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Some definitely were. I was having a look, tempted to buy standing tickets for the first night in Manchester, and saw standing tickets pop up for that and a couple of the London dates. They didn't appear 'til 1 or 2 minutes after 9 though (on gigsandtours at least).


Yea, gigsandtours appeared a bit late... I got through to entering my details though, but when I was finished it said something about there being no more tickets available. Then I checked out Ticketmaster and luckily they still had some (and it took me several tries to finally get them, because I was booking on one tab and reserved tickets for the other gig on another tab and apparently the system doesn't like that. So there's a thing to keep in mind for next time...)

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I'm more interested in what an "assault" set would be like if Muse just came out one day with a "we don't care if you know it, we're going to play this heavy rock set" like Nine Inch Nails does, but difference is, NIN fans know the material.


01. Somewhat Damaged

02. 1,000,000

03. March of the Pigs

04. Reptile

05. Terrible Lie

06. Closer

07. Burn

08. Gave Up

09. Disappointed

10. Me, I'm Not

11. Find My Way

12. The Great Destroyer

13. Eraser

14. Wish

15. Only

16. The Hand That Feeds

17. Head Like a Hole

18. Hurt


I didn't see them in 2014 but what's up with the 18 song sets?

26 was generally the standard for the tour I saw them on



18 is fine given that there's no filler. The issue with muse is more that there's only a few good songs in the set, not that the sets are short.

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I was stating a fact that if Europe had VIP, they'd be fucked because they'd sell a million of them so queuing wouldn't even matter, and a lot of them would go to people who aren't die-hard fans (meaning they shouldn't be on the barrier). There wouldn't be a single spot on the barrier if they pulled what they did here over there.



Yeah, how dare they?!

Don't they understand that it's got to be the same people on the barrier every night for each gig, regardless of location?!



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Isn't there a choice to go seated or standing for VIP though? One of my flatmates got VIP for Justin Bieber in the same venue (their music taste is...well, fucking shit is probably the nicest way to say it) and chose to do seated (although had the chance to go standing).

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Isn't there a choice to go seated or standing for VIP though? One of my flatmates got VIP for Justin Bieber in the same venue (their music taste is...well, fucking shit is probably the nicest way to say it) and chose to do seated (although had the chance to go standing).


Not as far as I'm aware. You need a new flat mate.

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Isn't there a choice to go seated or standing for VIP though? One of my flatmates got VIP for Justin Bieber in the same venue (their music taste is...well, fucking shit is probably the nicest way to say it) and chose to do seated (although had the chance to go standing).

Topic already came up yesterday: Unless I completely misinterpreted stuff on the VIP website, it seems that for the European gigs the VIPs are only granted a good seat, not early access to GA.

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Yeah, how dare they?!

Don't they understand that it's got to be the same people on the barrier every night for each gig, regardless of location?!



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Everyone has an opportunity to get on the barrier if they show up early. Don't want to put in the effort? Don't get general admission.


Also we've seen consistently that the ones that are there every night are the only crowds having a good time on the barrier. The VIPs are fucking shit. Look up literally any video on YouTube, it's only the corners (the only places we can get without paying $225, the price of three shows). One girl in front of me (I was first in the queue but gave up my spot to someone who needed it) was snapchatting for every song except Madness/Starlight.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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So the general consensus on the Drones tour, as usual is that it's another "add 1/2 songs to the set and we're happy"? The same bit of feedback that I could literally copy and paste out of a thread a thousand times in 2009/2010?


The difference between a set like every US one after the Canadian gigs except DC, and DC was massive. Beyond all expectations I had for the difference one song can make, honestly. Shit, they can do it playing 16 songs, too.

So yes, what everyone's been saying all along... one freaking song that's for the people who've stuck around with them all this time. I cannot conceive of why they wouldn't want to do this every gig, because it's so, so simple.


I've seen so many on Instagram posting footage of gigs and saying they don't know what this song is but wasn't the light show great or they don't really like Muse but heard they were good live so went to check it out. Not a mindset I really understand.


I dunno, it must be fairly soul-destroying. Performers definitely feed off the reaction of the audience and if the audience act uninterested the gig, be it musicians, a comedian, whatever, they're just not going to be as ... engaged.



