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Defector is sustainer for both interludes after the whammy solos, Psycho is pretty obvious, Reapers well you already said that, and Stockholm wembley outro, and other random things during stockholm such as

He may well have the sustainer on but he barely uses it if at all, at least live. Can't remember studio version so well



Psycho there's one tiny bit before the solo isn't there?


That SS clip reminded me of what is without the doubt the smoothest MB has ever been





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Revolt has some sustainer in it. Think he used it for live for the resistance intro/outro and Exogenesis part 1 as well.


Yeah, Sunburn from Dundee, Starlight from Abbey Road, Fury from RAH and any Invincible are definitely the best uses.


Ah shit yeah, the doubleneck definitely had a lot of sustainer use

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James, I must admit that the Edge signature Strat is a little bland...basically just a black CBS-era Strat with a Dimarzio bridge pickup.


In other news, did you see that guitar on TGP that's basically a rip on the Manson Drone guitars? I think the guy who started the thread thinks it's an original idea :chuckle:

that sounds hilarious, got a link?

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Thank you thank you everyone for the songs!

I'm watching the Rock Werchter concert on youtube and man, that's a really good setlist.


Everything about that show is epic, Matt seemed really unhinged (but in a good way) that night :LOL: Plus a few of the songs are played at a slightly faster tempo!

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James, I must admit that the Edge signature Strat is a little bland...basically just a black CBS-era Strat with a Dimarzio bridge pickup.


In other news, did you see that guitar on TGP that's basically a rip on the Manson Drone guitars? I think the guy who started the thread thinks it's an original idea :chuckle:


Are you still getting one? I'd say you'd be disappointed to find out it sounds like a strat, but I think you've got enough delay pedals to change that.


And no I didn't, post a picture. It's not this guy is it?





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Thank you thank you everyone for the songs!


I'm watching the Rock Werchter concert on youtube and man, that's a really good setlist.



That was the best show I've ever been at.


Also, if you're after some sustainer nonsense, as James would put it, look no further.


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I got nothing on my 10th anniversary :(


Were you on the old board too? I know a few people who still post here have been here since the previous one.





James it's coming up to my 8th anniversary of joining the board with this account


Can I get a free complimentary guitar? At least a plectrum?


I don't see why not. I have a bunch of picks with someone else's name printed on them, just because.


I think the description underneath Kit & Tab on the main page of the forum should be redone to 'Fkin guitars and shit that makes noise chat'. Gets the point across clearer.


Weren't we thinking of doing that a while back?

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lol isnt that the guitar that someone on the selling thread advertised


I almost died when he said he's not familiar with Muse, followed by acknowledging that Manson builds Matt's guitars. Oh and the fonts are "straight from the builder"


What the actual fuck

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