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Wow just listened to the album in full - FUCKING EPIC!!! Panic station is probably my favourite song with Supermacy and Follow me just behind. The only track that i didnt really get into was Explorers, absolutely loving Isolated System as a closer.


Give it a strong 8/10 and probably my second favourite album!!!


Awesome Work!!!!!

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Wow, I'm really surprised how many of you are loving Isolated System! Don't get me wrong, it's got some beautiful guitar and piano work. If only it had some sort of build up and lyrics, I'd probably enjoy it a lot more. Can't see it finding its way onto my ipod in its current form though.

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You know when you unfollow someone on twitter and they're like, "what did I do wrong, why do you hate me" and you're like, well, nothing, I don't hate, I nothing you, and don't really feel the need to subscribe to your thoughts. That's sort of my feeling towards most of this album at the moment.

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You know when you unfollow someone on twitter and they're like, "what did I do wrong, why do you hate me" and you're like, well, nothing, I don't hate, I nothing you, and don't really feel the need to subscribe to your thoughts. That's sort of my feeling towards most of this album at the moment.



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Played it all and I'm writing up my opinions in full for usage later, but I felt a bit confused by it.


There were some fantastic tunes - Supremacy, Panic Station, Liquid State and Isolated System in particular, while Follow Me, Animals and Save Me were also quite a good tune. But the flow, as has been hinted, wasn't there.


Plus some songs themselves really confused me, not least the one-two of Explorers & Big Freeze.


I think it needs further listening.

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There is something to it that makes it better than The Resistance, but it's no where near the other albums. Maybe it's because the songs (T2L) are generally more, uh, substantial and interesting (even the ones I dislike) and although it's got 3 instrumental tracks, it feels like they really put some extra effort and love into it this time.

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Oh and not sure if anyone pointed out how good the production is. It will be way clearer with the HD audio, but this is definitely the Muse album with the best production so far


First thing that came into my mind when i started to listen to Supremacy. I think the production on the vocals is especially good :D

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I just don't really like it. Supremacy is cool and Panic Station is fun. Madness is nice. I don't like Survival because of previous reasons. Follow Me is like one of the tracks on Nero's album I'd probably skip and the sound of a heart beat freaks me out as hearts a pretty gross. It's just quite generic. It just sounds like a forced dubstep remix rather than a cohesive song. Animals, eh, it's ok, no feelings towards it. Explorers, same, just, Don't Stop Me know melody rip off that goes on and on, Big Freeze is also just eh, Save Me contains nothing that signifies it being a Muse song, same with Liquid State. The mixing on LS sucks, Chris's voice is hard to make out some times. Unsustainable's just a fun bit of music with a gimmicky voice over. Isolated system is also a nice bit of music but I don't really know why it's a closing track on an album all on it's own.


I just feel when you take all the coopted in pieces and reference there isn't much of a characterful album left.

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Survival - Great

Madness - Bland pop song

Panic Station - Cheesy, but it's a fun song. It's just laughably absurd

Prelude - Generic Muse orchestral wankery

Survival - Cheesy, but it's certainly catchy.

Follow me - Absolute depths of the album. Bing's heartbeat also creeps me the fuck out :LOL:

Animals - Best song

Explorers - Depths of the album. GOOOO TOOOOOOOO SLEEEEEEEEEEP. What the fuck is that.

Big Freeze - Terrible everything. Just a horrible song, with horrible lyrics.

Save Me - It was nice to hear Chris, but it's just kind of a...nothing song? Doesn't really go anywhere

Liquid State - Nice Chris vocals again. Decent song

Unsustainable - Shit, even by brostep standards. Didn't help that they just repeat the first half of the song either.

Isolated System - Cool, but very underwhelming. Again, it builds up, but there isn't really a climax.



Overall I'd give it a strong 5/10. Better than The Resistance, but not as good as other stuff.


It's a very mixed bag and feels incomplete, and personally I don't think it flows together well at all. It doesn't feel like an album?

I mean listening to Madness after Supremacy was abit fuckin' weird. I'm all for experimenting with genres, but I think they were diving into a new style with each song without trying to catch their breath first. Also a lot of the production is flat, Liquid State is a good example of it.

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I just don't really like it. Supremacy is cool and Panic Station is fun. Madness is nice. I don't like Survival because of previous reasons. Follow Me is like one of the tracks on Nero's album I'd probably skip and the sound of a heart beat freaks me out as hearts a pretty gross. It's just quite generic. It just sounds like a forced dubstep remix rather than a cohesive song. Animals, eh, it's ok, no feelings towards it. Explorers, same, just, Don't Stop Me know melody rip off that goes on and on, Big Freeze is also just eh, Save Me contains nothing that signifies it being a Muse song, same with Liquid State. The mixing on LS sucks, Chris's voice is hard to make out some times. Unsustainable's just a fun bit of music with a gimmicky voice over. Isolated system is also a nice bit of music but I don't really know why it's a closing track on an album all on it's own.


I just feel when you take all the coopted in pieces and reference there isn't much of a characterful album left.


I quite like Nero and I don't think Follow Me sounds like one of their tracks.

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This album suuuucks. Deary me. I like Animals and to a lesser extent Supremecy... that's about it. Everything else ranges from passable to flat-out embarassing. It was nice to hear Chris singing but neither song stood out. Won't be buying this, glad it was streamed first.

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The main problem I have with the album at this point is that, several hours after first listening to it, I can't actually remember what a number of songs sound like. Which is not a good thing. I hope - and suspect - that it'll improve live, though.


I agree with this. Some of the songs are very ... meh. Not very memorable. But maybe that'll change on a second listen.

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