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Most of the Muse dreams Ive had are very similar, it is always something to do with me having my own private gig. Once, I was stood in the middle of a huge Stadium by myself at the barrier, watching the show. Crazy! :LOL: Although, there was one I had, and Matt, Dom and Chris were walking down an empty street and I could see them from a distance but my vision was blurred and I ran towards them and they became clearer and clearer. I asked for autographs and pictures and Matt was like, 'Sure! No problem!'.. as usual, the dream was at the best part and then I woke up. :(

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I had a dream last night I had tickets to a show at the O2 Arena and there was a big stage covered in TV's with two giant Christmas trees behind it. Then the lights went down and there was a flying arrow from a bow that hit one of the trees with a zipwire hanging off, and Matt entered the arena on that.


There was also a lake at the back of the stage and Chris bounced out of like Aquaman, and I remember Dom entered in a strange way but I don't remember what.


They then met on this stage right in the middle of the arena with TV's and burning trees and played a song called "Let's Roll Like We Used To", which I know is a Kasabian song but it didn't sound anything like that song, then another new song called "The Un..." (I didn't get the end), and Supermassive Black Hole.


That's when I woke up. I love the idea of the stage show though. Very Hunger Games.

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I had a dream that I was at some festival seeing Muse (pretty calm crowd as if they were an opening band). Then Micro Cuts came on and I got all excited. Then of course I woke up and remembered I'll probably never see that song live ever.

What surprised me most was how real it sounded. I hadn't been to a concert in a long time so I didn't expect to dream of such a realistic gig, especially for a song I'd never even heard.

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I had a dream that I was at some festival seeing Muse (pretty calm crowd as if they were an opening band). Then Micro Cuts came on and I got all excited. Then of course I woke up and remembered I'll probably never see that song live ever.

What surprised me most was how real it sounded. I hadn't been to a concert in a long time so I didn't expect to dream of such a realistic gig, especially for a song I'd never even heard.


Wasn't it in the last stream? Probably from that then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I saw that I was going to see Muse. Basic. But when I got to the arena/stadium (I don't know which of them) the arena was almost empty, something like 50 people. My sister was sitting and I was standing. I winked to my sister to stand with me, and my sister just walked down from the audience :D


We just walked to the front row and soon Muse came to the stage. They played couple of songs and we sang along. Suddenly there was a farmhouse, a barn and bikes on the stage, and I was like wtf. Then Dom started to ride a bike around the stage. Matt and Chris were standing still and they seemed to perform some play...? And then some weird music started playing in the backround. And then everybody left from the audience, but we stayed.



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Last night I had THE most awesome dream, you know one of those dreams where it's just so nice and then when you wake up you're grumpy and pissed at the world for the day. So anyway, this is what I remember:


I was walking out of an arena or something, having just watched a gig (I didn't dream about the actual gig, but I assume it was a Muse one). Then I walk into a room, and there is Matt Bellamy talking to a whole lot of my school friends (who aren't Muse fans) and other random people. I walk into the room just as he says: "And that's basically how the 2nd Law goes." And then they all leave. I was too excited that I was in a room with Matt to ask him what he just told everyone else, so I just like stand there without knowing what to say to him first. And he just sits there drinking, ignoring me. I eventually just told him how awesome he is, and that Muse is my favourite band, etc and that I don't really know what else to say without seeming like an annoying fanboy. I eventually asked him why they didn't play in my country (South Africa) on the Resistance Tour and he said something like the booking agency were going to rip them off :stunned: . Then we just talked about random stuff for a while.


Then suddenly the room turned into my house, and I asked him to sign my guitar and Muse albums. He had some weird long-ass sig that looked all curvy and girly and I just laughed at him. :LOL: Then I asked him where Dom and Chris were and he said they were partying with Tom, but they left him behind because they had a fight. Lol and then I woke up. Sorry about the length.

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Last night I had my first pwoper Muse dream! It was surprisingly long and detailed so prepare for a long and rambling post:



For some reason I was at my grandparents house with one of my friends (who also likes Muse) and I suddenly remembered that I had a Muse concert that night that I had to get to! I started panicking about how I was going to get there in time but then I realised that the concert was actually taking place at my grandparents house :eek: There were only a couple of people queueing up to go into the concert, which was apparently taking place in the dining room :erm: so I figured I had time to go and get ready. I couldn't find my ticket so I spent ages looking for it. Eventually I decided to try and get into the concert anyway but for some reason John Barrowman was there and he shut the door in my face :mad:

Somehow I was able to get into the concert though, and when I did it turned out that my grandparents' dining room had been transformed into the size of a football stadium and there were thousands of people there! The stage was huge and OTT (well it IS Muse :rolleyes:). For some reason me and my friend were allowed to go straight to the front even though we had no tickets :D

Now for the concert itself :LOL: Where to begin?

