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An indent for Film 4: either I just heard an instrumental of Hoodoo complete with very prominent strings (which sounded great) or an orchestration of concerto 1... not entirely sure as I was in the kitchen when it was on :LOL:

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Not heard as such, but it seems one of the writers of those pointless, timewasting slideshow things on MSN.co.uk is a Muser.


Saw the headline 'Songs about the internet' whilst looking for pointless things to waste my time with at lunchtime today and wondered if it would include a certain Muse track, and lo and behold there it was at no. 3:


"50 bytes per second..."


'Pink Ego Box' was a Muse b-side from the 'Showbiz' era. This editor has long held the belief that the pink ego box of the title alluded to Apple's colourful range of iMac's.


"I've never heard your voice - But I think I like it - When you instant message me"


This song was originally called 'Instant Messenger'.



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My brother who doesn't know Muse, but who plays piano, just started learning Chopin's Nocturne in B flat from USoE. I whistled it all along with him, and made a hint that I had heard it in a song. I plan to get him The Resistance for a present some time, because he should like it.

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