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The randomest place I heard Muse was in a shopping mall in South Africa, I was like 'noooooooo, now Muse are Muzak' :eek:

Another random place was a border post between South Africa and Botswana, the garage attendant had Virgin Radio on Worldspan, that was very odd, in the middle of Africa with like goats wandering around and stuff :erm:

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Well, we all know that Polish silly teenagers girls loves gay boybands but I wanted to be different so was listening to everything what would annoy my friends and my bro...

in Polish TV you can only see some shit bands and "artists" :erm:


I downloaded once football movie with some goal and there was a song - and I fell in love with the voice of the vocalist! I was looking for the name of this band like 1 hour but it was worth it! :D I found MUSE downloaded a song and nowwww...as you can see I'm a Muser :D:D


BTW: The song, it was Time Is Running Out :happy:

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The other day I was watching the CW and they had some kind of ANTM promo and the music was SMBH, no vocals just music.


hmmm...so does this mean that there is an instrumental version of BHAR floating around in the media....


or do you think their head of music is a member of muselive and downloaded the fan's mix of all the separate tracks...:LOL:

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Was round at the olds today (ok, even olders...) and there was some golf tournament or other on the telly and every so often you'd get an instrumental bit of Sunburn on. And Nothing Natural by Lush; must be at least 250 years since I heard that one...blimey...


Clearly someone at the Beeb with a bit of taste eh?:happy:

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well hm... let's see, i've heard starlight in american apparel, local pharmacy store, forever 21, and then SMBH on the hills. i do not watch that ridiculous show, but i was flipping through the channels and i heard "ooh baby, dont you know i suffer" and the 2 girls were arguing, of course it would be that part of the song. ahah i hate stupid shows like that

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