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As for this forum, I can't get the hate for


Undisclosed Desires

Time Is Running Out




UD - Fucking abysmal live, don't see much hate for the studio version

TIRO - Dull studio version and surprisingly boring live

Starlight - Dull live, don't see much hate for the studio version

Resistance - Dull as fuck live and disappointing when Matt doesn't do the last chest note when it's easily possible for him and it's dull in studio as well


There you go :happy:

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UD - Fucking abysmal live, don't see much hate for the studio version

TIRO - Dull studio version and surprisingly boring live

Starlight - Dull live, don't see much hate for the studio version

Resistance - Dull as fuck live and disappointing when Matt doesn't do the last chest note when it's easily possible for him and it's dull in studio as well


There you go :happy:


I am talking about the studio versions strictly, I am aware of the flaws of the live performances. And SBMH has a few haters here and there too.





Well , that one I am afraid will be underrated by the band to be more precise... But I am only just assuming.

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Holy fuck, I totally forgot about Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist! :eek: That one is so overrated Switching MK Ultra to this one...





2. Space Dementia

3. Uno


5. Endlessly


How is Space Dementia underrated?


Agreed for Endlessly, absolutely.


I don't like TOADA apart from lyrics and the solo though

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Underrated ?


ToaDA !

Unintended (especially on this forum)

Screenager (Lyrics)


Ethernally Missed


And The Groove just because of one of the all-time most epic riffs ! I'm checking my fuzz tone during the soundchecks of my band's gigs playing that riff - it's so epic + no one knows whose is that :D


BY MUSE, because they don't play it (enough):

Butterflies and Hurricanes (that's maybe because it's really hard to play)


Hated and don't deserve it ?


It should be played less live but it's epic on the album (better than live - unusual for Muse) - it has amazing vocals and everything - I think the hate is just because it's been played too much...


While the album version is experimental, it's still dull - but the live TIRO is amazing and one of the best live - surely better on Abso and BHaR tour but what wasn't ?


I like that song and don't know why there's so much hate here. It's not the best song off Showbiz, yeah, but the verse is amazing and I like the chorus, even though it sounds a bit like a teenage girl's dream.


I know the choir is weird, but I got used to it and now I love it, as well as really masculine Matt's vocals on Survival. It's an epic, over the top song - the piano beginning, the riff everything is amazing - just lyrics are a bit lame, as though written by a beginner but the song rocks !


Now I'll get negative responses - it's not the best Muse song, it's somewhere in the middle IMHO, but it's not that bad ! The beginning is amazing, I just hate the solo, but I don't get the it's-the-worst-thing-ever talks here...

+ NSC:

Dull, really dull lyrics, but amazing music...Shite movies though...

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Hated and don't deserve it ?


It should be played less live but it's epic on the album (better than live - unusual for Muse) - it has amazing vocals and everything - I think the hate is just because it's been played too much...


While the album version is experimental, it's still dull - but the live TIRO is amazing and one of the best live - surely better on Abso and BHaR tour but what wasn't ?


I like that song and don't know why there's so much hate here. It's not the best song off Showbiz, yeah, but the verse is amazing and I like the chorus, even though it sounds a bit like a teenage girl's dream.


I know the choir is weird, but I got used to it and now I love it, as well as really masculine Matt's vocals on Survival. It's an epic, over the top song - the piano beginning, the riff everything is amazing - just lyrics are a bit lame, as though written by a beginner but the song rocks !


Now I'll get negative responses - it's not the best Muse song, it's somewhere in the middle IMHO, but it's not that bad ! The beginning is amazing, I just hate the solo, but I don't get the it's-the-worst-thing-ever talks here...

+ NSC:

Dull, really dull lyrics, but amazing music...Shite movies though...


I agree only for Survival.


The rest is just bad songs.


And TiRO experimental? wut

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Beaten to it. I'd like to know how it's good live as well.


Live it's definitely better than studio (sing-along and stuff) but it's still quite bad.


edit: oh right, Matt at the Roundhouse said it has a dubstep bassline from 2003, it means it's experimental :musesign::matt::yesey:

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TIRO's chorus is alright live, as well as the "Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah...etc." bit. Everything else is pretty dull though.


After re-listening to a couple of performances of it this is pretty much exactly my opinion of it.


As well as the fact that I'm probably bias because of how much I dislike the song and the fact that it looks like it's been getting steadily worse as time goes by.

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What's the problem with TIRO now? I don't see anything wrong about that song. I like the bassline in the beginning, it has a nice progress in it, the lyrics are not the worst either, and the chorus is really cool imo.

Also I love to play this song on my acoustic guitar, that doesn't work with too many muse songs.

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Also I love to play this song on my acoustic guitar, that doesn't work with too many muse songs.


Do you mean that there aren't many Muse songs that work on an acoustic guitar or that there aren't many Muse songs that you, personally, enjoy playing acoustically?

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I love TIRO, but it is overplayed and I get sick of it easy. I adore the many different ways Matt yells/sings/speaks "How did it come to this" live.


I usually skip it when it comes up on my iPod. Except when I am with my 6 yr old because it's his favorite song. He sings "I think i'm drowning/a sexy lady" though, 0-o which is a bit creepy. Talk about misheard lyrics. I don't think he knows the word "asphyxiated" yet though...

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Uno (Fantastic for a first single wouldn't you agree? Sounds great on Hullabaloo too)

The Small Print (great on record, epic live)

Sing for Absolution (great track, don't really know what people think of it on here though as I never see it mentioned)

Soldier's Poem (never understood why this gets so much hate here, it's beautiful)

Glorious (don't see many people mentioning it on here so not sure if it's loved or hated by the majority, I love it though)

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