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On the topic of Unnatural Selection, really liked this tour's version:


The vocal distortion during the choruses :love:


I haven't seen that before but I can't say much care for it. Matt's vocals overall seem a step poorer than in the other linked versions.


I guess I'm in the minority because I've never seen the added value of distortion in most instances, whether guitar or vocals, especially when it comes across as tacked on and excessive rather than serving anything. I don't think that, in this performance for example, it makes the sound somehow dirtier and/or rawer, just kind of...muddled.


I'm surprised to agree but Uprising is actually quite boring live. I wouldn't mind it being dropped to a rotation status but can't see that happening.

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I especially like the bands ability to change clothes during the performance.


I was so disappointed when I realised that this also occurred on the DVD's Unsustainable :(


Having the song as a bonus is bad enough, no need to make it worse by only giving us live audio and a couple of performances edited together for the video...

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Uprising was a pretty good opener during TR tour, got the crowd going straight after WATU.


This tour however it was kinda boring, the choruses and outro are cool, but the rest is pretty boring.


It also annoyed my OCD whenever the visuals showed them in their red ensemble and Matt/Chris weren't wearing their red jacket.

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Uprising was a pretty good opener during TR tour, got the crowd going straight after WATU.


This tour however it was kinda boring, the choruses and outro are cool, but the rest is pretty boring.


It also annoyed my OCD whenever the visuals showed them in their red ensemble and Matt/Chris weren't wearing their red jacket.


I generally think Uprising is a great song, it gets me going everytime. I can't recall a single occasion when I heard it in public and haven't sung along.

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