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Extra thoughts without explanations:


Hardcore fans are a small minority of crowds.

They're also an important minority of crowds.

The hits are going to be played. Muse are a hits band.

If you don't like a large number of known staples their concert might not be for you.

You are not owed a good setlist. That's too arbitrary to compromise.

You are owed a good concert overall. Any band should play every show like it's their last.

Performances, more universally, have been agreed to be too stale.

They don't read the board. Their true interaction has only been a few fan small conversations.

The only setlist that really matters is the one you see yourself.

It's just a band.


Aaaaaah !


The balanced voice of reason :)

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Someone posted it here ages ago at the start of the tour, and another said the band dislikes the US because the crowd only cares about "fucking Madness."

A different fan claimed this fan was a liar, said they had proof, but refused to state it.

I believe the former people.


I've assumed at the point where Matt started inserting a strategic "fuck" into the song, he might have soured on it.

Plus, he can't hit the notes anyways and the song now builds to nothing.


I assume if he was still in love with it, it would have showed up in those small non-US gigs.

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I don't think we're the minority anymore though. In the seats and people behind in the queue/pit, I heard plenty of "Yeah it was good but I've seen all this before"


Who wants go to a show where they're seeing the same stuff with a different stage for $80 once every three years? Even the casuals are getting annoyed by it. If you did TR/T2L tour, you heard Psycho/Reapers/The Handler/Mercy/The Globalist and if you got lucky, maybe Apocalypse Please.

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Got home from Roskilde Festival today and saw this insane setlist from yesterday. Just wow. Even though it was a low capacity indoor gig with just a few lights, I just can't see any common sense in playing THAT many rarities.


And I totally agree with people here questioning why on earth they haven't made a rotation slot of just ONE of these rarities on the 360 tour each night, when they clearly can and will rehearse them beforehand.


Hope they take notice of the critisism and react on it in the future. A normal stadium/arena show followed by a small club show the day after sounds like a cool concept.

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I don't think we're the minority anymore though. In the seats and people behind in the queue/pit, I heard plenty of "Yeah it was good but I've seen all this before"


Who wants go to a show where they're seeing the same stuff with a different stage for $80 once every three years? Even the casuals are getting annoyed by it.


You're a bit delusional.

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I don't think we're the minority anymore though. In the seats and people behind in the queue/pit, I heard plenty of "Yeah it was good but I've seen all this before"


Anyone who has seen them in the past 10 years will have likely seen Starlight at every gig. Doesn't mean they know the existence of Dead Star and Spiral Static.

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I think his main point is that anyone who's seen Muse multiple times, be it casual or hardcore, is getting tired of the same songs being played from tour to tour and that even casuals would like to see something a bit different for once.

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You're a bit delusional.


Buying tickets, getting to the show, lining up, sitting through the opener, possibly traveling/taking off work? That's a lot of effort to get largely the same thing once every three years.


If these arenas largely consist of repeat audiences. How many times are these people going to sit through a show with 5 different songs and a different production before losing interest? It's in their best interests to mix it up assuming people have seen them more than once, which is certainly not just a couple percent.

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Tbf, I know casuals who know plenty of lesser known songs. When I was in school, around the time TR came out, there was a guy in my class who was 100% a casual but absolutely loved ToaDA.


Dead Star was one of my favourite songs before I even gave Origin the time of day.


Another casual I knew used to put Exo-Politics and CE on repeat for an hour at a time. Another guy would come to my friends house to jam, I'd be there with my bass and he was like what to you like, "muse", and the first words out of his mouth were "can we play assassin and stockholm??"


I also have memories of staying the night at my friends house, and then another friend coming in the next morning, going over to the computer and blasting Take A Bow.



Long story short, even if people just mostly listen to the singles, it's still very likely, say, they let the song run on a little passed the end and then when the next one starts they end up really liking it. That used to always happen me at least.


So really all I'm saying is a rare album track wont necessarily be lost on all but hardcore fans.


Edit: Probably not a good representative overall. Muse were actually incredibly popular in my town around the release of TR and the months before. I remember being in school one day, dudes phone goes off in the hall, the ringtone was Dead Star.

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This has probably been asked and answered, but is there a reason Warner goes after videos of B&H on YouTube and not any of the other songs?


an age-old filter used by warner for some time now.


use a proxy IP / VPN, set it to a non-U.S. country, and access YT while not logged into your YT account.



