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Of the live DVDs, Hullabaloo is my favourite <3


I know a lot of people don't like the sharp, quick camera cuts but I think it adds a kind of franticness to the performance. All the performances on there are ace as well.


Abso and HAARP are tied, with Rome last (which I still adore, just goes to show how great they're live DVDs are)


Really hope they do one for this tour, to fully encompass the visuals in all their glory

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The tone on heavier songs (and also on SMBH) is a bit wrong


I love the SMBH tone tbf, proper fuzzy and beefy.


I agree that the tone on some others is wrong, Hysteria especially. Since the Abso Tour, Hysteria's guitar tone has sounded waaayyyy too clean imo. Needs a bit more meat

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I love the SMBH tone tbf, proper fuzzy and beefy.


I agree that the tone on some others is wrong, Hysteria especially. Since the Abso Tour, Hysteria's guitar tone has sounded waaayyyy too clean imo. Needs a bit more meat


IMO, SMBH's tone has been best on T2L tour and also in its early performances. I wasn't as impressed by it on HAARP - sound a bit strangely buzzy.


Agreed that Hysteria needs a dirtier tone than it has been since the Abso Tour. Its tone is actually not too bad on HAARP or at the V Festival 2008 recording, but since the end of the Black Holes tour, its really felt like it needs a kick up the arse. Same with Plug in Baby, especially the damp-sounding current version.

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Luckily, Copenhagen will have a brand new 15,000 capacity arena ready to use in spring 2017.


Ooooooh, maybe a good time to book a return visit to that fantastic city! :)


Man, hearing all of these comments about quality and voice, I'm now glad I don't have good enough ears to differentiate between these supposed terrible vocal performances and previous ones. I still feel like the band sounds fine to me, and my criticisms remain more on the song selections and variety/setlist rotation. :LOL:


But hearing people talk about Matt, it does come off sounding like the guy is 79 years old. Haha.

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HAARP is going to look 10 times better than the shit they are currently putting on, its so lifeless. It seems the production sucked life out of Muse which is a huge shame. Lets hope they liven up for the England Gigs, because at the moment its so bland just watching Matt walk around like he doesn't give a shit anymore.

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Rome sadly just came off as feeling like one big commercial sell out, honestly.

Like I said before, they hyped the 4k SO MUCH, to the extent Matt did a cringy Sony commercial for it, and ultimately very few of the fans were ever able to see it like that, as it wasn't released. Unless you saw parts of it on UK Sony TV displays.

Matt's explanation about the black and white being used to make the 4k "pop" more (which doesn't explain the three other full songs in black and white... but I always figured the props and actors looked super cheesy and shitty, and the black and white downplayed it...) felt like a gimmick to sell TVs.


The setlist was also a real "who the fuck is this for??" moment for me.

Were they really selling a concert DVD to people who'd only heard a song or two? Is there a big market for that?


On the other topic, you really don't have to pay close attention to Matt's vocals to hear the issues, unfortunately, which is why people are really talking about it.

It's not a stray note here and there, it's consistently being out of breath, hoarse, and the last couple gigs had some issues of his voice cracking or ending notes early, switching to falsetto to cover bad notes, etc.

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HAARP is going to look 10 times better than the shit they are currently putting on, its so lifeless. It seems the production sucked life out of Muse which is a huge shame. Lets hope they liven up for the England Gigs, because at the moment its so bland just watching Matt walk around like he doesn't give a shit anymore.


Looking at the YT videos, and even the pro-shot clips that have been in interviews, I cannot imagine how they're going to frame the shots to make it look good.

Seeing so much of the crowd up close behind the band, combined with the dark, low key lighting and the fact the crowd seems unnecessarily illuminated, makes for some VERY bad looking shots, and detracts from the band's performance when you're watching them.


A lot of the songs it felt like the house lights were on, the crowd is so visible (Psycho, Reapers are good examples.) Gives a very odd, informal look to the songs that was, imo, not in line with the intended grandeur of the gigs.


Has Matt still been moping around during the non-US gigs?

Philly he looked like that guy that hates his job, comes to work every day and does the very bare minimum, but is going to stomp around and scowl and make damn sure you know he's miserable.

DC was a lot better, but still not exactly what I've come to expect. However, it would have been easier to say "well, this is because of this dumb center stage" in DC, had I not seen Philly.

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IMO, SMBH's tone has been best on T2L tour and also in its early performances. I wasn't as impressed by it on HAARP - sound a bit strangely buzzy.


Agreed that Hysteria needs a dirtier tone than it has been since the Abso Tour. Its tone is actually not too bad on HAARP or at the V Festival 2008 recording, but since the end of the Black Holes tour, its really felt like it needs a kick up the arse. Same with Plug in Baby, especially the damp-sounding current version.


