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I've discussed it before (although I'm not sold on Defector as "rock" :chuckle: )


We went from the end of T2L with Matt saying specifically that the next album would be "back to basics" rock, would sound like Yes Please and Agitated, that B&H and SS weren't on Rome because that was the direction they were going in in the future, talked about how they were "getting into the mindset" of OoS and Abso for Drones, writing sequels to CE...


Then they do a handful of heavy festivals, and then wtf happens with their own tour?!?

(Also why fans on the early legs couldn't realistically have anticipated what the tour was like.)

Half of the Drones "rock" songs you listed weren't even reliably played on the tour, and Matt himself said he was surprised Psycho was popular, and thought it would be more of a "deep cut."


It ultimately feels like the album was an attempt to draw back in those "old fans" while the tour (and singles) showed that they feel it's still more important to be mainstream accessible outside of their "deep cuts."

(And after trying to cater to those older fans, they by admission refused to play a song or two for them.)

I feel like we got the ol' bait and switch.

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OOS > Abso > Hulla > BH&R > Showbiz = Drones > T2L > TR in terms of heaviness.


Think I've said before that I'd quite like to see them go for an electronic/pop rock record next though, just wary about them getting it to work live (tho I'm sure stuff in the vein of Lies would go down well).

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u jokin


Gimme more Easily, UD, Lies, Dead Inside, Supermassive, Revolt, Glorious, IBTY, Map and Bliss any day.


MK might be pushing it a bit, but I'd say MOTP contains electronic elements. Whilst not directly electronic, the guitar part (with the effect included) sounds electronic-y. I'd say the same with MK (to an extent)


I'd class Map as Electronic Rock, sure. Matt's guitar effect is probs the main hook/drive of the song and it pretty much solely relies on a heavily automated MIDI program throughout. MK's a bit more of a stretch though, I agree.

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What is it about Space Dementia, like, honestly? It's not really high-register on vocals, so no excuse there. It's not really a deep cut, it was always one of the most well-known songs in their gigs when it was a regular... I understand dropping something like MC, Showbiz or MM because, well, show some mercy(this is not a pun) to Matt's voice for crying out loud.


I just want it back :(

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