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Museic, I find myself agreeing with you again. I must stop it.


I have rediscovered the awesomeness of MK Ultra (and The Resistance as whole after a bit of an absence from my ears.)


The opening riff, the bass and drums kicking in, the breakdown about 1.20mins in, the building return via some heavy riffing to that tasty opening riff...


Yep, awesomeness indeed.




No worriez mate, feel free to go on ;)

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I've considered that possibility. And I forgot to mention, I've dreamt about apocalypse that was caused by alien invasion too. Maybe too much Muse.


Well, only the stupids and the fools think they are completely sane, so don't worry about it.

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Well, only the stupids and the fools think they are completely sane, so don't worry about it.


The apocalypse has always been a common theme in my dreams. Being completely sane is overrated.


The Gallery. That thing should be on the soundtrack to every sci-fi film ever.


Wars between human and monsters/aliens is a recurring theme for many people, aka me, that, and discover ancient ruins or walk for big abandoned old cities.


Cave, favourite song from Showbiz.


I've had that particular dream like 3-4 times. So I remembered a lot.


First it was the chaos,the riot, meteors, the volcano eruption. You know, your textbook apocalypse. :D


And then suddenly, I saw millions of people queueing in front of a river, there's also these big dark buildings. I assumed that this might be my imagination of hell. Or the bridge between life and afterlife. It had the aura of Dante's Inferno. (I'm a big fan of this kind of art :D)


Then, I was inside of a ship and when I looked outside we were going away from earth. It turned out that the big dark buildings were actually spaceships, and all of us were taken by the aliens. It's pretty much like the movie Knowing. But these aliens weren't saving us but were going to enslave us. Funny part is, this moment was where "Madness" started to play.


I must be nuts. But heck I'm gonna stay nuts if my brain could produce such imagination.


Oh, and these week I can't stop playing Hoodoo. The piano is just un-hate-able.

Edited by andiihsandi
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after dipping on my radar for a bit City of Delusion is just such a choon after listening to BH&R a bit more recently.


The rolling toms right before dan the trumpet man starts pharping, the vocals and guitars are exquisite. definately more spaghetti western sounding than KoC.

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Spiral Static.

Started listening to it a few days ago, haven't stopped yet. The bass, the amazing backing vocals and the falsetto is pretty good as well. The low and quiet verses just make the choruses more epic. Would love to see it live.

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