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The drones vocal reminds me of how the song Resistance is single-handedly ruined by the "it could be wrong bit"


Seriously if that part of that song didn't exist it would be a great song, especially the verses.


>"single-handedly ruined"

top kek

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Maybe this is the same track as the recent Instagram? It's a bit slower but it could've been an early version. Not like it matters much, just a thought


I'm loving those dissonant chords before the riff breakdown.


It's the same key as the last few studio previews, I'm really interested to see how they'll all fit together (assuming they are the same song)


i don't think so, the riff sounded like it was in Drop D and played on the low D and that video looks like matts playing on the A, D and G strings - could be wrong though

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I thought that clip sounded pretty fun, I like the bounce-y rhythm. Zero qualms about the backing vocals atm, I think some people are overreacting.


Absolutely, a 4 second sample of one line of vocals completely out of context and everyone is losing their shit. Let's just wait and see shall we?

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After moments like "I'm gonna win" and all of Guiding Light, I think I can tolerate a bit of cheesy group shouts


I have a feeling this will be the last Instagram preview before something much bigger, whenever that may be. The past few videos have seemingly shown us the progress of a song (the first being mucking around on bass scales, finding the bass tone, the ending of the song/part of the song, now this developed full band track). How much more developed can it get before they just give us the full song?

Edited by HomesickSubterranean
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Absolutely, a 4 second sample of one line of vocals completely out of context and everyone is losing their shit. Let's just wait and see shall we?


I'd probably be able to be more positive about the shouts if it weren't for songs like Survival and the others mentioned already. They just have a very poor track record with that sort of thing.


If we find out one of the songs has a choir, I'm out.

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To me this would be so cheesy. A repeated "DRONES" thing constantly through the chorus/outro would be annoying imo

It sounds like it will repeat. So I think your fear could be realised.


Who knows though? It might be for a tiny section of a 15 minute song. A rawmageddon.


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