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Replying to a sexist comment with sexism.




I wasn't being serious. I kind of thought that was obvious, but I guess you need to use smiles on the internet for the irony to be detected.


So anyone else bored of this album yet? When's the next one coming out?!


I already have it, it sucks. It's all female pop and stuff.





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So anyone else bored of this album yet? When's the next one coming out?!


Actually a little bit yeah. And it took like 6 months for that to happen with TR....and longer for BH and Abso...Idk some of the songs were better than I expected but others disappointed. Theres 4 truly great songs imo (Supremacy, Follow Me, Animals, Isolated System) and a few other good enough ones.

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I'm getting a bit bored too, but it's probably just the hype and overhearing. Same happened with TR a bit. Granted it took a bit longer for initial hype to die down but I was also a lot more of a fanboy then.

I'll see in a couple months, with live shows and all, how much staying power the album has on me.

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My feeling at the moment is that non-Musers won't like it as much as Musers. It's different, and has a lot of new types of sounds, but I think I am predisposed to liking it just because it's Muse. (I haven't yet entered the stage of fandom where anything straying from their old sound is crap.) Overall, I like it and will be pleased if it does become popular.

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