It was completely insane. The first song was like some sort of weird opera, with a huge choir behind the band singing incoherent chants. The band members rose up one by one on these pedestals that came up from below the stage :eek: First was Chris, who was dressed like some Herculean Greek hero. He kept repeating "Supremacy! Supremacy! Supremacy!" while the choir chanted. Then came Dom, dressed as a glam rocker (:rolleyes:) and this brought a huge cheer from the fangirls. Then Morgan rose up wearing a sparkly suit and a mask that covered his face. He was carrying a guitar and everyone thought he was Matt so everyone started chanting Matt's name! Finally, Bellamy himself appeared... he was wearing some kind of 18th century period outfit complete with huge curly wig! :eek: Everyone gave the biggest cheer yet, and the show continued with a couple of new songs (which I don't remember :(). There were also foam cannons that continuously sprayed everyone with foam! Oh, and Rowan Atkinson came on stage in character as Blackadder :awesome:

After a couple of songs, a fight started in the audience and Matt ordered that the show come to a halt. There was a sort of intermission where security came and dealt with the troublemakers, and during this time Matt came down and started talking to people in the audience! Because me and my friend were very close to the front, I was able to shout to him "Hey Matt, any chance of a sneaky photo before you go back on stage?" My friend was absolutely stunned, but he agreed to hold the camera while I put my arm around Matt. He was ridiculously small, only coming up to about half my height :chuckle: I remember saying to him: "All the pictures of you I've seen on the message board must have been photoshopped!" He asked me what my favourite album was and me and my friend both said Absolution. Then he said that was his favourite album too! :awesome: I asked him if they were going to play any old songs and he told me the concert would only be songs from The 2nd Law :mad: I got mad and started yelling at him to play Muscle Museum but he started getting further away into the crowd and then I woke up :(


I put it in spoilers because it was so long lol

Edited by DifferentPerson
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Last night I had my first pwoper Muse dream! It was surprisingly long and detailed so prepare for a long and rambling post:



For some reason I was at my grandparents house with one of my friends (who also likes Muse) and I suddenly remembered that I had a Muse concert that night that I had to get to! I started panicking about how I was going to get there in time but then I realised that the concert was actually taking place at my grandparents house :eek: There were only a couple of people queueing up to go into the concert, which was apparently taking place in the dining room :erm: so I figured I had time to go and get ready. I couldn't find my ticket so I spent ages looking for it. Eventually I decided to try and get into the concert anyway but for some reason John Barrowman was there and he shut the door in my face :mad:

Somehow I was able to get into the concert though, and when I did it turned out that my grandparents' dining room had been transformed into the size of a football stadium and there were thousands of people there! The stage was huge and OTT (well it IS Muse :rolleyes:). For some reason me and my friend were allowed to go straight to the front even though we had no tickets :D

Now for the concert itself :LOL: Where to begin?

It was completely insane. The first song was like some sort of weird opera, with a huge choir behind the band singing incoherent chants. The band members rose up one by one on these pedestals that came up from below the stage :eek: First was Chris, who was dressed like some Herculean Greek hero. He kept repeating "Supremacy! Supremacy! Supremacy!" while the choir chanted. Then came Dom, dressed as a glam rocker (:rolleyes:) and this brought a huge cheer from the fangirls. Then Morgan rose up wearing a sparkly suit and a mask that covered his face. He was carrying a guitar and everyone thought he was Matt so everyone started chanting Matt's name! Finally, Bellamy himself appeared... he was wearing some kind of 18th century period outfit complete with huge curly wig! :eek: Everyone gave the biggest cheer yet, and the show continued with a couple of new songs (which I don't remember :(). There were also foam cannons that continuously sprayed everyone with foam! Oh, and Rowan Atkinson came on stage in character as Blackadder :awesome:

After a couple of songs, a fight started in the audience and Matt ordered that the show come to a halt. There was a sort of intermission where security came and dealt with the troublemakers, and during this time Matt came down and started talking to people in the audience! Because me and my friend were very close to the front, I was able to shout to him "Hey Matt, any chance of a sneaky photo before you go back on stage?" My friend was absolutely stunned, but he agreed to hold the camera while I put my arm around Matt. He was ridiculously small, only coming up to about half my height :chuckle: I remember saying to him: "All the pictures of you I've seen on the message board must have been photoshopped!" He asked me what my favourite album was and me and my friend both said Absolution. Then he said that was his favourite album too! :awesome: I asked him if they were going to play any old songs and he told me the concert would only be songs from The 2nd Law :mad: I got mad and started yelling at him to play Muscle Museum but he started getting further away into the crowd and then I woke up :(


I put it in spoilers because it was so long lol


Hweh, you yelled at him for Muscle Museum.

