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Monthly Photography Challenge Thread: June/July - Selfies


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This thread will be used for discussion of the monthly photography challenge only; general photography discussion can be held here.

The first post in this thread will be edited according to theme.



  1. Only submit one new image, taken by you for the challenge (e.g. no old images that suit the theme!)

  2. Upload before the last day of the month (Sunday March 31st). Send the direct link of the image / Flickr BB code to Matthijs as well so he can make a voting thread.

  3. Highest number of votes wins; winner set the new challenge for next month

Anyone can join, so feel free to participate.


Winner January: Deano. (theme: extreme angles)


Winner February: Polythenelucy (theme: reflections)


Winner March: Mitzutsu (theme: alive)


Winner April: Matthijs (theme: Extreme Lighting)


Winner May: Deano. (theme: Long Exposure)



Theme June: Self portraits/self shots


How many submissions per momth per person? Just one.or unlimited or a reasonable limit?


And should I PM you my link(s) even though they're already in the main photography thread?

I have one that I think is perfect for this but I didn't take it FOR this so I guess it doesn't count :(


I was just planning to dig through my old archive and choose a photo that fits the theme. Just enter it!!!

I was just planning to dig through my old archive and choose a photo that fits the theme. Just enter it!!!


doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a monthly challenge though? :erm: I mean I have thousands of photos from New York and Europe and shit that would be relevant, but I could just keep recycling them each month without bothering to take a new photo at all.

doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a monthly challenge though? :erm: I mean I have thousands of photos from New York and Europe and shit that would be relevant, but I could just keep recycling them each month without bothering to take a new photo at all.


eh, rules didn't specify. I know lots of people who recycle old photos for 365 challenges so I assumed it'd be alright. What say you, Matthijs?

Only submit one new images, taken by you for the challenge


That answers the question, doesn't it?


Great challenge idea, I doubt I'll have enough time to find something but if I do I'll submit.

eh, rules didn't specify. I know lots of people who recycle old photos for 365 challenges so I assumed it'd be alright. What say you, Matthijs?


I wouldn't think that would be allowed either! The point of 365 is to take a photo every day, not just upload one you took 3 years ago.


Is the extreme angles thing subjective? Like I don't know whether to do a photo of something taken at an extreme angle, or of something which is an extreme angle in itself. Makes it so difficult to choose. :(


Ah well, here's the latter.


86 degrees of 'extreme'...






I won't win, it's just cool taking part yo.

Is the extreme angles thing subjective? Like I don't know whether to do a photo of something taken at an extreme angle, or of something which is an extreme angle in itself. Makes it so difficult to choose. :(


Ah well, here's the latter.


86 degrees of extreme...






I won't win, it's just cool taking part yo.


I'd say it's subjective, I think the original idea was probably "taken from an extreme angle" but any spin on the theme is fitting. I like this!


Might as well post my submission in here too:


Cascade by Deano88s, on Flickr


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