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The amount of blasphemy on this forum is too damn high.


However, I can agree with the fact Guiding Light sucks live. Still, you can't put a finger on Aftermath, to be honest. It works best when listening to the album in-full but live could be perfect for some impressive vocal displays by Matt.


And sorry, Defector just doesn't work as a concert opener. I'd rather get Psycho or Reapers even though that would totally ruin my desire to listen to Muse perform Drones live.


I still don't know why you people keep defecating all over Drones, though. It was far better than The 2nd Law.

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The amount of blasphemy on this forum is too damn high.


However, I can agree with the fact Guiding Light sucks live. Still, you can't put a finger on Aftermath, to be honest. It works best when listening to the album in-full but live could be perfect for some impressive vocal displays by Matt.


Could be, but won't be. I'd be willing to bet a fair amount of money that Matt won't go for those A5s, effectively removing the climax of an already overly-long and monotonous song. It'd essentially be the new Explorers live.


The vocals at the end of Aftermath are like nails on a chalkboard anyway though so maybe it's for the best.

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