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They should have like 8 piano songs rehearsed which they just mix up each gig



Apocalypse Please




Feeling Good

and maybe a couple of new album ones


but Muse








There's even USoE, piano Cave, Falling Down and Space Dementia to choose from but Muse








Tbh, I'd really like to see a piano version of Map Of Your Head. I imagine that some people'd probably find that a bit boring though, might be better fitting to an acoustic or particularly stripped back gig.


Endlessly guys, how can you not name it

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Yeah, Exogenesis turned into one piano song could work very well.


Citizen Erased (Matt playing piano outro)

Overture (piano)

Cross-Pollination (piano)

Redemption (piano)

New Born (Matt playing piano intro)


Of course, we need to know if they will want to use the piano so much the next tour.

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Yeah, Exogenesis turned into one piano song could work very well.


Citizen Erased (Matt playing piano outro)

Overture (piano)

Cross-Pollination (piano)

Redemption (piano)

New Born (Matt playing piano intro)


Of course, we need to know if they will want to use the piano so much the next tour.


They should skip New Born if they don't speed it up and put Space Dementia as a piano to guitar song.

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Yeah, Exogenesis turned into one piano song could work very well.


Citizen Erased (Matt playing piano outro)

Overture (piano)

Cross-Pollination (piano)

Redemption (piano)

New Born (Matt playing piano intro)


Of course, we need to know if they will want to use the piano so much the next tour.


I would love this... But I think it would be too boring and long for the avarege gig-goer.

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I'm actually kinda bummed I didn't see Explorers if it was that common; the boyfriend was really looking forward to it.

Not that I can complain that I hit two Sunburn gigs, and I would have been right pissed off if I didn't see that one at all.


Got one of the US instead of SS gigs, and despite disliking that song on album quite a bit, it was phenomenal live, so no complaints.


I really, really enjoy seeing the piano songs, but agree that unless they are going to use a stronger line up for them, I wouldn't mind so much if it went away.

I would, of course, vote for the stronger line up... Sunburn was a good start.

I only got one piano slot each gig, but wasn't fussed about it (as it was Sunburn,) was a bit pissed at pulling the short set in MN again two tours in a row, but wonder if it's got something to do with the venue.


This tour was a huge improvement over TR; I loved the awe and pageantry of the pillars set up, but it made things feel so static, and I couldn't see jack shit from where I was at...

The visuals on the T2L tour were simply amazing, and I'm sad that Animals wasn't in every set, because that was definitely visually one of the very best, second place being SS.


I actually kind of enjoyed the couple of songs Matt didn't play guitar, but get that at the stadium tour it might have gone too far. (And is an acrobat going to fall out of something at every tour? :chuckle: )

For me, just Starlight and Follow Me, I thought it was fun to see him doing something different, and it was nice to see him interacting with the crowd a little bit. He ignored us entirely on the TR gig I saw, which didn't help the "cold" vibe the entire gig had.


I thought the setlists, at least in the US, were a bit uneven, and the rotations (particularly the roulette and piano slots) were just terribly unbalanced.


My biggest Muse wish would be putting a TRUE rarity slot or two into the set, but I'm sure with having 7 albums out, that's probably a pipe dream. :'(

Rather sucked that some gigs got Dead Star or Micro Cuts , Bliss, Agitated/YP, (or even NSC...) and most got the stock standard. (talking about the US, here)

I DID get to finally see Map, though, so it wasn't a total loss there. :)


I thought they played a massive amount of songs from T2L, and I really do hope a lot of them go away for the next tour, and they play a better balance.

Uns (as much as I loved it,) Supremacy, Explorers, Animals, Liquid State/Save Me, and IS should all be gone next tour.

And Survival can fuck off. :phu:


Madness will be around forever like Starlight, and Follow Me should stick around just because of the bass drop live.

I'm completely neutral about Panic Station at this point (except the video... still :love: ) and wouldn't miss it.

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I always forget about Survival, when watching gigs I'm wondering what songs still remain and that one always slips my mind; forgot to mention it in this thread as well.


It is kind of funny as a short-term joke but in the end as a song it's kind of grotesque, so forced and just loud rather than truly heavy/poignant in message and execution. I hope it's a goner with the new songs arriving. I didn't mind it being the set closer for this tour since it was getting old to always close the set with KOC, but I truly hope the new album has better songs.

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I thought Starlight worked surprisingly well as a closer for the stadium tour. Not my favourite song but the unity of people singing it worked well, I thought, especially since it was warm summer nights rather than a dark arena where a heavier/"epic" song might be more approriate.

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