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I had a dream about Matt once.

I was sitting somewhere on a solid rectangular box that served as a kind of modern bench. I was holding my grandfather's acoustic guitar, which was made for a grown man, and not a teenage girl with short arms, so it was very big and kind of awkward. I was trying to strum out something... couldn't quite place what, when suddenly I noticed that Matt was sitting beside me, out of the blue, with an acoustic guitar of his own. He said, "So, you play the guitar?" And I said, "No not really, but I play the violin and harp." Matt was like "WOW!!" And he looked genuinely impressed like that was fantastic or something. He then said, "Oh, I think I know what you're trying to do." And he played what I was trying to play, which I figured out was the opening chords of Nevershoutnever's "Did It Hurt?", which was ironic seeing as Matt sort of "fell from heaven"(And my inability to play the guitar seemed to endear me to him, which was sweet)... Anyway, time elapsed and he managed to teach me the whole song. He then stood up and said, "Well I have to go now." I said, "I'll miss you!" and this tear rolled down my cheek. Matt chuckled and wrapped an arm around me and gave me a hug, then a kiss on the forehead. I tried to kiss him back, but even though I'm only 4 inches shorter than Matt in real life, in the dream I could only reach his jaw. He chuckled again and faded away into nothingness.

It was a wonderful dream.:happy:

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In my dream last night, instead of a support act, a curtain rolled down with:


3h Hours with Matt & a Lightsaber.


Then the crowd watched Matt playing with a lightsaber in the pitch black for about 1/2 an hour, then after stopped using his blue saber, everyone clapped, and a red one appeared. It was Dom and they had a duel. No music, just them two giggling playing with lightsabers..


It didnt actually go for 3hrs..

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BAHAHAHA!!! :LOL: Fantastic! :chuckle:


Here is a recent dream I had about Muse:

I dreamed that I was backstage at a Muse concert. They were done playing and came backstage and I wasn't acting crazy at all that I was about to meet Muse (in real life, they probably would find me annoying because I would probably be crying or something stupid like that. :stunned: ) They walked up to me and Matt asked, "Do you like my trousers?" and I looked at his trousers and he was wearing those bright blue ones he wears sometimes. I said, "Yeah, they're very blue." He smiled, then hugged me, and said, "Yay! You like my trousers." ??? :LOL: Then some how we all ended up in a hotel hallway. Dom was walking ahead of me, Chris was behind me, and Matt was behind Chris. Dom walked into a room, I followed, Chris came in next and shut the door and locked it. I turned around and Chris was smiling and I could hear Matt's insane laugh outside. :eek: Then I woke up.


I didn't think anything of it until I told my cousin Kyle about it and he said, "Zig, that sounds a bit creepy..." and now I'm creeped out by it a bit. :LOL:


Omg, I was reading it last night and I was so freaked out by that, lol. I just imagined a situation like that and I swear I could hear Matt's insane laugh behind my door the entire night, :facepalm: Creepy as hell... :D

Edited by thepixiey
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I had a dream about Matt once.

I was sitting somewhere on a solid rectangular box that served as a kind of modern bench. I was holding my grandfather's acoustic guitar, which was made for a grown man, and not a teenage girl with short arms, so it was very big and kind of awkward. I was trying to strum out something... couldn't quite place what, when suddenly I noticed that Matt was sitting beside me, out of the blue, with an acoustic guitar of his own. He said, "So, you play the guitar?" And I said, "No not really, but I play the violin and harp." Matt was like "WOW!!" And he looked genuinely impressed like that was fantastic or something. He then said, "Oh, I think I know what you're trying to do." And he played what I was trying to play, which I figured out was the opening chords of Nevershoutnever's "Did It Hurt?", which was ironic seeing as Matt sort of "fell from heaven"(And my inability to play the guitar seemed to endear me to him, which was sweet)... Anyway, time elapsed and he managed to teach me the whole song. He then stood up and said, "Well I have to go now." I said, "I'll miss you!" and this tear rolled down my cheek. Matt chuckled and wrapped an arm around me and gave me a hug, then a kiss on the forehead. I tried to kiss him back, but even though I'm only 4 inches shorter than Matt in real life, in the dream I could only reach his jaw. He chuckled again and faded away into nothingness.

It was a wonderful dream.:happy:




In my dream last night, instead of a support act, a curtain rolled down with:


3h Hours with Matt & a Lightsaber.


