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I've tried to like this song, honest, but after numerous listens I have come to the conclusion that it sucks. It sounds like a B side and worse still, its middle of the road radio 2 friendly AOR. I would go so far as to say it the worst song on any Muse album so far. (Neutron Star Collision not being on any Muse album). Guiding Light gets some stick, but it was surprisingly awesome live. I can't see the same happening with this song -I think its those cheesy backing vocals and the U2 style guitar that kills it for me. Just my opinion, don't slay me for it.

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I've tried to like this song, honest, but after numerous listens I have come to the conclusion that it sucks. It sounds like a B side and worse still, its middle of the road radio 2 friendly AOR. I would go so far as to say it the worst song on any Muse album so far. (Neutron Star Collision not being on any Muse album). Guiding Light gets some stick,


Good good, I'm with you so far....


but it was surprisingly awesome live.


...aaaaaaaand you've lost me.

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Good good, I'm with you so far....




...aaaaaaaand you've lost me.


I know, I wasn't expecting to like it, in fact I almost used it as the "take a leak" song, but Feeling Good was just before it so that moment had passed. I remember saying afterwards, "that was surprisingly good". Birmingham NIA 2009 I think it was.

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So I downloaded the instrumental version of the 2nd Law and I'm listening to Big Freeze and I'm hearing some extra instrumentation that wasn't on the album.


There are noises that sound like an old Atari throughout the song that would have brought the cheesiness of this song to new levels if they were kept on the album.

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So I downloaded the instrumental version of the 2nd Law and I'm listening to Big Freeze and I'm hearing some extra instrumentation that wasn't on the album.


There are noises that sound like an old Atari throughout the song that would have brought the cheesiness of this song to new levels if they were kept on the album.


I actually like it a lot better. Would have helped make it sound less like U2.


Keep the video game instrumental part, and remove the silly background vocals, and it would have been a song I enjoy.

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Well then at least it will have more momentum than Guiding Light did, live.


...pretty sure that Nishe had more momentum live than Guiding Light. :chuckle: At least at the gigs I went to.


Back on topic, this song got my mom's seal of approval, joining the illustrious ranks of Supermassive Black Hole, Uprising, Knights, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Follow Me, Madness, and Save Me. :facepalm:


It's still growing on me though. :awesome:

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This song would have been far better had it only focused less on the constant guitar strumming and more longer chords.




The verses are a bit mjeh, but I really like the chorus, been hearing it in my head when I wake up the last four days for some reason haha

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The song is lost on me until the "hear me" chorus comes in which is gorgeous.


This song would have been far better had it only focused less on the constant guitar strumming and more longer chords.





Does anyone who is into Coldplay think the very end of the song reminds of A Hopeful Transmission a bit? :)


People actually listened to Mylo Xyloto?

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