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B) Have you tried eating something gooey sticky and sweet. like a half melted chocolate cookie. That usually works for me.... not that i go aroound eating confetti. Unlike some ¬¬'


C) your a fucking retard.


A) Super powers? :happy:


B) I tried eating a caramel bar and that didn't work but thanks for your input :)


C) Oh the irony. I'm surprised you know as far as C in the alphabet.

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I was hungry

But I had only streamers

Then I decided to eat one

A confetti tongue collision


I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


My mouth is broken

Tastebuds fail to function

You ask for medical advice

But no one wants to listen



The streamers colourful

Confetti looks so good

But you find the taste

Is like Bellamy's semen


Salt is forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Now I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


This is awesome :LOL::LOL:

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I was hungry

But I had only streamers

Then I decided to eat one

A confetti tongue collision


I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


My mouth is broken

Tastebuds fail to function

You ask for medical advice

But no one wants to listen



The streamers colourful

Confetti looks so good

But you find the taste

Is like Bellamy's semen


Salt is forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Now I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


You actual legend.


Neutron Star Collision is a great song, because you can completely cock about with the lyrics.


Thread made yesterday and has like 11 pages? Move to Banter. This is going to get extreme.

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I was hungry

But I had only streamers

Then I decided to eat one

A confetti tongue collision


I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


My mouth is broken

Tastebuds fail to function

You ask for medical advice

But no one wants to listen



The streamers colourful

Confetti looks so good

But you find the taste

Is like Bellamy's semen


Salt is forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Now I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever




This has to be one of the strangest things I've seen since joining and boy I've seen some strange things. :LOL:

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I was hungry

But I had only streamers

Then I decided to eat one

A confetti tongue collision


I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


My mouth is broken

Tastebuds fail to function

You ask for medical advice

But no one wants to listen



The streamers colourful

Confetti looks so good

But you find the taste

Is like Bellamy's semen


Salt is forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Now I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever

Love it!! :chuckle:


This is definitely the best thread ever!! I'm sat here at work laughing my fool head off; I'm sure everyone thinks I've lost the plot! :LOL:

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I was hungry

But I had only streamers

Then I decided to eat one

A confetti tongue collision


I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


My mouth is broken

Tastebuds fail to function

You ask for medical advice

But no one wants to listen



The streamers colourful

Confetti looks so good

But you find the taste

Is like Bellamy's semen


Salt is forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Now I had nothing left to lose

I took the time to choose

Then I ate the streamer

With no idea that...


The salt would be forever

And If I die

I'll still taste that flavour

And I, will taste it ever

Cause salt will be forever


Im in tears. :LOL: :LOL:


This thread wins.

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Guest jessychickin

Dude, you are a legend.. Thanks for making the best thread EVAR & making me nearly piss myself :happy::D:LOL:


And that song... OH DEAR LORD *Dies of laughing*

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