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It's just about balance. I don't expect the world from them, I do expect to get a broadly fair setlist. But when they're swapping FG in for CE, Resistance in for Map and Revolt in for Reapers, you end up with lop-sided sets.


They just need a consistent approach to set building. And to make their intentions clear for any random one off shows as it otherwise just looks like a massive fuck you to other shows.


Plus, it puts the kibosh on the whole 'rigid set' thing when they just do this all of a sudden...

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And apparently the panic station costumes have been in a box on tour with them this whole time... lmao


Strutting around Paris singing it on Tuesday


'if only they'd play that'

'they wont tho'

'i know'

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I think they very much know what we're like and they love it *shrug*

they know they can't please everyone at every show so this is a Muse logic way of saying we've been heard and maybe setting something up for future gigs.

I splashed out and went to Paris very much anticipating a watered-down drones thing and being happy with that. Until now. Now I want more from my favourite band again - well done Muse, very clever :D just in time for the end of the tour mind...

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I think they very much know what we're like and they love it *shrug*

they know they can't please everyone at every show so this is a Muse logic way of saying we've been heard and maybe setting something up for future gigs.

I splashed out and went to Paris very much anticipating a watered-down drones thing and being happy with that. Until now. Now I want more from my favourite band again - well done Muse, very clever :D just in time for the end of the tour mind...


And if it is not the end of the tour? They clearly had lots of fun during the gig in Montreux, what if they take a month break after the summer festivals, and end this cycle of Drones-tours with a mini-tour like they started it? :LOL: Hope never dies.....


Or really do Australia and then in spring a mini-tour? Hm...:D

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Asia/Australia tour is going to be entirely Montreux-style setlists


Last time they came here we did in fairness get a sort of decent spread of rarities


Perth got one of the best sets of the whole tour with CE, Sunburn and Hyper Music. Melbourne got Fury, Agitated, Map and CE over the two nights. Adelaide got Map and Bliss. Sydney got Butterflies. Brisbane got shafted though.

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I know what you mean in general but hmmm, this isn't (or shouldn't be) true.


I 100% don't believe it's true for the music, or their art in general.

But I completely believe it when it comes to touring.

A tour is the time you spent in person with your fans, promote yourself to new people in the crowd, and just really directly entertain people.


I don't feel like a band should be doing what Muse does right now until they go broke and start doing "reunion" tours in run down casinos.

This isn't a nostalgia tour, it's a current band with actual fans, so this idea that 100% of the crowd needs to know a song in a 10,000 person arena doesn't really sit well with me.

(Matt's trying to justify it sits worse...)


Plus, they really do need fans at some point to further what they do. If Muse wants to cater to people who just know a handful of hits and don't buy the albums, and further alienate people who buy those albums, they WILL basically be doing an albumless hits tour soon. Maybe that's why Matt's so gung ho to stop recording them in the first place.

I don't believe those people are going to keep showing up every few years just to hear those couple of hits except in certain areas. They've already begun to stop in the US, and it appears the band believes in Australia, too.

The tours are somewhat expensive to show up for Starlight and a lightshow.


But, like I said... I thought a lot of this tour was a dick move in the first place (from a US perspective) and it's absolutely not the first time I've heard Matt be disrespectful towards his actual fanbase. I think it was just much more disappointing to see he felt confident enough to say it in public this time.


And I HATE his thing with blurting shit out and constantly getting fans' hopes up, whether it's some sort of tour, coming back to the US, song requests, video releases or whatever.

I don't know if the guy is just nervous, or a pathological liar at this point, but it's rather another sign that he doesn't respect people, and even other members of the band and crew have started saying he's just bullshitting and shouldn't be believed.

Edited by SerpentSatellite
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Review of Montreux gig in 'Blick' Daily Swiss newspaper...



put through Google Translate:


"Matthew Bellamy... The petite Muse boss served still guitar, piano and levitates his voice in adventurous spheres. But now he leaves his instruments live ever his keyboardist in order to stage only with micro as Rockstar and conductor of the fan masses... Muse offer a rock thunder before the Lord....


