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Time Is Running Out, last saturday in a karaoke bar right around the corner.


It was awful, I was lying in bed, windows open and the whole evening I had to listen to these karaoke nerds. Then TIRO came up and I was like :eek:, :happy:, :stunned:, :mad:, :'(. They completely destroyed it.

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Already heard Muscle Museum when it was a single, then in the OoS-era I heard Bliss and Plug In Baby alot on the telly. Too bad I wasn't into music at that moment, cos I only really started worshipping them when Butterflies and Hurricanes came out as a single... Then I forgot all about them again and because of KoC deciding to NEVER make that mistake again:LOL:


So actually I already knew them when I was 8~ish, but because my education didn't have that much of music in it I only realised I loved them when I was 14, 15~ish:(

Still it's kind of a cool story to tell:D

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I've heard MUSE loads of times on the TV, radio and all that. BUT the very first time ever that I heard it was on a Cruise ferry in Greece called Anek Lines.

We were just approaching Ithaca around 02:00 in the morning and there were some drunk girls (pretty but drunk) that happened to be on the deck at the same time as me. It was windy but damn warm 'cause it was some time in April. And they came up to me and said -in a what sounded like a Russian accent- '' YU NO MYUSE !?!? YU LAIK MUSE !?!? *laugh* MUSE is IT! '' Then they played Newborn of their MP3player and I was spellbound and loved it instantly. We, well they talked to me a bit about MUSE and all that. That moment was so magical and out of the ordinary, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Then seeming as we didn't have all this internet stuff then -like Youtube(is my life)- [i didn't anyway..], well I couldn't access any of their music easily and didn't have CDs. That lasted until about a year later, when, my sister bought a sagem phone that happened to have the Absolution album on it for some extraordinary reason (not FATE. Some other unknown force).

And so, I was hooked, took the red pill.


I was 8. And now I'm 16. And I STILL and will ALWAYS love the MUSE.

Edited by LUWI
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On the British lifestyle program, Supersize v Superskinny. The intro to H.A.A.R.P was played at the start of the program :D I love thid show, been watching it since it started.


Does that count?

intro? lol bit of a wierd choice..


Take A Bow, HAARP, in Head (Zavvi)

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after reading some of this thread about muse played in stores, i was walking through a shopping centre thinking how muse is never played in any stores i go to and then suddenly 'is that... plug in baby?' For about two seconds i couldnt work out which store it was coming from.

:stunned: then i realised it was coming from my bag... i had put it as my ring tone the day before and forgotten about it:$

:facepalm: i fail

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after reading some of this thread about muse played in stores, i was walking through a shopping centre thinking how muse is never played in any stores i go to and then suddenly 'is that... plug in baby?' For about two seconds i couldnt work out which store it was coming from.

:stunned: then i realised it was coming from my bag... i had put it as my ring tone the day before and forgotten about it:$

:facepalm: i fail


I did the same. I walked into a photo shop, going to get my passport picture taken.


Me: Holy shit, is that Futurism? I didn't know they even PLAYED music in photo shops.


Mum: It's your phone.




Buuut.. I just heard Sunburn on Golf: the open. :awesome:

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I heard Starlight being played at PacSun...lol. And I was at a block party and they started to play Hysteria and I was about to scream.

Other than that, I'm the person in my neighborhood who blasts heavy Muse songs like Take A Bow at get togethers or at birthday parties. :LOL:


I heard Futurism once during pit band rehearsal and got really excited...until I realized it was my phone.

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Guest xoxoxo

Hysteria is on the horse racing a lot:LOL:

And Sunburn on the Golf:LOL:


And Assassin was played in an Episode of Torchwood, like the cage fighting one:happy:

House of the Rising Sun was on an ad too, the other day, can't remember which one though/


God I got sick of Feeling Good.

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I heard Map of the Problematique played on an episode of Doctor Who Confidential. I thought that was pretty cool. Two of my favorite things combined. :)


Same! :awesome: They always seem to have Muse songs on confidential! :D


on the tele, american idol :facepalm: and on that shit twilight DUH!!!


someone did it on American Idol? :eek: And Twilight... :rolleyes:


And I heard Sunburn on the golf last night ;)

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New Born in a dokumentation on German TV about couples whose sexlife changes when they become parents :D:LOL:


Hahaa, that's brilliant. "New Born"...indeed. :D


I was in Eastern Finland buying ice cream from a random ice cream stand near a tourist attraction and while the guy was scooping my ice cream I heard Muse playing. I took a peek inside and saw that he had hooked his iPod on some speakers. I thought about commenting (in hopes of a bigger ice cream) but decided against it as I wasn't even wearing my Muse T-shirt. :)

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