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If the chorus is 'love is foreeeeever' then it'll be terrible.


And that's why it is bracketed, because people are idiots and wont recognise the song from it's title if Matt doesn't sing the title in the song.


:LOL: oh god its going to be terrible :facepalm: ...ahh :(

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guys !! I figure out what NSC will be!

it has to be the studio version of Dead Cuts!

I mean come on...

Neutron Star...well it's a very small very heavy star, anyway the main point is it's small

small=micro=micro cuts

star=dead star

and collision...well it's just a glamorous way to replace the word mix/mash

this must be dead cuts :awesome:

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No, it really isn't.


It went more like this.


Matt reads some article talking about gamma ray bursts and forms some weird analogy about neutron stars collisions in the back of his mind.


Muse write a song in 2009/2010 and aim to record it. The lyrics seem to fit the idea of neutron stars colliding.


They are approached for the Eclipse soundtrack.


They, their management, and their record label think "Yeah, this song will be good on it, plus we can make a lot of money and popularity from all the promotion that this song could never generate on its own".


They have some sort of disagreement about how that will all happen.


The disagreement is resolved, the song and the video are recorded and everything goes ahead as planned.


The band have never said a word against Twilight. They like Meyer and they see the series for the success it is, and are obviously happy to contribute to it, regardless of what some loud, irrational fans say against the series on their message board.

lol come on

do you really have to be so serious about that post

it clearly is a joke

just some fun poking at that abomination

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lol come on

do you really have to be so serious about that post

it clearly is a joke

just some fun poking at that abomination


Wrong. Jokes are by definition funny. That post was just flat out incorrect.


guys !! I figure out what NSC will be!

it has to be the studio version of Dead Cuts!

I mean come on...

Neutron Star...well it's a very small very heavy star, anyway the main point is it's small

small=micro=micro cuts

star=dead star

and collision...well it's just a glamorous way to replace the word mix/mash

this must be dead cuts :awesome:


Extremely wrong.

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To be fair it's borderline impossible to tell if some posters on here are joking/trolling or just really stupid. I remember during the treasure hunt for USOE there were people who believed the song earned from the treasure hunt was like a "fake" version of the song and that the real awesome version was coming soon. :rolleyes:


USOE is already awesome for the record. :LOL:

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To be fair it's borderline impossible to tell if some posters on here are joking/trolling or just really stupid. I remember during the treasure hunt for USOE there were people who believed the song earned from the treasure hunt was like a "fake" version of the song and that the real awesome version was coming soon. :rolleyes::

:LOL: People believed many things, most of them stupid.

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I can see the whole thing going like this:


Muse, "Awesome, we have this totally cool song that needs an epic name."


Matt, "How about Neutron Star Collision, it's totally us!"


Everyone, "That title is made of :awesome:"


Now in comes the Twilight franchise people with a signed contract... the plot thickens.


Lawyers, "We need a song for this shite movie coming out, it's in your contract. We heard you just wrote a good one. Give it to us now."


Muse, "Not Neutron Star Collision! That song is too much awesome for that shite movie!"


Lawyers, "Either NSC or you must write a song for Twilight."


Muse, "Oh NOES!! We can't willingly write a song for this crap, I guess we must sacrifice our amazingly awesome new song. But we can't leave it as just NSC, it needs something that sounds like a shitty teeny bopper, sparkly vampire love story."


Matt, "I know! Let's just throw on 'Love is Forever' and be done with this nonsense."

And that, my friends, is what really happened.


Exactly what I thought.

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Exactly what I thought.


These is one of the posts I was referring to. I'm not sure if you're kidding on or something, but what Niall said really is 100% accurate. Muse don't have any problem with Twilight and openly are very friendly with the author.

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These is one of the posts I was referring to. I'm not sure if you're kidding on or something, but what Niall said really is 100% accurate. Muse don't have any problem with Twilight and openly are very friendly with the author.


I'm sure some people want to believe that the poor Muse guys are doing this because someone put a gun in their heads.

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Personally I really don't get all this hatred for Twilight et al.... I watched it to see what all the fuss was about and I thought it was an OK film, one of the highlights being SMBH.


From what I can understand people hate it because it used SMBH and think that somehow those people that got interested in Muse because of this association are somehow lesser fans.. how come? Does that mean everyone hates the 28 Days films too because they used Shrinking Universe, or indeed the BBC, ITV, SKY, or any other media that has used a Muse song in its programming / filming not to mention the gazzilion adverts that use Muse songs?


If people hate Twilight because it brought Muse to the attention of some people who then went on to think that Muse were awesome why don't the same people hate every single Radio station or TV channel for broadcasting Muse songs?


It is completely irrational.


Surely the purpose of allowing movies, tv, radio etc etc etc to play or use Muse songs is to broaden the appeal of Muse and generate more fans.


The problem with some people on this board is that if you weren't a fan before Absolution or haven't seen them 15 times or absolutely LOVE Microcuts and Citizen Erased then you are NOT a 'proper' Muse fan which actually is just shit.


