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Why does everyone think that Micro Cuts is hands down the best? It's great but it's just high falsetto... his high chest voice stuff is wayyy more impressive. Imo.


Not the best, but I really like the style and power of Micro Cuts' vocals.

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I do agree with Bucket_. Micro Cuts has a nice lot of falsetto, but that really doesn't give it reason to be called his best vocal work, and certainly not "hands down." For a single work, it's far from impressive either. The fact that he can produce a nice falsetto is impressive, but once you can, it isn't like it's difficult. Falsetto is entirely effortless at any pitch in your range, unlike a chest voice, which requires much more power, so it is definitely impressive when he shouts out a B4 every now and then.

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He seems to sing full notes around D5-F5 almost effortlessly, but struggles with the falsetto in certain songs(like A Loaded Smile. Which is a really hard song though)


Indeed, but that's mostly due to the pitch of his voice. He has a vocal range equal to that of a high countertenor, and the higher the pitch of your voice, the more difficult it is to produce the "male" falsetto. It's also possible that he's never really tried much falsetto.

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Indeed, but that's mostly due to the pitch of his voice. He has a vocal range equal to that of a high countertenor, and the higher the pitch of your voice, the more difficult it is to produce the "male" falsetto. It's also possible that he's never really tried much falsetto.

Why bring classical voice types into this? They hardly give a good view of his range or voice type. A normal countertenor is considered to bottom in mid third octave, while Lambert can go down to at least G2. He's just a standard tenor with great technique for the higher notes.


And his voice is in no way so high that it would impact on his 5th octave falsetto.

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