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Drones Album Reviews

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What's wrong with this statement?


What I mean is that criticism like "they should have made the chorus in Revolt not as poppy as they did", for example, is fair criticism. Not that Muse shouldn't do what they want. Rather that what they do sometimes can be considered bad.

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Does this happen with albums at all? I've never heard of this for music before.


For movies, they sometimes place an embargo on all reviews, never just the negative ones. I don't think you can even do that.The thing is, the movies that they do this for are mostly pretty bad.

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It's harsh in the fact he's given it a C, in my book that's a 5/10


His job is to give a subjective analysis of the album, not to agree with general consensus. Is it harsh of me to think Green Day are wank? Nope! It's just an opinion.

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Reading this, with my mouth open in disbelieve! Such a hater!! :mad:



Still, flashes of that blue spandex suit poke through enough to make this album a decent addition to Muse’s catalog. It will be nice to see some of these songs emancipated from their rigid context and incorporated into the band’s live show, when nobody will really care what Bellamy’s falsettoing about so long as he delivers the sound and the spectacle. And maybe the jaded adult in me is being a bit harsh on Muse’s political aspirations. What they lack in nuance they make up for in enthusiasm, and that’s probably exactly what a 15-year-old kid needs to start giving a shit about the world around him. There’s something to be said for the band that acts as gateway drug, especially when that drug feels like MDMA when taken as directed: inside a stadium filled with thousands of screaming fans.


Yeah omg, such a hater.

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Yea, I mean, take from it what u will! They've given the last 3 Muse albums all "C's" something...


Thank you very much. Just seems to me he doesn't like Muse at all....usually I don't give a sh.. Bout reviews, should stick to this.

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