a good thing, they could've ended up just being remixes or Prague quality :LOL: They could've left Revolt and Aftermath off the album and made them the b-sides.


Also, if I was in their shoes, I would have added another heavy track between Psycho and Mercy, carrying on with theme of the first one. Maybe the whole album could have taken benefits from it.

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Aftermath is probably my least favorite song on the album, but that doesn't mean to say i hate it. Apparently I read it was written for Robert John "Mutt" Lange, a kinda homage. With that in mind I respected it more. I don't get the hate for 'Revolt' though, I really like this track. It has a B-side feel, reminded me a little of 'Crying Shame' or 'Easily' a little.

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I don't get the hate for 'Revolt' though, I really like this track. It has a B-side feel, reminded me a little of 'Crying Shame' or 'Easily' a little.


But sadly both Crying Shame and Easily don't have rocket launchers in their videos. Everything is better with rocket launchers. Thinking about it, they don't even have a video to begin with.

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