I am really looking forward to the new single, because it is a new song by my favourite band which, actually, may never of seen the light of day if it hadn't been for Eclipse so surely we should all be grateful.

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It's not even worth taking issue with really. If Muse were contributing music to a movie that promotes racism or deforestation or something bizarre and unlikely like that, it would be a problem. But it's a movie about vampires that teenagers like, Muse will sweep up a hundred thousand news fans, and in 5 years time they will either have left or be integrated into the fanbase.


It's not even like this has stopped Muse from what they would be releasing anyway. Eclipse or not, this song would be released, and the artwork would be less awesome, and it would take even longer to get released. Now though, it is guaranteed success and radio play and a place in set lists for a few years. The only foreseeable problem with the new fans is that Muse may keep pandering to them in the live shows, but hopefully this will be resolved over the Summer and the set lists will be more balanced for all fans, both old and new.


And don't worry about being plagued by new fans coming to spread their fail opinions all over the boards. Moderators exist for a reason and spam and the like isn't tolerated here. We will keep for forums in check.

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Personally I really don't get all this hatred for Twilight et al.... I watched it to see what all the fuss was about and I thought it was an OK film, one of the highlights being SMBH.


From what I can understand people hate it because it used SMBH and think that somehow those people that got interested in Muse because of this association are somehow lesser fans.. how come? Does that mean everyone hates the 28 Days films too because they used Shrinking Universe, or indeed the BBC, ITV, SKY, or any other media that has used a Muse song in its programming / filming not to mention the gazzilion adverts that use Muse songs?


If people hate Twilight because it brought Muse to the attention of some people who then went on to think that Muse were awesome why don't the same people hate every single Radio station or TV channel for broadcasting Muse songs?


It is completely irrational.


Surely the purpose of allowing movies, tv, radio etc etc etc to play or use Muse songs is to broaden the appeal of Muse and generate more fans.


The problem with some people on this board is that if you weren't a fan before Absolution or haven't seen them 15 times or absolutely LOVE Microcuts and Citizen Erased then you are NOT a 'proper' Muse fan which actually is just shit.


I am really looking forward to the new single, because it is a new song by my favourite band which, actually, may never of seen the light of day if it hadn't been for Eclipse so surely we should all be grateful.


Well said. I totally agree.

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TL;DR :p


I don't mind the fact it is in Twilight or the fans that come from it, it's the fact they choose some of Muse's not as good in my opinion songs. Also the majority of 'happy' Muse songs aren't half as good as the darker ones, so Love is Forever is not high in my expectations :chuckle:

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Personally I really don't get all this hatred for Twilight et al.... I watched it to see what all the fuss was about and I thought it was an OK film, one of the highlights being SMBH.


From what I can understand people hate it because it used SMBH and think that somehow those people that got interested in Muse because of this association are somehow lesser fans.. how come? Does that mean everyone hates the 28 Days films too because they used Shrinking Universe, or indeed the BBC, ITV, SKY, or any other media that has used a Muse song in its programming / filming not to mention the gazzilion adverts that use Muse songs?


If people hate Twilight because it brought Muse to the attention of some people who then went on to think that Muse were awesome why don't the same people hate every single Radio station or TV channel for broadcasting Muse songs?


It is completely irrational.


Surely the purpose of allowing movies, tv, radio etc etc etc to play or use Muse songs is to broaden the appeal of Muse and generate more fans.


The problem with some people on this board is that if you weren't a fan before Absolution or haven't seen them 15 times or absolutely LOVE Microcuts and Citizen Erased then you are NOT a 'proper' Muse fan which actually is just shit.


I am really looking forward to the new single, because it is a new song by my favourite band which, actually, may never of seen the light of day if it hadn't been for Eclipse so surely we should all be grateful.


Everything I've ever wanted to say about this subject, but haven't had the time. Well done!


It seems that many so-called 'diehard fans' on this board would like to keep Muse all to themselves, with Matt, Chris and Dom locked forever in their basements, playing OoS on an endless loop.


Tha bottom line is, anything that gets Muse a bigger fanbase is good for the band; let's be honest, they deserve the success. If you don't like the way they do things, go follow a different band. If you think you could do a better job, form your own band!


But don't whinge about new ideas or new directions just because they don't fit in with your 'ideals'. These guys are artists, with more talent in their little fingers than most of us have in our entire bodies. Just let them get on with it... after all, they haven't done too badly over the last 10 years.

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I dont really like Twilight, think its pretty awful. I also dont think SMBH was used well in the first film. Seemed pretty random. Cant really comment on IBTY but the remix was definitely lazy.


But Im still really looking forward to a new Muse song. Thats all that matters really. I expect it to be very cheesy but lets just hope it manages some lyrical depth.

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Fo srs.


As I said way back.. the (Love Is Forever) part of the song title is probably just a line in the chorus which was slammed onto the end of the title because the film producers thought ignorant twilight fangirls wouldnt GET the name "Neutron Star Collision" and that the song needed a name more... on par with them... :LOL:

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