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Ok my point about hardcore fans was beyond just song knowledge. There's hardcore fans that have never even seen the band live once. What separates the inner fanbase in the dedication. They're the ones who follow the band through their insane moments, that religiously listen to every song they are possibly capable of listening to. Searching up bootlegs, buying the region locked Absolution Tour DVD a year before a region unlocked version is released, spreading the word of the band to others, etc.


These are a minority. Always. Any band, and media, the number of real hardcore followers is going to be smaller than the casuals. But they're important, because they're not just in it for an album or a few songs, but properly in it for the band. If they're recognized they will be the real strength of the following.

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I don't think we're the minority anymore though. In the seats and people behind in the queue/pit, I heard plenty of "Yeah it was good but I've seen all this before"


Who wants go to a show where they're seeing the same stuff with a different stage for $80 once every three years? Even the casuals are getting annoyed by it. If you did TR/T2L tour, you heard Psycho/Reapers/The Handler/Mercy/The Globalist and if you got lucky, maybe Apocalypse Please.


This. Even my dad, who's only been to one Wembley show once, said it sounds dull to see the same songs all the time.


I expect (and adore) the staples. I get so excited about Dead Inside and Madness. But all this bitching - it's not a big ask, it really doesn't take much to make us really really happy with the gigs we see, whether we've been to 2 or 200 gigs doesn't matter - We don't need a whole fuckin rarities tour fr the 'proper fans', there's no need. Just DON'T SAVE ALL YOUR DEEP CUTS FOR ONE






without telling anyone




Ok my point about hardcore fans was beyond just song knowledge. There's hardcore fans that have never even seen the band live once. What separates the inner fanbase in the dedication. They're the ones who follow the band through their insane moments, that religiously listen to every song they are possibly capable of listening to. Searching up bootlegs, buying the region locked Absolution Tour DVD a year before a region unlocked version is released, spreading the word of the band to others, etc.


These are a minority. Always. Any band, and media, the number of real hardcore followers is going to be smaller than the casuals. But they're important, because they're not just in it for an album or a few songs, but properly in it for the band. If they're recognized they will be the real strength of the following.




And they know what we want after ten years of everyone bitching at them and constantly requesting fuckin dead star. Liek I said befoer, it's not one or the other, it's not a big stadium full of casuals OR a club full of hardcores, it's ALWAYS a blend, and it makes sense to ALWAYS cater to all of us... just throwing a little sprinkle of rarities in at every show would keep us sweet.


fucken... sweet > salt

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Say they do start playing idk Spiral Static every few gigs. How long before someone starts moaning "that's great but I really want to hear Con-Science instead" - btw I looked it up and that one has never actually been played live at least not in the era when anyone cared enough to record it was played. Even with my 16 years in fandom I learned something today! Anyway, that says to me it's unlikely to ever be played. Or how about some gigs get Spiral Static but your gig gets Futurism but you like Spiral Static more. It's happened to me...songs I like have been played at gigs I wasn't at but equally I've heard stuff other people didn't necessarily get.


I feel like Muse can't actually win this one with everyone unless they do end up doing a one-off tour of request gigs. And even then I reckon there'd still be complaints if they had to bin off one or two because they're out of practice or don't really want to play that one for whatever reason.


Also if it's a small venue how many people are going to do what a few did last time and moan that "casuals" got all the tickets. How do you decide who is worthy? I mean, I know for that one you had to be signed up to the website but there's accounts on there that have been inactive for years but if they got the email they were entitled to try for tickets. I just think it's another way to potentially bring out the pettiness among some folk.

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Did you mean Spiral Static or Con-Science? The former has been played live at least.


But yeah, I'm pretty sure people were complaining when they "only" got Dead Star as biggest rarity a while back. Or Citizen Erased is a good example.

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So really all I'm saying is a rare album track wont necessarily be lost on all but hardcore fans.


Know exactly what you mean, one of my flatmates (one of the two awesome ones) from last year knew Assassin (and the rest of BHaR), but didn't really know any of the other tracks. Some big tracks he didn't know, surprisingly Stockholm.


Someone else I know (that saw them at the last Manch gig I went to) had only heard CE once before the gig and had never heard Darkshines despite saying Muse are their favourite band.

