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why is the way of ranging the songs important to you? can't you just play the song you feel you want to listen to it


I'm not attacking just wanted to know the reason


A lot of people like listening to albums in full, and the order of the songs plays quite a big part in that. So people like for the tracklisting to flow well or follow a certain narrative in order for it to be more enjoyable.


For instance, I find Absolution hard to listen to all the way through because it's ordered poorly. That makes it suffer as an album for me.

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yes I meant the order of the songs


the order of the songs plays quite a big part in that

what's so big about it? I mean it's not a movie or a book



For instance, I find Absolution hard to listen to all the way through because it's ordered poorly.


if you made a playlist and ordered them just like what you like would it solve the problem? if no why?

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I think is a reminiscence from the times of the vinyls, and even the CDs. Now songs are digital products, you can arrange them or even remix them. In those times you had to buy a vinyl and you can't change the order of the songs, everything was like the artist wanted.


I prefer nowdays of course. As soon as i can i will create a playlist without the Drill Sargeant and with Aftermath instrumental. I still think it will be a very beautiful instrumental song.


I have BH&R with Omega instead of Assassin.

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what's so big about it? I mean it's not a movie or a book




So people like for the tracklisting to flow well or follow a certain narrative in order for it to be more enjoyable.


Basically, it's nice to have the songs lead into each other well, it makes it more pleasing and satisfying to listen to. Origin of Symmetry is very easy and enjoyable to listen to because it's got a cohesive sound throughout and the songs generally flow really well. Something like The 2nd Law, on the other hand, is a mess of genres and flow. Imagine going to a restaurant and having your meal structured like this: steak > ice cream > garlic bread > jelly > chips.


Also, for some people, an album can tell a story as well as a book or film, so the order is important to them for that reason.


if you made a playlist and ordered them just like what you like would it solve the problem? if no why?


It could help, yeah, and I have done that. Doesn't really work when it comes to Vinyls, CDs and the like though. Plus, some people, including myself, can be kinda 'purist' about it and prefer to listen to the album the way the artist intended.

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I've always made playlists of songs I've liked, ever since I had to make mixtapes with cassettes, instead of listening to whole albums, for the most part.

I've been surprised at how strongly I feel the need to listen to Drones in it's entirety, especially the second half (probably because we got the first in pieces.)

I did feel very similarly about Abso when it came out, I think.


Also people's thoughts on the ending (and how they project/defend that to others) has become some weird psychology test.

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What do you think of mine?


Well, besides disagreeing with people liking happy things (at least Muse fans) simply based on how much moaning happens when they make an uplifting song? :chuckle:


"So no happy ending here, keep moving." Indicates you are assertive, inflexible with your opinions, and cynical? You like having things your way, and winning arguments? :LOL:


In seriousness, I've always felt that Matt steers away from him or his work being seen as overly dark. He gets a bit put off when interviewers call him "dark" or "negative" and he often tends to avoid talking about depressing or dark things, sometimes prefacing with "I don't want to bring anyone down," etc.

For example, while talking about Trance Formation, he said he didn't recommend people reading it because of how dark it was, which I thought was interesting.

He couldn't even end The Handler in a dark fashion!


At any rate, I take him at face value when he says the ending is an "either or" and mostly just is indicative of the sort of generic "you choose how you live your life" sentiment.

Although I rather suspect The Globalist was never really part of this "narrative" in the first place, as it was the first thing written.

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Yeah, because enjoying an artistic creation through personal interpretation and discussion is such a waste of time.


You're right of course, art has no point and we should just focus on eating, sleeping and procreating.


no, trying to interpret matt's lyrics thinking that there's anything more to them than being random thoughts that popped out of his head is stupid. especially for someone who has known his lyrics for a long time.

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no, trying to interpret matt's lyrics thinking that there's anything more to them than being random thoughts that popped out of his head is stupid. especially for someone who has known his lyrics for a long time.



This just in: Lyrics are derived from thoughts. Only Matt Bellamy is incapable of non-random lyricism.



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This just in: Lyrics are derived from thoughts. Only Matt Bellamy is incapable of non-random lyricism.



For someone who talks about fallacies so often, that second part is quite a big one. When did he imply anything like that?
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A lot of modern abstract art looks like random shapes and colors slapped onto canvas to me, too. However, I don't feel the need to go into museums and tell everyone how stupid I think they're being for making interpretations of it, and that the artist was probably a charlatan or a moron.


Mankind has been ascribing unwarranted meaning to things since it crawled out of the dirt and started making pictures in the stars and telling stories about how man was created by the spirits out of the dirt or ears of corn or animal testicles.


To me, it's a hell of a lot more interesting than taking everything super literally, and it gives me something thought provoking to do to take my mind off the "real" things in my life for a while (like how bad my job sucks, or trying to keep enough blood in my body to survive, or that piece of toast I burnt for dinner) whether or not that art actually is as deep as I'm making it.


Plus, isn't it a bit condescending to always think there's nothing more to someone's work because you personally don't like it?

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A lot of modern abstract art looks like random shapes and colors slapped onto canvas to me, too. However, I don't feel the need to go into museums and tell everyone how stupid I think they're being for making interpretations of it, and that the artist was probably a charlatan or a moron.


Mankind has been ascribing unwarranted meaning to things since it crawled out of the dirt and started making pictures in the stars and telling stories about how man was created by the spirits out of the dirt or ears of corn or animal testicles.


To me, it's a hell of a lot more interesting than taking everything super literally, and it gives me something thought provoking to do to take my mind off the "real" things in my life for a while (like how bad my job sucks, or trying to keep enough blood in my body to survive, or that piece of toast I burnt for dinner) whether or not that art actually is as deep as I'm making it.


Plus, isn't it a bit condescending to always think there's nothing more to someone's work because you personally don't like it?



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To me, it's a hell of a lot more interesting than taking everything super literally, and it gives me something thought provoking to do to take my mind off the "real" things in my life for a while (like how bad my job sucks, or trying to keep enough blood in my body to survive, or that piece of toast I burnt for dinner) whether or not that art actually is as deep as I'm making it.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's important to remember the quantum subjectivity of art. It provokes thought because that is your own interpretation; it entertains you, instills meaning to you, for reasons that nobody else can ever fully understand. Art is exactly as deep as you make it.


no, trying to interpret matt's lyrics thinking that there's anything more to them than being random thoughts that popped out of his head is stupid.



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Dead Inside seems in the wrong place to me, it would've made more sense being track 3 between Mercy and Reapers as far as the storyline is concerned. As in:


Psycho (Get's caught) >> Mercy (Being broken) >> Dead inside (Is broken) >> Reapers (Kills everything)


Just a thought though. Really like the album as a whole, haven't been this excited about an album since BH&R.

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Been having a look at my iTunes play counts. Comes out as something like this.


Dead Inside ~ 30

Psycho ~ 5

Mercy ~ 15

Reapers ~ 30

The Handler ~ 40

Defector ~ 20

Revolt ~ 15

Aftermath ~ 15

The Globalist ~ 15


Probably a fair enough assessment of the album really. Dead Inside has grown on me a lot lately. I'd still make a few changes here and there though, but that can't be helped.

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Dead Inside has grown on me a lot lately. I'd still make a few changes here and there though, but that can't be helped.
It's been stuck in my head for a few days now - I went shopping today and all the way there and back I kept singing, without sound of course, "...but there's nothing theeeere, light only shiiiines from those who share... releeeeeeeease (I know now it's unleash :LOL:) a million drooooooooooooooooones..." :rolleyes:
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