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I didn't really hear it, but "Muse - A Seaside Rendezvous" was on the Delta On-Demand on Delta Airline International Flights in the month of December. I had it there while flying on December 20, but only noticed when on my flight back on January 2, and it was too late :facepalm: . Oh, well, I have seen it anyway :p

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LOL, I just legged it down the stairs, nearly dropping the laptop on my way 'cos I heard Resistance on the TV downstairs, and as it's hotly tipped to be the next single, for some reason I thought it was a video or something, so I was dashing like a loon!... but it was on the advert for Silent Witness on BBC One instead :LOL:. Ah well, at least it was teh Moose! :D

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Well, I don't hear them that often in places (although I can always take my iPod with me), I heard uprising a while back at an (American) football game. I was the only one who knew the song, and everyone thought it was weird goth music (how?)... :confused:

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LOL, I just legged it down the stairs, nearly dropping the laptop on my way 'cos I heard Resistance on the TV downstairs, and as it's hotly tipped to be the next single, for some reason I thought it was a video or something, so I was dashing like a loon!... but it was on the advert for Silent Witness on BBC One instead :LOL:. Ah well, at least it was teh Moose! :D


Ha, I saw this as well. BBC playing Muse in their adverts?! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT:eek: :LOL:


seriously though, I think BBC is a member of teh myooze forums. I almost had a heart attack when they played IBTY when they advertised something at the ending credits of a programme once!

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I thought it already was. :unsure: I haven't really been keeping up with news about singles, but I thought I heard that it was being played on the radio in the U.S. I don't listen to the radio much, so....


I heard Resistance on the radio a few times but never UD. I don't know if UD was offically released as a single here or not.....haven't kept up with the news either.

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