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Yes, I do. And it occurred to me that maybe you were literally saying 50 only for presale after I finished typing all of that, having assumed when you said "presale" you meant to blanket apply it. So my bad on that. But at the same time, I find it hard to believe that I happened to know about 12 of the 50 tickets available on presale. If you had said 500, I wouldn't have objected or used it as an example.


I'm well aware that a large allotment of the Mayan tickets was given to insiders, VIP, friends, family. But it was sounding like you were making a claim of like more than half or 3/4 was reserved, which I disagree with and doesn't make sense to me.


Also, your connection sounds like a pretty scummy guy, and even if he has inside connections, doesn't sound like a reliable person--which makes me question his claim of ticket allotments (i.e. sounds like something he'd just spout rather than actually know).


Also, I was unclear, but I wasn't accusing you personally of claiming some people who get into rare gigs aren't deserving, but around these forums, there are definitely some people who carry an elitist attitude or judge others for "how good of a fan" they are based on things like how rowdy or not rowdy they might look on a video taken on a cell phone from a distance away.



That's a little judgmental, isn't it? Who says contest winners weren't hardcore fans either?


But yeah, of course, the tickets available were grossly underproportional to the demand. Even if 100% of the Mayan's capacity was reserved for hardcore fans, there wouldn't have been enough tickets available. It's not like there are only 500 hardcore Muse fans in LA. The moment they announced a show at the Mayan, they were going to disappoint a large majority of their fans who would try to attend the show but not be able to.



You, sir, have problems! LOL :LOL: :LOL:



I'm not exactly saying you're making things up. I'm saying that you're taking tangible, actual events and then inserting your own bias and spin on them in a manner that spirals the negativity. And then that altered state of recollection becomes your reality and memory.


Take your DC show. You were incredibly high and raving about it immediately afterward, commenting on how even just one song could impact the experience so much, plus the band was better, and couldn't have a bad thing to say. But a few days passed, and then you heard Matt's comments, and that colored your view of the show. And then you started posting more negative and critical comments. Because you took his comments personally and then injected your assumption of his motivations into things. And so now, even though you do say the DC show was great and the best one of the US Tour, you post about that show with a lot less positive fervor than initially.


But you didn't feel that way initially (or didn't appear to). And if you had never heard Matt's comments, you probably would have remained exclusively high on the show. But you've admitted as such that Matt's comments soured the show on you. So stow that into the trove of things here and there that Muse or Matt have done over the years to negatively impact your enjoyment of them. And over time, that builds up, and it weighs on you, and you become burdened by it and start to accept as fact the shroud of negativity that you've enclosed around you--with all these incidents as proof. Incidents that, honestly, some people might interpret differently (because they're different people).



Really, all of that was just a commentary on the psychology of the more "egregious" negative Nancy's I've noticed around here. And my remark is that it seems like it's a lot of stress for something that should just be fun, so maybe it's better to not be so fervent, because wouldn't that just be better for you anyway?


But it's your choice to behave and react the way you do to the band and what it does. If you want to be slighted, go ahead, and if not, cool also. I'm not offended by your posts or anything like that, so hopefully, you are not offended by mine either. I'm just making commentary on what I observe. Frankly, this sort of brooding criticism/negativity is a phenomenon with pretty much every enthusiast community I see--being it other bands or Disney or comic books or pro wrestling or politics. It runs the gamut.


I do think you have a point. Constructive criticism is absolutely fair, but when you're deep in a fandom - whether it's on a forum or tumblr or wherever, the negativity really does bring you down after a while. It's happened to me multiple times now. I mean it when I say avoiding this forum has made being a Muse fan much less stressful for me (no offense guys :p).

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Yes, I do. And it occurred to me that maybe you were literally saying 50 only for presale after I finished typing all of that, having assumed when you said "presale" you meant to blanket apply it. So my bad on that. But at the same time, I find it hard to believe that I happened to know about 12 of the 50 tickets available on presale. If you had said 500, I wouldn't have objected or used it as an example.


I'm well aware that a large allotment of the Mayan tickets was given to insiders, VIP, friends, family. But it was sounding like you were making a claim of like more than half or 3/4 was reserved, which I disagree with and doesn't make sense to me.


Also, your connection sounds like a pretty scummy guy, and even if he has inside connections, doesn't sound like a reliable person--which makes me question his claim of ticket allotments (i.e. sounds like something he'd just spout rather than actually know).