Impressive as Dominic Howard spanks his furs."

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Another person who never posts jumping in to add to the discussion. I was also gutted when I saw the setlist from Saturday night. For me it's not even really the songs themselves (I don't think I will ever hear Micro Cuts live), as much as it is just trying to figure out WHAT THE HELL IS GOING THROUGH THE BAND'S HEAD when they pull this kind of shit. I mean, I'm happy for the handful of hardcore fans that were there, but you can't tell me that "most" of that crowd knew those songs. They played those songs because they wanted to, not because they thought it was a crowd that would "receive it well." That's mostly what I have an issue with as far as Matt's replies on twitter. He seems to have a hard time realizing that a crowd's enjoyment/engagement with the band is going to be different when it's actual Rock Songs being played in a small venue compared to an arena gig when you play Resistance and Madness back to back (see dead US crowds). I mean, what the hell does he expect?


I'm one of the idiots that goes to a bunch of gigs but I don't complain about the setlists (other than a "sigh, I'm getting so sick of TIRO" comment every once in a while). I know what I'm getting into. I go because I like the entire experience and I like to travel. I know that chances are I'll be seeing the same songs every gig and I'm OK with that. It sucks to reach this level of acceptance/low expectations and then get a bomb dropped like Montreux. Their randomness is infuriating.



Only thing there is you'd be relying on Matt/Muse to pick those songs using their own definition of 'rare', which could easily end up being Eurasia, Map, Blackout, Animals, Supremacy, Panic Station, UD, Revolt and Defector :chuckle: On a personal level as well, if there can be only one winner, I'd be worried about it just being CE at every gig.


If they were to do a small tour specifically dedicated to the idea, I might suggest doing a single poll of every song bar the every-gig-ers (Knights, Uprising, etc.) and any outright unplayable stuff. Whatever the Top 10 is, rotate between them throughout the tour with, say, 4 every night. Or just use the Top 5 and play all of them at every gig.


I was thinking maybe the band could come up with a pool of 15 rarities. Put 5 from the list up for vote for every gig and rotate. Don't put the same 5 up for vote for 2 gigs in a row. Let us vote for 2-3 every gig. That would be my ideal solution. Otherwise I like your idea. I just know that CE would win. Especially here in the US where it doesn't really get played. If the band would actually rotate from a decent-sized pool of rarities and not end up choosing a top 3 that they do over and over (see AP, CE, Bliss) then it would be great.


Matt's original "arena tour and clubs/theaters" would work pretty well, too.


Play an arena gig in a city, play a theater gig in the same city or nearby with a better setlist, give them time in between to set up their overbearing stage show for the next city.


Could be great in the US; play the arena gigs in the few cities they still can, play clubs in all the rest of the country in between the big cities.

Spread out the arena ones enough that it's not too terrible of a drive between them.


This is my dream and it is perfect for the US. Even if the rumor is true that they will play festivals (well, Lolla at least) next summer....throw in some club/smaller venue gigs and mix up the setlist - it would be perfect. And make up for the half-ass tour they gave us this time around.

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Review of Montreux gig in 'Blick' Daily Swiss newspaper...



put through Google Translate:


"Matthew Bellamy... The petite Muse boss served still guitar, piano and levitates his voice in adventurous spheres. But now he leaves his instruments live ever his keyboardist in order to stage only with micro as Rockstar and conductor of the fan masses... Muse offer a rock thunder before the Lord....


Impressive as Dominic Howard spanks his furs."




Oh yeah there's a petition




'yeahyeahyeah er we listened to our fans and decided we'd do a club tour, tickets £567 each and will be ... just these one or two dates on mars or some shit'

Edited by Gemsy
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Half decent fan made video for the full Montreux gig


Crowd seems decent at the front at least. Psycho went off.


They seems to enjoy themselves so much playing oldies or more rock songs, so strange that they or Matt prefers to play the other ones

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