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I'm starting to think we should probably have a separate discussion thread for things relating to the tour where everyone can post and keep the actual tour date threads free for people who actually go to the gigs to discuss their gig only?


I say this because, whilst I agree that the setlists are a bit sucky, I don't want to be a downer for anyone who actually enjoyed the gigs.


Whine away.

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Good idea :)


Anyway... I'm not sure what to think right now. It's so weird. Looking at the setlist independently, not considering that it's basically always the same, I really like the selection of the songs. All my favorites are played, plus some unexpected songs (I never thought any part of Exo would become a setlist regular, and Feeling Good... well, no matter what you think of it, it was unexpected :D). So, from that point of view I'm happy. But it's such a shame that now I basically already know which songs they'll play when I see them on Thursday... hell, I probably already know the order. And that blows. I agree with what someone said, the design of the visuals keeps them from just playing some random songs each night, but still, nobody forced them to have this big show. Ah, I just hope I'll have a good time. :( I have to see the positive sides! :)

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Well it's early days but having paid £40+ per gig... I do not want to go and see what happened at Oslo tonight... what a terrible setlist. Feeling Good for Cave & Unintended? Boooooo! I'd like to see a more varied setlist please Muse as so far in 2009 I don't think you know what songs your fans want to hear live.


That is all. :p

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As I said before....


I am incredibly unhappy.


Set list is near identical from the past night. I am incredibly pissed off that BOTH showbiz songs have been axed for the like of feeling fucking good.


At the price people have paid for tickets this is a absolute joke. sure the stage is kinda awesome.. but brings disappointment how because of this, Matt no longer plays the intro to New Born on piano. Bad Times.


The mix of songs is way to tipped in 1 direction. YES it is the 'Resistance' tour. however, with he price of a ticket, more songs and a better mix would be a complete win.


I saw Ash Live last night. they are currently doing 26 dates in the UK alone. I paid £15 for the ticket. 22 songs in the set list, and a fantastic mix of both new and old and even really old.


Sorry Muse. As much as a long time fan I have been, This is a huge Thumbs down. Bad time guys.


You are Muse. sort it out lads.

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this threads title should be changed to the muse moan thread :LOL:

i mean as a whole i think General European Autumn/Winter Tour 2009 won't be bad enough to warrent all this negativity

Yeah the tags might end up being a tad negative for the rest of the tour :LOL:

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Considering the amount of moaning in the Oslo thread tonight I won't be surprised if we will go over the 10,000 post limits by the end of the tour. :LOL:


I do admit I will be looking forward to having a setlist like the one in Helsinki when Muse come to London in a few weeks - it will, after all, be my first ever Muse gig.

But considering The Killers regulary played 19/20 songs on their arena tour earlier this year with 2 albums less, it is more than a bit of a bummer for the hardcore fan.

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All the songs in Helsinki were up for the job, although I would have personally preferred other choices, and it was a brilliant gig. I do think that for someone who hasn't seen Muse before, these concerts come out better than someone who has seen them. I think I got lucky for hearing two older songs I hadn't heard before, but that's still not much...


I feel it's a bit stupid to tie yourself so much into the visual production that you can't perform odd songs. It's Muse's choice, if they want to really perfect their set into one unchanged form, but it's not a band I could call "one of the best" live bands.


It's just weird that they have all the resources and time to make any kind of sets they want, but they end up going nearly identical.


Oh well, we just have to see, if they're changing the pace a bit, when the Nordic gigs are over.

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Why aren't the band getting the message that we want change? We don't want EVERY gig to be a best of... We want rarities, change, suprises. But every night is the same bloody setlist. Jesus. :facepalm:


I dunno how much more we can do to get this message across to the band.

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Why aren't the band getting the message that we want change? We don't want EVERY gig to be a best of... We want rarities, change, suprises. But every night is the same bloody setlist. Jesus. :facepalm:


I dunno how much more we can do to get this message across to the band.


I vaguely remember how towards the end of the last tour Muse suddenly started out of nowhere mixing up the sets and people were so happy about them being back on form and it gave me high hopes for this one, and now they've gone even more rigid than they were on the Abso tour

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Yeah I'm a bit wary about the amount of gigs I have coming up now judging by their setlists, I just hope Muse can at least learn to mix up the set. Stockholm third song in at the first Teignmouth show was immense, more stuff like that not to mention a few surprises. And 17/18 songs for a well accomplished band with five albums, is a bit poor to be honest. Quit the fancy show, needs more epic setlists

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Why aren't the band getting the message that we want change? We don't want EVERY gig to be a best of... We want rarities, change, suprises. But every night is the same bloody setlist. Jesus. :facepalm:


I dunno how much more we can do to get this message across to the band.


Maybe this thread should be PM'ed to kirk or something.

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Why aren't the band getting the message that we want change? We don't want EVERY gig to be a best of... We want rarities, change, suprises. But every night is the same bloody setlist. Jesus. :facepalm:


I dunno how much more we can do to get this message across to the band.

They don't really have any incentive to change, do they? They can play whatever they want and arenas will still be full. They seem happy playing the same songs too, so they don't really have any reason to mix it up. Muse don't seem to like impro that much.


They're turning into one of those older bands that are popular due to their older records instead of being fresh. Visual design doesn't count.

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