They did what they did here intentionally. They got the crowd that THEY solicited. It's only right for them to treat that crowd with respect and enthusiasm, even if it's not the crowd that they wanted; because they could go for a different one, but it wouldn't be as profitable. Don't bite the hand that feeds.

I'm convinced this "we lose money touring arenas in the US" must be pretty damn untrue at this point, or they WOULD just do small gigs since they seemed to love the Webster, and the crowd was way different.

Maybe it's even a pride issue, like scaling down would be admitting failure here.


It's not the crowd's fault. Whether they paid to see a bunch of songs they've never heard because of a pretty light show, or it's just a type of crowd that isn't into moshing anymore (which isn't even that common in the US anymore, anyways,) they paid to be there. They were interested enough to give up their money and time.


And honestly, it gets old with people looking at all the videos and judging how "good" the crowd was.

You don't know how people enjoy themselves. You're not them.

I watched a couple of wide shots of Philly, and the crowd looks like it's asleep. But I can tell you people were screaming and singing so loud during a lot of songs that it was fucking hard to hear. (Also, the overhead speakers are a complete bitch for a lot of GA and it's hard as balls to hear depending on the venue.)

It's just a different crowd.


In Philly, I was near a group of girls who gossiped heavily about Matt between acts, screamed "I love you" and "you're beautiful" and other less savory things at him everytime he was down their way, knew all the songs and albums, and jumped around with their arms in the air for 90% of the gig screaming and flailing. This seems to be what people want in a "good" crowd?

Well, they also universally talked, loudly, during the entirety of The Globalist, completely drowning it out. I'll take a crowd that stands and quietly, respectfully watches the songs, and then cheers afterwards, thanks...

You know, books and covers...


On this note, fans (not you), need to stop taking the things he says as eternal truth. I saw that post on the Facebook group. I think we're all fairly certain they're not going to simply go back to the US for no reason next year rather than start work on the new album.

He also usually says stuff like "Tonight's been really special/this is one of our favourite places/you've been amazing" from what I've seen so it could've just been another fairly throwaway line to butter up the crowd.


I don't know if anyone bothered to video Matt saying this, but it was one of the longer speeches I've seen him give. :chuckle:

I'm sure there's a huge, HUGE chance he put his foot in it again getting people's hopes up about something that isn't going to happen; and "next year" makes no sense at all unless Matt still thinks it's '15.

But, the tone of how he said it sounded actually rather genuine; he sounded a bit apologetic even about the tour being short.

I don't think it'll happen in the slightest. I would wager he got to rambling trying to make his little speech and just articulated the first things that popped into his head. But, it didn't seem like he was saying something just to pander to the crowd.

And c'mon, that's coming from me. :LOL:

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Topic already came up yesterday: Unless I completely misinterpreted stuff on the VIP website, it seems that for the European gigs the VIPs are only granted a good seat, not early access to GA.


If that is true then thank god, hated that idea in the first place.

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Everyone has an opportunity to get on the barrier if they show up early. Don't want to put in the effort? Don't get general admission.


Also we've seen consistently that the ones that are there every night are the only crowds having a good time on the barrier. The VIPs are fucking shit. Look up literally any video on YouTube, it's only the corners (the only places we can get without paying $225, the price of three shows). One girl in front of me (I was first in the queue but gave up my spot to someone who needed it) was snapchatting for every song except Madness/Starlight.


I only had one person (VIP) in front of me, and I was completely okay with my spot. The bigger issue was how damn hard it was to see the band members when they were on the wings, honestly.

Still, I had to queue for 4 hours to get that spot, and it was absolutely agonizing for me, and I'm going to pay for it dearly and I would be lying to say I wasn't a little irritated that someone was able to pay to avoid a queue that likely would have been way easier for them.

I am aware I had the potential to buy VIP myself, but between two people, that would have cost as much as the flights I needed to get out there in the first place.

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So yes, what everyone's been saying all along... one freaking song that's for the people who've stuck around with them all this time. I cannot conceive of why they wouldn't want to do this every gig, because it's so, so simple.