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Last night I had my first pwoper Muse dream! It was surprisingly long and detailed so prepare for a long and rambling post:



For some reason I was at my grandparents house with one of my friends (who also likes Muse) and I suddenly remembered that I had a Muse concert that night that I had to get to! I started panicking about how I was going to get there in time but then I realised that the concert was actually taking place at my grandparents house :eek: There were only a couple of people queueing up to go into the concert, which was apparently taking place in the dining room :erm: so I figured I had time to go and get ready. I couldn't find my ticket so I spent ages looking for it. Eventually I decided to try and get into the concert anyway but for some reason John Barrowman was there and he shut the door in my face :mad:

Somehow I was able to get into the concert though, and when I did it turned out that my grandparents' dining room had been transformed into the size of a football stadium and there were thousands of people there! The stage was huge and OTT (well it IS Muse :rolleyes:). For some reason me and my friend were allowed to go straight to the front even though we had no tickets :D

Now for the concert itself :LOL: Where to begin?

It was completely insane. The first song was like some sort of weird opera, with a huge choir behind the band singing incoherent chants. The band members rose up one by one on these pedestals that came up from below the stage :eek: First was Chris, who was dressed like some Herculean Greek hero. He kept repeating "Supremacy! Supremacy! Supremacy!" while the choir chanted. Then came Dom, dressed as a glam rocker (:rolleyes:) and this brought a huge cheer from the fangirls. Then Morgan rose up wearing a sparkly suit and a mask that covered his face. He was carrying a guitar and everyone thought he was Matt so everyone started chanting Matt's name! Finally, Bellamy himself appeared... he was wearing some kind of 18th century period outfit complete with huge curly wig! :eek: Everyone gave the biggest cheer yet, and the show continued with a couple of new songs (which I don't remember :(). There were also foam cannons that continuously sprayed everyone with foam! Oh, and Rowan Atkinson came on stage in character as Blackadder :awesome:

After a couple of songs, a fight started in the audience and Matt ordered that the show come to a halt. There was a sort of intermission where security came and dealt with the troublemakers, and during this time Matt came down and started talking to people in the audience! Because me and my friend were very close to the front, I was able to shout to him "Hey Matt, any chance of a sneaky photo before you go back on stage?" My friend was absolutely stunned, but he agreed to hold the camera while I put my arm around Matt. He was ridiculously small, only coming up to about half my height :chuckle: I remember saying to him: "All the pictures of you I've seen on the message board must have been photoshopped!" He asked me what my favourite album was and me and my friend both said Absolution. Then he said that was his favourite album too! :awesome: I asked him if they were going to play any old songs and he told me the concert would only be songs from The 2nd Law :mad: I got mad and started yelling at him to play Muscle Museum but he started getting further away into the crowd and then I woke up


I put it in spoilers because it was so long lol


Hweh, you yelled at him for Muscle Museum.


Now he's not gonna play it on tour because you scared him :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...
WOW! I'm back! I haven't posted here in such a long time! :eek:

Ok, I had a very odd dream last night; I was in the back garden and there were a load of guys arguing and it turned out that we had teams and the opposing team wanted our half of the garden with the pond instead of theirs... :LOL:

Anyway, they had to fight for it; we all had real daggers and swords and we were really gouging each other to pieces! Half way through our 'battle' I found out that Dom was on the other team! :eek: It turned out they had already defeated him... :'(


N'aaww, poor Dom; I'm sad he was defeated but his knife bought me great success! :LOL:


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The other night I dreamed that I was in the ministry of magic and Matt, Dom, and Chris just showed up and started talking to me. They kept proposing I tour with them, and I couldn't say no. They said the only thing was that they wanted to crash at my place and then I woke up....reality is a bummer.

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The other night I dreamed that I was in the ministry of magic and Matt, Dom, and Chris just showed up and started talking to me. They kept proposing I tour with them, and I couldn't say no. They said the only thing was that they wanted to crash at my place and then I woke up....reality is a bummer.


Yes it is.

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these tags kill me everytime!



My first dream about Muse was really short and not really exciting.

I was in the middle of nowhere and it was very cold and misty. Suddenly Matt just appeared and we began to walk. I would lie when I say we "talked"... I just asked him if he wrote the Exogenesis Symphony on his own. He said "yes", I said "awesome" and he thanked me. End of the story...


Funny thing is, I didnt know at all that he wrote it on his own. A few days later I read it somewhere on wiki I think (to increase my fanboy level).

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these tags kill me everytime!



My first dream about Muse was really short and not really exciting.

I was in the middle of nowhere and it was very cold and misty. Suddenly Matt just appeared and we began to walk. I would lie when I say we "talked"... I just asked him if he wrote the Exogenesis Symphony on his own. He said "yes", I said "awesome" and he thanked me. End of the story...


Funny thing is, I didnt know at all that he wrote it on his own. A few days later I read it somewhere on wiki I think (to increase my fanboy level).



I haven't had a Muse dream in so long. :(

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