Then the crowd watched Matt playing with a lightsaber in the pitch black for about 1/2 an hour, then after stopped using his blue saber, everyone clapped, and a red one appeared. It was Dom and they had a duel. No music, just them two giggling playing with lightsabers..


It didnt actually go for 3hrs..


Oh my god, epic lulz :LOL:

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I had a dream about Matt once.

I was sitting somewhere on a solid rectangular box that served as a kind of modern bench. I was holding my grandfather's acoustic guitar, which was made for a grown man, and not a teenage girl with short arms, so it was very big and kind of awkward. I was trying to strum out something... couldn't quite place what, when suddenly I noticed that Matt was sitting beside me, out of the blue, with an acoustic guitar of his own. He said, "So, you play the guitar?" And I said, "No not really, but I play the violin and harp." Matt was like "WOW!!" And he looked genuinely impressed like that was fantastic or something. He then said, "Oh, I think I know what you're trying to do." And he played what I was trying to play, which I figured out was the opening chords of Nevershoutnever's "Did It Hurt?", which was ironic seeing as Matt sort of "fell from heaven"(And my inability to play the guitar seemed to endear me to him, which was sweet)... Anyway, time elapsed and he managed to teach me the whole song. He then stood up and said, "Well I have to go now." I said, "I'll miss you!" and this tear rolled down my cheek. Matt chuckled and wrapped an arm around me and gave me a hug, then a kiss on the forehead. I tried to kiss him back, but even though I'm only 4 inches shorter than Matt in real life, in the dream I could only reach his jaw. He chuckled again and faded away into nothingness.

It was a wonderful dream.:happy:

Aw! :happy:

Omg, I was reading it last night and I was so freaked out by that, lol. I just imagined a situation like that and I swear I could hear Matt's insane laugh behind my door the entire night, :facepalm: Creepy as hell... :D

Haha! :LOL: I love his laugh but in a situation like that, it would be very scary. :chuckle:

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Guest Sarah-x

in middle of street, meet matt, screaming fans attack him and tells me to wait, starts talking to me, i take him to the best smoothie shop ever where he buys me and himself one. they tasted good.


sham it doesnt exist, i like smoothies.


so yeah short dream :LOL:

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I tried to kiss him back, but even though I'm only 4 inches shorter than Matt in real life, in the dream I could only reach his jaw. He chuckled again and faded away into nothingness.

It was a wonderful dream.:happy:

daww :happy:. for some reason that bit feels really symbolic of something.. not sure of what... :erm:

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Had a dream this week that my sister and I saw Muse at this strange arena in Florida. Before the show the guys were walking through wearing really strange costumes that I can't quite remember and I was talking to Dom and hugging him while he wore this ridiculous costume:LOL:

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I had a dream once Muse did a cover of Karma Police :facepalm:


Yes, but Karma Police is the sex. So Muse + Karma Police is like... twice the sexeh. I has a maths :yesey:



Last night I slept erratically for 12 hours, and this was the result...


First, I got to follow Muse on a 'what they do when they're not being rockstars' sort of thing. As it turns out, Dom owns a vegetable farm and Chris runs a furniture company :LOL: God only knows what Matt does in his spare time :rolleyes:


Then I was lost in Paris. I found a little boutique full of items I couldn't afford. I headed over to the music rack, which had shit selection until I came upon 'M'. And there they were. The French and Japanese releases of Origin and Absolution, amongst singles and other foreign goodies. It was a sight to behold :pope: I took them to the back room for a listen. They had loads of b-sides and 'making of' and little bits of ossum. A saleswoman approached me and said they were around $40 a pop. Overjoyed that I could pay in American credit, I bought Origin and held on to it for dear life.


And then I woke up, and of course it wasn't there :facepalm:


And after that I had a series of bizarre and disturbing dreams involving pelvic thrusts, magic crayons, and an evil old woman who wanted to kill me. But not all at once.

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^:LOL: I like your first dream!


I had a strange, very long dream last night:


I was back in the 90's and shared an apartment with my two friends.

On our way home from a bicycle-trip, we cycled past the park where I noticed Matt, Dom and Chris sitting with people around them. I went into my apartment without giving it much thought, and then about five minutes later I ran out and was all "Oh my god, it's Muse!", so I ran over to them and sat down as close as I could to Matt, who was playing drums with five-six drumsticks in each hand :p

The adults around him were laughing at him, but the children (who were about 6 years old) loved him.