Also, I was unclear, but I wasn't accusing you personally of claiming some people who get into rare gigs aren't deserving, but around these forums, there are definitely some people who carry an elitist attitude or judge others for "how good of a fan" they are based on things like how rowdy or not rowdy they might look on a video taken on a cell phone from a distance away.



That's a little judgmental, isn't it? Who says contest winners weren't hardcore fans either?


But yeah, of course, the tickets available were grossly underproportional to the demand. Even if 100% of the Mayan's capacity was reserved for hardcore fans, there wouldn't have been enough tickets available. It's not like there are only 500 hardcore Muse fans in LA. The moment they announced a show at the Mayan, they were going to disappoint a large majority of their fans who would try to attend the show but not be able to.



You, sir, have problems! LOL :LOL: :LOL:



I'm not exactly saying you're making things up. I'm saying that you're taking tangible, actual events and then inserting your own bias and spin on them in a manner that spirals the negativity. And then that altered state of recollection becomes your reality and memory.


Take your DC show. You were incredibly high and raving about it immediately afterward, commenting on how even just one song could impact the experience so much, plus the band was better, and couldn't have a bad thing to say. But a few days passed, and then you heard Matt's comments, and that colored your view of the show. And then you started posting more negative and critical comments. Because you took his comments personally and then injected your assumption of his motivations into things. And so now, even though you do say the DC show was great and the best one of the US Tour, you post about that show with a lot less positive fervor than initially.


But you didn't feel that way initially (or didn't appear to). And if you had never heard Matt's comments, you probably would have remained exclusively high on the show. But you've admitted as such that Matt's comments soured the show on you. So stow that into the trove of things here and there that Muse or Matt have done over the years to negatively impact your enjoyment of them. And over time, that builds up, and it weighs on you, and you become burdened by it and start to accept as fact the shroud of negativity that you've enclosed around you--with all these incidents as proof. Incidents that, honestly, some people might interpret differently (because they're different people).



Really, all of that was just a commentary on the psychology of the more "egregious" negative Nancy's I've noticed around here. And my remark is that it seems like it's a lot of stress for something that should just be fun, so maybe it's better to not be so fervent, because wouldn't that just be better for you anyway?


But it's your choice to behave and react the way you do to the band and what it does. If you want to be slighted, go ahead, and if not, cool also. I'm not offended by your posts or anything like that, so hopefully, you are not offended by mine either. I'm just making commentary on what I observe. Frankly, this sort of brooding criticism/negativity is a phenomenon with pretty much every enthusiast community I see--being it other bands or Disney or comic books or pro wrestling or politics. It runs the gamut.


No, there's real validity to some of this.


Philly was an absolute disaster. And it wasn't the terrible stage design, or the awful setlist, because I was expecting those. Although the setlist didn't help, knowing factually it would be better in Europe, admittedly. Why would a band do this? I'll never understand.

Bellamy honestly looked like he couldn't wait for the gig to be over, and it made the whole thing a huge downer. It made me immediately recall everything I've heard about how they feel about the US.

There were screaming matches between my bf and I about going to DC afterwards, when we heard about the CE request. I'm surprised we didn't get booted from the hotel.


And because DC was the second gig, I was riding a high from that. Sure. Seeing CE at this stage was more than I could reasonably have hoped for (although that's sort of depressing, in itself.)


But then, just like in '12, Bellamy had to go and say something that shit on my good mood. And put me more in mind of Philly, and how the major part of the US tour was more similar to that than DC.

I guess I think that's fair.


I equate it with the author saying Ron and Hermione shouldn't have gotten together; shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my fantasy. :chuckle:


Anyways, it might not have "weighed so heavily" on me if I wasn't already sort of operating under the stuff I heard before, tbf. And I ironically didn't come to that stuff by way of the fanbase; one of those - admittedly douchy - contacts phoned me up and told me. And later proved it to me.

Yes, they're likely douchebags, but they're honest, sadly. I trust them, and they've proven themselves to me on many occasions. Sometimes a person can be a bag of dicks, and still more trustworthy than a friend. I can tell you they were likely correct on the Mayan tickets, give or take a small amount, for example. (And again, I'm eternally pissed about that situation, but I doubt Muse themselves were aware of it, or even gave it a second thought, if that matters.) I believe him strictly because he fought with me over the Mayan issue, and gave me general numbers as a way of not having to apologize.