I always thought SMBH was the weakest point of the DVD. The mix sounds completely off on that song, its almost as if it was played in a studio then dubbed over the audience. Its well weird, prefer the live version that was Knight of Cydonias B-side.Also, HAARP did not have any improvisation during the KoC ending riff. Oh, and i am pretty sure SfA, Sunburn and Bliss were played too lol.


V fest 2008 was a sick recording, not heard another one like it. Perfect ( apart from the taper nearly getting busted during Butterflies. "Shit" :LOL:)

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HAARP to me sounds 'flat'. There are no hugely noticeable dynamic shifts. I find Matt's guitar tones, whether it was the actual tone or the way they were mixed, very muted and often too low in the mix. There is just a lack of actual 'meat' to most of it. It fails to transport me back to a stadium experience, the stadium experience I remember from being there on the first night.


Live in Rome, on the other hand, does capture that massive sound better - albeit while introducing a whole host of other issues. The mix on the Reading 2011 release is the closest they've got with a live release to what I like from a live recording.

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I've never made it through the whole thing. That setlist is just horrible - in fact, not only is it horrible, it was jumbled up in the context of the tour too. Back-ending SMBH is just odd. Only works for me as a song early in the set.

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Just came back from seeing New Order, they played 18 songs but I'll forgive them for that since they hardly tour and they haven't had a release in like 10 years, and they're like 20 years older than Muse.


If they can do that, Muse should be pulling 23 songs at the least. I really liked how they remixed their older material so it was new for people who haven't seen them in a couple years.

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This is actually a pretty good reason for them NOT to film at those gigs... Too many songs they'd have to edit out (in Milan, that is.)


They could always use the typical, shitty first night for the main concert film and then throw in the rest as bonus content, or Christmas gifts in 2018, or just not use them at all, etc.

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Rome is definitely produced better. Sadly the gig is dull as hell. I've actually fallen asleep the last two times I tried to watch it.


The Rome set list is unfortunately bad to compensate for the lack of an official live release of the Resistance Tour. They had to make sure everyone owned live versions of Guiding Light, Undisclosed Desires and Resistance. The "actors" amped up the silliness factor as well.


I like the HAARP show the best of their concert releases but I wish that I could get it on Bluray with remastered sound and HD video. It doesn't need to look as pretty as Rome but it could be a lot better than the DVD.

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This is actually a pretty good reason for them NOT to film at those gigs... Too many songs they'd have to edit out (in Milan, that is.)


I think they will film in Madrid or Copenhage doing the same set on both nights... The standard set, maybe with Revolt / Reapers rotation to take both songs in DVD.... And I'm going to Madrid :(

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The Rome set list is unfortunately bad to compensate for the lack of an official live release of the Resistance Tour. They had to make sure everyone owned live versions of Guiding Light, Undisclosed Desires and Resistance. The "actors" amped up the silliness factor as well.


I like the HAARP show the best of their concert releases but I wish that I could get it on Bluray with remastered sound and HD video. It doesn't need to look as pretty as Rome but it could be a lot better than the DVD.

It's not just that though. Matt specifically talked about making it a pop-set to kind of top off the very pop-centred era of Muse, saying they were actually drawing a line or something (kinda like he did in 2011 with R/L).


But then we got the exact same type of sets in 2016, go figure.

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Matt specifically talked about making it a pop-set to kind of top off the very pop-centred era of Muse




A The Resistance themed show will be very interesting to wach if it includes songs like MK Ultra, Unnatural Selection, Eurasia, I Belong To You and the whole Exogenesis. Basically all the songs they didn't pick up for Rome :LOL:


Rome was extremely pop-oriented, shame, as the only bad thing about it is the setlist. The quality of the audio, the picture and the shots is gorgeous.

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It's not just that though. Matt specifically talked about making it a pop-set to kind of top off the very pop-centred era of Muse, saying they were actually drawing a line or something (kinda like he did in 2011 with R/L).


But then we got the exact same type of sets in 2016, go figure.


I don't really follow what Matt has to say about these things, to be honest. Comments about the Drones album going back to their rock roots and the tour conceptually being their version of The Wall make me more skeptical all the time.


The Rome disc definitely highlighted the poppier side of Muse from TR and T2L though. I guess it's worth noting that they tried to maximize the potential mainstream appeal for the theatrical release of the concert movie on top of the CD/DVD.

Edited by Nigel_Tufnel
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That's definitely not the case though (and I'm aware that you're not saying it is)


Seems to me people just like to make up reasons that sound technical.


Correct. Elements can be "low" in the mix, but saying a "mix is low" is like saying a drumset is "up" and "down" lmfao :LOL:

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