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Definitely but that's the beauty of it, pot luck, and that's the fun of it, that's what'll keep us bitching here for another 15 years :D instead of just hoping we get bloody Stockholm Syndrome instead of Uprising (or whatever, dunno about exact typical song rotations but do know they've been boring for years)


And I think that was the whole point in that gig last night too, to keep us buzzing through the quiet months... there's no way this wasn't planned to rile us up, they get song requests all the time, even if they don't read this whingefest they knew exactly what we wanted and I can just hear Matt saying it, 'let's play them all in one gig and see what happens, trollolololol'... like I keep saying it's not a coincidence he was ready to reply on twatter last night.

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Say they do start playing idk Spiral Static every few gigs. How long before someone starts moaning "that's great but I really want to hear Con-Science instead" - btw I looked it up and that one has never actually been played live at least not in the era when anyone cared enough to record it was played. Even with my 16 years in fandom I learned something today! Anyway, that says to me it's unlikely to ever be played. Or how about some gigs get Spiral Static but your gig gets Futurism but you like Spiral Static more. It's happened to me...songs I like have been played at gigs I wasn't at but equally I've heard stuff other people didn't necessarily get.


There are people like that. But The 2nd Law tour was an interesting setup in that people were actually positive. Not without criticism but the net attitudes were good. So I think it is possible to still "win" in some way.

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There are always, always going to be people who are petty and bitchy, it's just a shame that they tend to be so loud.


but it's a normal thing for fans to do, especially in this fandom. You aren't gonna have a fandom without conversation and you can't have conversation without an ability to mock and question the band and their decisions. Hundreds of different groups of people have passed through this forum over the years and we've always had it. I spent most of tuesday with people i've never met before going 'oh FFS. THIS FUCKING BAND'. :LOL:

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This. Even my dad, who's only been to one Wembley show once, said it sounds dull to see the same songs all the time.


I expect (and adore) the staples. I get so excited about Dead Inside and Madness. But all this bitching - it's not a big ask, it really doesn't take much to make us really really happy with the gigs we see, whether we've been to 2 or 200 gigs doesn't matter - We don't need a whole fuckin rarities tour fr the 'proper fans', there's no need. Just DON'T SAVE ALL YOUR DEEP CUTS FOR ONE






without telling anyone








And they know what we want after ten years of everyone bitching at them and constantly requesting fuckin dead star. Liek I said befoer, it's not one or the other, it's not a big stadium full of casuals OR a club full of hardcores, it's ALWAYS a blend, and it makes sense to ALWAYS cater to all of us... just throwing a little sprinkle of rarities in at every show would keep us sweet.


fucken... sweet > salt


He knows all it would take to make us happy is a song or two that we haven't seen a million times, that would make the gig something special.

That's why he justified himself by saying he won't, and I found his reasons really unacceptable.

The band marketed themselves in a way that intentionally garnered a lot of casual interest in the tour, for the money and the fame, and then use that as an excuse to crap on their actual fanbase.

I'm dismayed to know he's not ashamed to say that to his fans. He essentially told those passionate fans "I don't care about you."

I mean, wow. :(


And clearly those 99% of fans WON'T keep showing up to expensive gigs to see the same songs over and over again.

The US attendance has been dwindling fast since it peaked in TR, and they've been following suit by drastically cutting back the number of places they tour.


They apparently didn't think they'd make money bringing this tour to Australia, either.


It will happen in other areas. Especially if they keep thinking flashy lights and screens are a substitute for an engaging performance.

Then maybe they'll realized the importance of having a dedicated fanbase. When it's too late.

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Did you mean Spiral Static or Con-Science? The former has been played live at least.


But yeah, I'm pretty sure people were complaining when they "only" got Dead Star as biggest rarity a while back. Or Citizen Erased is a good example.


Con-Science sorry if that wasn't clear. I'm not sure if I remember personally hearing Spiral Static but I know it has been played.


If I have heard Spiral Static I'm annoyed I can't remember cos I quite like that one :LOL: Oh well!

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There are people like that. But The 2nd Law tour was an interesting setup in that people were actually positive. Not without criticism but the net attitudes were good. So I think it is possible to still "win" in some way.


Yeah, this is quite easily the worst reception to a tour that I can recall.

Not just here.

Even some of the really apologist fans are starting to sour on this one.


I didn't get a song I liked at Denver's T2L, while gigs next to mine got Fury and B&H. I got my least favorite Muse song ever.

But the gig was still really good, and at least they were playing some different songs and making an effort to please fans.

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