Pretty much this. CE is by far the most requested song it seems - (seriously, does anyone even request anything else? No wonder why they never mix things up...but that's a whole other conversation) - so why not just play it every night, or at least rotate it in with more frequency than they do. I mean 6 times in 26 shows? And only 3 of those were in the US. It might only be one song, but even throwing the 'hardcore fans' (note: seriously makes my insides hurt calling an album track something for hardcore fans) a song like that every show is better than nothing.

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Pretty much this. CE is by far the most requested song it seems - (seriously, does anyone even request anything else? No wonder why they never mix things up...but that's a whole other conversation) - so why not just play it every night, or at least rotate it in with more frequency than they do. I mean 6 times in 26 shows? And only 3 of those were in the US. It might only be one song, but even throwing the 'hardcore fans' (note: seriously makes my insides hurt calling an album track something for hardcore fans) a song like that every show is better than nothing.


There were signs for Bliss, as well. People Tweeted for CE, Bliss, SS, and some stuff like Assassin and MM, but mostly fans were just trying to go for the songs they knew had been played on the tour so far (CE and Bliss, pretty equally.) That makes sense, and they were just asking for shows to be on par with the first few US gigs and especially the Canadian ones, which is more than reasonable. And sort of sad, yeah.


Especially playing that rare song earlier on really changes the tone of the entire gig, too. A lot easier to stand through the Madnesses and Startlights of the gig, no matter how many times you've seen them, or as a "hardcore" Muse fan maybe didn't even like them when they came out in the first place.


But yeah... calling an album track, and known top fan favorite, "hardcore"... Maybe these are the sorts of things they're thinking about when they talk about releasing songs one by one.

Sort of force people to listen to everything...?

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Yeah, how dare they?!

Don't they understand that it's got to be the same people on the barrier every night for each gig, regardless of location?!



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If they tried it here the French fans that follow them everywhere would probably beat the VIP's to a pulp. Either that or it could be sold as part of the authentic Muse gig going experience. :chuckle:

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18 is fine given that there's no filler. The issue with muse is more that there's only a few good songs in the set, not that the sets are short.


Rammstein tends to play 18 song sets as well, with pretty much no rotation at all. But I've never heard anyone complain about their show. (Then again, I don't frequent the depths of their "real fan" message boards, so who knows.)

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I don't know what all the fuss is about in regards to actually getting to the barrier, obviously I'm going to want to try and get reasonably close, but I much prefer being among the crowd and jumping and singing among the crowd... I don't fancy being crammed at the barrier, I feel it restricts that for me. I feel the experience is so much more enjoyable when your in there with the crowd actually moving and feeling the music. This is also a reason why I never went VIP, if they offered a meet and greet then I would have jumped at it, but there was no other reason for me to.


In the past I've also turned up before a show just before the doors have opened and have ended up standing in front of people who have been queuing for hours... I've never seen the point in queuing for hours... I adore Muse, but would never que for just long periods of time,


When it comes to song requests, I really hope they play Glorious or Fury, their probably my two biggest wishes/requests.

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Barrier is about being able to see the band without the obstruction of other people's heads in your way.

Even one person back I was blocked for a bit.


Depends on what you're into, I guess. I don't care about anyone else in that crowd or what they're doing, as long as they don't have their phone in my face or screaming at each other about bikinis during The Globalist.

I personally just want to be able to see up close.

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Barrier is about being able to see the band without the obstruction of other people's heads in your way.

Even one person back I was blocked for a bit.


Depends on what you're into, I guess. I don't care about anyone else in that crowd or what they're doing, as long as they don't have their phone in my face or screaming at each other about bikinis during The Globalist.

I personally just want to be able to see up close.


I agree with the phones, that's something that really boils my swede, is someone watching a show through their phone or whatever other device it is they have. (one occasion someone actually had a IPad)

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Rammstein tends to play 18 song sets as well, with pretty much no rotation at all. But I've never heard anyone complain about their show. (Then again, I don't frequent the depths of their "real fan" message boards, so who knows.)


Can't imagine any other fanbase feeling alienated like hardcore Muse fans do since they're either very heavy rock and on the other end of the spectrum, top 40 pop radio, where the shows are primarily the hits.


I mean if I were to see a band like New Order, I'd be fine getting just the hits because that's representative of the vast majority of their material. I don't feel that way about the live shows Muse has been putting on lately.

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