My old schoolteacher was there too, and she told people not to use their mobilephones for pictures, because of the poor quality, and we were only allowed to use real cameras, but unfortunaly, I only had my mobilephone.

Then we were told to stand up and queue next to their tourbus, while Matt and Dom went into the bus. I tried taking pictures of them, but I couldn't because of their tinted windows.


Then Matt started laughing hysterically and said "Okay, allright, who would like to kiss me?" and everybody cheered and said "Me! pick me", which only made him laugh harder. He then asked who would like to kiss Dom, and everybody went silent, because they didn't know if Dom would like them to kiss him, and then Matt laughed like he did in the "Sit the f--- down video".

I then got tired of standing up, and leaned back on the person behind me. I didn't know who it was, but he was tall and warm.

A long time went by, and I then looked up to see who I was leaning on, and I noticed some beard-stubble and I immediatley thought of Chris -- which it was! I was so stunned I couldn't move or say anything. That only made him giggle, and he lifted me up and put me down on the grass. I then thanked him for letting me lean on him, and he laughed and went into the tourbus.

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^:LOL: I like your first dream!


I had a strange, very long dream last night:


I was back in the 90's and shared an apartment with my two friends.

On our way home from a bicycle-trip, we cycled past the park where I noticed Matt, Dom and Chris sitting with people around them. I went into my apartment without giving it much thought, and then about five minutes later I ran out and was all "Oh my god, it's Muse!", so I ran over to them and sat down as close as I could to Matt, who was playing drums with five-six drumsticks in each hand :p

The adults around him were laughing at him, but the children (who were about 6 years old) loved him.

My old schoolteacher was there too, and she told people not to use their mobilephones for pictures, because of the poor quality, and we were only allowed to use real cameras, but unfortunaly, I only had my mobilephone.

Then we were told to stand up and queue next to their tourbus, while Matt and Dom went into the bus. I tried taking pictures of them, but I couldn't because of their tinted windows.


Then Matt started laughing hysterically and said "Okay, allright, who would like to kiss me?" and everybody cheered and said "Me! pick me", which only made him laugh harder. He then asked who would like to kiss Dom, and everybody went silent, because they didn't know if Dom would like them to kiss him, and then Matt laughed like he did in the "Sit the f--- down video".

I then got tired of standing up, and leaned back on the person behind me. I didn't know who it was, but he was tall and warm.

A long time went by, and I then looked up to see who I was leaning on, and I noticed some beard-stubble and I immediatley thought of Chris -- which it was! I was so stunned I couldn't move or say anything. That only made him giggle, and he lifted me up and put me down on the grass. I then thanked him for letting me lean on him, and he laughed and went into the tourbus.


N'aww cute dream :happy:

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Last night, I dreamt that I was on facebook chat, talking to Dom (from the way things seemed in my dream, I apparently knew all the guys personally and we were friends :LOL:) and we started talking about NSC and I was trying to explain to him that a lot of people weren't happy with the song and that it really wasn't up to their normal standards and he FLIPPED out on me and got extremely defensive. He wouldn't listen to a thing I said and was actually very rude toward me... :LOL:


It was honestly one of the strangest dreams I have had in a while.

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I noticed I almost NEVER have muse dreams, because I tend to dream about the second thing on my mind, but muse is always the first! However I got distracted yesterday so when I fell asleep I had a super short little muse dream :D


It was pretty weird, there was this pitch black stage and all you could see in this one cold looking spotlight, was matt, sitting at the piano wearing all black ( a la the NSC mv). I wasn't actually there though, it was sort of like I was just observing, but nobody but Matt was in the room :erm:, and he began playing this long version of the middle of Fillip while singing,


Accuse me

Trust me

I never knew

That you were the one

You were the one


I woke up all freaked with that song in my head :D just happy to have a bit of a muse dream!

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I've never posted in here which means I have a bit of a back log :p


Most recently I dreamt I went to a weird signing and Matt was sitting on this really long xylophone and playing it, while Dom sat on the front. He kept moving his feet so the slatty things on the xylophone were moving and making it go out of tune, so Matt yelled at Dom and he got up and looked like he was about to cry.

