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Everything posted by Bells

  1. Crying. I hope they're ok, though.
  2. Officially confirmed: http://www.lollapaloozabr.com/2014-line-up
  3. And I'm pretty sure the lady next to Dom is Problematique MX! Gaby is such a cutie pie.
  4. Basically, yes, but it was incredible that the ACL festival. It was so meh at RIR. And yes, that freedom scream!!
  5. He was wasted. It was amazing. I even thought Survival was fucking epic, and I generally hate it.
  6. Glorious City of Delusion Space Dementia Darkshines Cave
  7. WATCH! MTV Turns Stories From Nirvana & Muse Into Animation http://www.987fm.com/pages/kade.html?article=11389656 Direct link to the video about Muse http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/916473/rock-stories-muses-near-death-by-sound-board.jhtml
  8. Sorry if this has been posted before. Also, I couldn't figure out how to embed a soundcloud code so here's the link. https://soundcloud.com/higgos-1/matt-belamy-interview-grab
  9. I mean there's also proshot footage of other stadium shows floating around that have been shown in short interviews like the one with Chris before the Barça gig.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmt1fH6RU_8&feature=youtu.be
  11. Watch the video here: http://www.tv3.cat/3alacarta/#/videos/4605812 EDIT: and with Matt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO3vMzEttrw&feature=youtu.be
  12. A video of Dom speaking to Antena 3 in Barcelona. Unfortunately they don't show much of the actual interview. The girl is talking about the shows, the production, the album and the following tour dates. And there's proshot footage of the show. Nothing new. You can watch it here (it's short): http://www.antena3.com/videos-online/noticias/cultura/muse-hace-sonar-rock-barcelona_2013060800055.html EDIT. and some proshot footage of last night's show here too: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1837917/0/muse/concierto/barcelona/
  13. Interview with Dom before tonight's show in Barcelona. Click here to read the original article/interview in catalan.
  14. Ok, not sure if everyone knows already but... "WWZ & Muse: Isolated System weaves throughout the film rather well and an instrumental of Follow Me is used for the rolling credits."
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