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Yeah, iirc the hype for Supremacy lasted a good while after the album came out. You've gotta remember that T2L was being praised as being one of their better albums when it released, on here at least. Not sure I could pinpoint when it fell off though, all I know is I was bored of it by the time my Etihad gig came round.


At this point, the general vibe for it live seems to be pretty meh/indifferent from what I've seen on FB, Reddit and the board. Then there are smaller groups who sway towards being particularly positive or negative towards it.

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I still consider T2L to be a good album for the most part. Better than TR.

I started to listen to fewer and fewer songs on it as time went on, but I also played the hell out of it.

I had VERY low expectations going into it, though.


I remember being underwhelmed by most of the songs live, though.

Except Follow Me, which is way better live.

The visuals and energy of the tour saved it though I certainly felt I was waiting for songs I preferred to come up.

I must say, the performance and visuals managed to make me enjoy Animals, so that's pretty impressive as I've never found the song anything other than boring. Was a highlight of the gig for me.


The Drones tour on the other hand managed to make songs I really, really enjoy on album 'meh' through lack of visuals and lackluster performance.

Watching the Madness clip really reminded me how much most of those gigs just felt like a black stage, with people in black costumes, staring at the dark room and crowd behind them.

It might have felt intimate. If the Muse was a band that interacted with their crowd. As it was, it was super awkward, and way too many songs looked and felt the same.

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I like the album more than T2L which is opposite my initial reaction. I still feel that way but the tour I found to be their among their weakest moments. Certainly the worst I've personally experienced with the band. That just really killed all my interest and excitement in the rest of the tour.


There's no point to be pessimistic for the future since there was also negativity after The Resistance Tour which was turned around the following tour. So that can still happen. I just checked out of this era to get over the disappointment. It does make me more wary for next tour though which I wasn't for Drones, and I don't know if I want to attend in this country anymore with how the crowds have become.

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Everyone went berserk for Supremacy and it was nigh-on universally adored, at least for a good portion of the T2L tour.


That said, the descriptions/reviews of it pre-release over-hyped it and it only (in hindsight) sounded as good as it did because the rest of T2L was so bland.



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and it only (in hindsight) sounded as good as it did because the rest of T2L was so bland.


+ not to mention we'd just come off 3 years of TR


(also, completely unrelated side note but thanks for turning me onto Eden Project 2006 a while back as I am now obsessed with that gig and it's become an all-time fave)

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It's weird, but it really isn't T2L I miss, it's the tour cycle. I don't love the album. I find more to like on Drones, (despite the huge bitter disappointments of The Globalist and Aftermath) but the tour cycle for Drones was very deflating. Part of that, admittedly, is that I didn't get to see it. They skipped my area and I couldn't afford to travel. Judging by the sets and performances, it wouldn't have been worth the money.


The Psycho Tour was fun, I enjoyed watching it from afar. Shame they didn't carry that enthusiasm through.

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Thought some news had dropped because the site wouldn't load. Turns out my internet is just garbage


I've had that a couple of times since the LA/studio stuff broke, guess the Psycho Tour really has scarred me :chuckle:


In the words of our eternal tormentor, #soon. I feel it in me bones.


Edit: also, the turnaround between the Psycho video shoot and release was only a few weeks iirc?

Edited by Jobby
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It was the site crashing which enabled me to get Psycho tickets in the first place. I was on a train with a shite signal when the news landed, finally got through to Muse.mu at Waterloo station 45 minutes later on my phone. I grabbed a passerby to write down the presale code on my hand while I was trying to access the ticketmaster link, bec the copy function on my phone wasn't working.


But yes, Muse ticket sales = shaking hands and chest pains.

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I grabbed a passerby to write down the presale code on my hand


Jesus, desperate times :LOL:


As if you still managed to get one after 45 minutes :eek: I ran out to rave at my flatmates as soon as I got mine in and just assumed every other gig sold out in, like, 10 seconds. Remember coming back and feeling so bad for all the people saying they missed out 'cause of the crashes.

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I remember the evening well, for all the wrong reasons. Following a parents evening at my school, I went to the Blackburn Rovers vs Bolton match, which we won 1-0 (Rhodes scored a last minute winner). The happiness I had from the win was distinguished when I realised what I'd missed out on (as I no doubt would've been on here that evening if I wasn't at football).



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Jesus, desperate times :LOL:


As if you still managed to get one after 45 minutes :eek: I ran out to rave at my flatmates as soon as I got mine in and just assumed every other gig sold out in, like, 10 seconds. Remember coming back and feeling so bad for all the people saying they missed out 'cause of the crashes.


Didn't notice until an hour after that something was happening and still got 2... Had quite the heart attack

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Jesus, desperate times :LOL:


As if you still managed to get one after 45 minutes :eek: I ran out to rave at my flatmates as soon as I got mine in and just assumed every other gig sold out in, like, 10 seconds. Remember coming back and feeling so bad for all the people saying they missed out 'cause of the crashes.


Spent about an hour trying to get onto the site myself before it worked. Then my account didn't have enough for 2 tickets so my gf and I had to trek out to Dublin airport because it had the only bank lodgement machine still open in the city. Then she spent a solid hour on the floor of the airport refreshing ticketmaster looking for a tickets. Fun. :LOL: She got it in the general sale the following morning anyway.


Edit: I really hope they realise how much of a catastrophe that whole thing was and give us at least a night's notice next time.


Edit 2: Actually a lot of people I know, including me, saw the announcement but in all the panic misread it and thought the tickets were going on sale the following morning. So I was quite calm. Then my gf was like "you know they're on sale NOW, right?!" and oh boy, the heart attack... :LOL:

Edited by ryanp16
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Oh wow, I had no idea they were available for that long :stunned:


Some of these horror stories are quite reassuring in a weird way then :chuckle: should be easier for me to buy multiple tickets then.


Maybe, maybe not: there's still only a tiny number tickets available for a lot of people trying to buy at the same time. :(

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