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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Makes me sad whenever I see the full OoS on people's list. Doesn't help that it seems like 90% of the board went to R/L
  2. It's probably the only time I think I did decent on it :p

  3. Nah I pretty much just recorded the piano and got rid of it within the day and moved onto something else. This is probably the best mixed cover I've done though for at least some example.

  4. Your Sunburn mix was really good. I remember I tried something like it once but I could't get that really attack heavy piano sound.

  5. Well I get tired of Generic Male Pop Vocalist #37 doing Muse covers. I guess if I want to be critical there's been some weaker performances, but stuff like Unintended and Falling Down were excellent.

  6. That project really sounds daunting. I wish you luck on it. I think you make the best full band covers. Probably cause of the vocals.

  7. Great to see you loved it. It's tied with BH&R for me. After Abso and OoS. You need to get some sort of cover out for it.

  8. Before you disappear from the boards again, what did you think of T2L?

  9. Damn I remember you posting part 1 and thinking the piano was a bit flat and the drums needed to come out more. Pretty much fixed here
  10. Was just pointing out a mistake. I wasn't trying to make an argument with it or anything
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