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Everything posted by that-girl-over-there

  1. My list, in no particular order. alt-j - Breezeblocks Muse - Panic Station Muse - Supremacy Muse - Follow Me Temper Trap - Trembling Hands Hot Chip - Night and Day Missy Higgins - Unashamed Desire Regina Spektor - All the Rowboats Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? The Killers - Runaways (I wanted to vote for Miss Atomic Bomb or Battle Born, but nooooo, Triple J didn't have them ) Can't wait to listen to the results
  2. They should do a Muse/The Killers hits medley I can imagine it going from 'I did my best to notice, when the call came down the line, up to the platform of surrender, I was brought but I was kind' to EXECUTION COMMENTARY *snorts* I have a weird imagination.
  3. I'm from Australia, so it must differ all over the globe I wouldn't say that Muse are better known than Greenday here, but they're more popular in people that have heard of them, get more awards, are regarded as more important etc. Whatever, she's my twin sister, she's wrong regardless
  4. I was going to say I would think it would be one lead singer playing with the other band, most like Brandon singing with Muse (no offence to Mark, Ronnie and Dave) but I was too lazy to type it But I agree, it wouldn't really work as a supergroup, more just a one time thing with not all 7 of them ... bla that's confusing
  5. (sorry about the double post guys but ...) I can't get onto FB right now, but are you meaning to say THERE IS A PHOTO OF THE MOTHERFUCKING KILLERS? THAT I AM SEEING ON FRIDAY AT BIG DAY OUT? THAT I WANT TO SEE AT A FULL SHOW REALLY BADLY? *hyperventilates*
  6. I agree it's too early; and it could be anyone from The Killers to the Arctic Monkeys to The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, they're all releasing new albums soon/have released albums recently. If it was though .... well let's just say you would need earplugs in my house, due to the manic screaming and sobbing
  7. You know what she said to that? 'YOU'RE ASKING PEOPLE ON THE MUSE SITE WHO ARE GOING TO SAY MUSE OF COURSE HURR DURRR'. Oh well, she knows she's wrong. Love your avatar by the way
  8. A collab between The Killers and Muse would be pretty damn good, if it ever happened. I've heard (or rather read) a few people go 'Ewwwwwwwwwwww' or 'No, they're not the same genre so it wouldn't work hurr durr' but when you think about it, all 7 of the are amazing musicians, so I think they could make it work prettty well. So what I'm really trying to say is 'BRANDON OR MATT OR CHRIS OR DOM OR MARK OR DAVE OR RONNIE IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE COLLAB. PLEASE. KBYE'
  9. http://musicfeeds.com.au/news/muse-for-splendour-in-the-grass-2013/ Muse for Splendour in the Grass 2013? YES PLEASE. Also, on an unrelated note, who do you guys think is 'bigger' in the music world; Muse or Greenday? Like if both were playing a festival, who would be more likely to headline? Just a little (huge) disagreement I am having with my twin sister
  10. On an episdoe of Doctor Who .... It was called The Rebel Flesh, I think it's in Season 5, and it was the one episode I hadn't watched (for some strange, strange reason considering I am obsessed with Doctor Who.) It was so awesome, Rory was just chilling in the TARDIS playing darts, listening to SMBH And in the behind-the-scenes of Doctor Who, they constantly use Muse songs ... and in the ads for Sherlock they used Uprising ... I'm guessing someone who writes or does the music for them is a bit of a Muse fan?
  11. Ugh, I bought digital sheet music, and it wouldn't let me print it. When I clicked 'print template' it came up with a white box where the music was meant to be. I tried it on 2 different computers, and it expired before I could ask someone what to do. It cost me nearly 5 dollars, and I didn't get anything from it!
  12. We are the number one consumers of cheese in the music world And true about the soft and personal songs, I guess people just want Muse to make the same kind of songs they did years ago ... when I talk about people not liking the personal songs, I'm just talking about what I've heard people say. I don't see why everyone is calling T2L 'soft' when Muse have had songs like that for years People are weird, oh well
  13. I have heard people say they're not as 'hardcore' as before, maybe it's off the board or in magazines or whatever. I've actually heard so much hate for Follow Me aswell; I just don't understand what people think is wrong with it And I guess I may be slightly a little bit influenced in my opinions about the gap between albums just cause I don't want to wait Anyway PEOPLE NEED TO EMBRACE THE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Follow Me is amazing It's on the verge of being cheesy, but the passion he sings it with and the meaning in the lyrics just make it really beautiful and hearfelt, y'know? I'm sad that some people are annoyed that Muse are making softer, more personal songs; they seem to only like 'old' Muse, and don't think that Muse can sound different and still be good. Also I think Muse should try to release LP7 sooner than in 3 years, it's really too long. They only just remained relevent because of the Olympics between TR and T2L, in my opinion also Big Freeze is rather cute so leave it alone k
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DOMEHHHHHHHHHHH HAPPY BIIIIIRTHDAAAAYY TOOOOO YOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! *bows* EDIT: I'm a little bit hyper from eating the toffee I got sent for Secret Santa. And by a little bit hyper I mean a lot hyper. K bye.
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