There's a reason I quit working with them, but it wasn't because of their ability to tell me the truth. (The crazy level of sexism, drugs, and other foulness associated with it, on the other hand...)

Edited by SerpentSatellite
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Well, normally I don't drink before work, so... :chuckle:


I guess my tl:dr is that I was one of the biggest fangirls on this forum not all that long ago, and I would have happily stayed that way.

I feel the band made that nearly impossible, sadly, and I can't bring myself to be happy about how they deal with touring the US, even if I did "luck out" (for the US) with a setlist. :(

I remember how I felt after previous tour gigs, and I desperately wanted that back.

I don't feel good about "putting a happy face" on how I felt about this tour anymore, just for the sake of being positive. I don't feel like it deserved it.


I'm horribly jealous of the European setlist and largely functioning tech, furious at this "well, go to Europe" mentality, and embarrassed of my lack of financial status at my age.

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Did he do 'the thing' during Uprising? :LOL:


Naturally :chuckle:


Had a perfect view of it but I was mentally paralyzed after Assassin so couldn't film.


So far we've had


JFK into Reapers

JFK into Revolt

JFK into Stockholm Syndrome

JFK into Interlude/Hysteria

JFK into Assassin


and only once have we had JFK into Defector.


+ Uprising last year as well.


If we get Defector tomorrow, I'm done. We won't though, it'll be Revolt (:awesome:).

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That's a little judgmental, isn't it? Who says contest winners weren't hardcore fans either?


I had a friend hanging out at various Guitar Centers for days at a time and the people who were winning were hardly what anyone could define as a "fan", meanwhile she couldn't get a ticket. I mean, it makes sense, it was a promo gig and everything sponsored by them, but we should've gotten another night at the Mayan where it was 100% open to the public considering the demand. Also, let's face it, they live there. There's bound to be more friends&family&industry there versus other places and then you have the music press on top of all that.


Also, I have to say that I've been front of the queues at every Southern California gig since 2010 except that weird Grammys Theater show, I maybe recognized 25 people and those were the ones that managed to get one of the tickets allocated to the public along with people who paid obscene prices on StubHub. I know a LOT of people, including those from Absolution/BH&R tours that stopped going because they lost interest or felt that the band got "too big" and "too theatrical" and swore to only see them in smaller shows. I'm not saying that I know every hardcore fan, but I know a lot of them and I'm just saying that I would have expected to recognize a lot more faces than I did in a theater of 2000 in Los Angeles. Webster was a totally different story, seems that the people who couldn't get the Mayan because it sold out before the timer went down to zero just went to Webster.


One more thing, if the crowd consisted of hardcore fans that just got lucky with the contest, why was the crowd so dead compared to every other theater on the tour? I'm telling you, boring industry people. Even the iHeartRadio gig was more lively and that was 99% contest winners.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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I've mentioned it a few times :chuckle:


As if they put it there though, I mean really


Theres been about 10 new pages to this thread since last time i looked, i think people might have an opinion on it but i cant be bothered to read through it all :LOL:


Its hilariously bad placement though haha. So happy for Jobby to see it, i am just happy i got to see Citizen, Stockholm, Map, Sunburn and Tab. Cannot wait to see what tonight will be.

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Haven't replied individually 'cause I'm still in a tizz from last night but thank you so much to everyone who's said well done or that they're happy for me and stuff. This whole sign debacle has been one of the best experiences of my life (is that sad? :chuckle:) and you lot being so nice has definitely added to that <3

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Jesus christ Matt. It's all good that you're finally playing Assassin, but doing it after JFK? :LOL:


I kind of thought it worked better than Revolt and Hysteria etc tbh :$


Its hilariously bad placement though haha. So happy for Jobby to see it, i am just happy i got to see Citizen, Stockholm, Map, Sunburn and Tab. Cannot wait to see what tonight will be.


Eurasia will probably show up as it hasn't of yet I don't think.

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Haven't replied individually 'cause I'm still in a tizz from last night but thank you so much to everyone who's said well done or that they're happy for me and stuff. This whole sign debacle has been one of the best experiences of my life (is that sad? :chuckle:) and you lot being so nice has definitely added to that <3


It has certainly been a rollercoaster lol. The dildrone can rest easy now.

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