Then it cut to Dom writing autographs on bits of paper and once my sister and I left the building we looked at the back and it was actually an invitation to an after show :dance: ...we took them to school and bragged and everything - then I woke up D:


In another the BDO was being held at my school oval and the crowd were watching people doing cross country - it then became night and I found Matt's metallic guitar (don't know what it's called :S) on the ground so I threw it to my sister and the body bent really weirdly when it hit the ground

- I was terrified and I went with my sister to find Matt in an abandoned dark building but I found him in a caravan with a busty blond... then we were having a coffee in the 'abandoned' building with this random lady who immediately asked him 'do you like to get around when you're not... 'tied down'?' and he winked and said 'who says I'm tied down at the moment?' [/end dream]


And the last one is my sister's - She was at a funeral in a big church and Matt came in to play music with a massive purple suit on with giant shoulder pads. He then started playing the guitar really badly and people were booing and throwing things at him... [/end dream]

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I've seen this dream many times, don't know why lol. It's very strange. :D I'm in my backyard with my bff, matt and dom are standing in front of her and a random white dog is in front of me. Then we suddenly throw a frisbee in the air and the dog, also dom and matt go crazy and run after it. Then everything goes dark and instead of matt and dom, two aliens come back, eating that same dog. And at that part I always wake up like wtf :D I wonder what it means.

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My first use dream in MONTHS and it was really strange :erm:


anyways, my sister an I were pulled over near this nice two story stone house in a kind of wooded area, and we're trying to sort out directions somewhere when I see this couple standing maybe 20 feet away from us in the front yard. Annd somehow I know that they're matt's parents (they look like an average suburban couple though). Anyways, I look further into the yard hoping to see matt outside and sure enough, there's teenage matt chucking a frisbee to someone I can't see :D (he was wearing that massive sweater, jeans, and his hair was longer). I somehow realized that if I talked to him, I might messup something in spacetime (becuase I realized I must have gone back in time), so I agonize about not being able to talk. As I'm sitting in the car grumbling I see the mother take out one of those rockband guitar controllers and she says something like, "I showed him this and he said it was stupid!"


Anyways the dream cuts again and I'm sitting on a rock behind a tree towards the edge of the property, still moping about my inability to say hello, but suddenly time seems to go even further back, I fall off the rock in surprise, and a 7ish year old Matt Bellamy wearing a backpack is staring at me :eek:. I don't remember quite what happened but I think he asked me if I had done some project for school and I was like, "yes i did!", and it was also very uncomfortable to look into his eyes because for some reason they were a really really pale blue color. Also, I think at that point in the dream I was a maybe 30 something year old man in a longcoat and hat... I don't know why. :erm:


The dream jumps around again and somehow I get the feeling that I have to go, so I'm running out of my "house" into this empty street to meet Matt and his mom, of whom I'm apparently a family friend (?). I know I want to tell matt one thing before I go so I say hello to his mom and then run ahead to talk to the little kid. As soon as I reach him I ask, "so have you started guitar yet"? and he looks up and says, "I'm starting tomorrow!". So, since I knew I was going to have to go soon I just told him, "well keep at it, because you're going to be great" :D


it was an interesting dream :happy:

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last night i dreamed that i went to a concert and touched matt's hand (idek how i got that close, but whatever). then after i was told i could go meet and interview all three of them. we sat 4 in a row on a couch (me, matt, dom, and then chris). i don't remember what we talked about, but i know the interview lasted for two hours (:awesome:). then dom left, and chris wrote a line from a new song on a napkin for me. i don't remember the lyrics, but i do remember loving it.


then matt came up to me (we were all off the couch by this time) and told me the name of their new album: Potassium (K).


lol element. i woke up ridiculously happy. :happy:


i've had other muse dreams, though. one time they threw a concert in my backyard, and i was the coordinator or something and it had to be cut short because my parents were coming home and were being bitches about it lol. i can't remember enough about the others at the moment.

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I once dreamt that MUSE were shooting a video for i belong to you in a derelict house. I was there with a bunch of fans hoping to see one. All of a sudden morgan came out for 3 seconds to smoke a bit, then chris came outside, looked like he was looking for someone. I jumped out and he signed my hand in permanent marker and then my iPod

what's weirder? The length of my muse dream or that it was a video being shot for i belong to you?

I have been known to have predicted future events and/or deja vú, so could IBTY be on its way?

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