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I distinctly remember being less and less enthused about it as time went on starting from after Animals finished, which was the last song I really liked. By the time I got to Unsustainable I was actually feeling pretty down, IIRC - until Isolated System started.


I can't remember the last time I fell in love with a Muse track as quick as that. And I'd already heard two minutes of it!

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I'm rating this album 7.7/10.


(I'm writing as I go by the way ;) ) I listened to these through my phone's Beats Audio Enhancer and through Senheiser in ear headphones (£40).


Supremacy - Just brilliance, so so brilliant. I love Bond songs, and this is a Bond song. :LOL: 9/10

Madness - I liked it, but now I've heard the rest of the album I've gone off it. It's a good song in its own right. The last chorus makes it. 7/10

Panic Station - I thought I would hate it, but I love it. Brilliance again! The tones, the funk, the everything. I bet they had so much fun recording it, and I had so much fun listening to it! There was a 'Yeah' somewhere that had some backtmasking to it... or something. Amazing. 9/10

Prelude - I like it. Very pretty but relatively pointless. 7/10

Survival - Just listened to it in context with the album. I love this song more than I did when it was first released! 8.5/10

Follow Me - My favourite track on the album... I've always wanted Nero and Muse to work together, and it worked out fantastically! That is unmistakeably Nero's synth tone. 9.2/10

Animals - Just so wonderful. I think the record sounds pretty much the same as the live version which is great! The solo is excellent. The harmonies are distinctively Muse too. Sounds A LOT like one of my favourite bands 'Pure Reason Revolution'. 9/10

Explorers - Starts of like a piano version of Unintended then morphs into Don't Stop Me Now... I don't know... I hate that high bass line, it's too Queen... Gets better after the first verse... Piano chords are nice... Now it reminds of Invincible. THERE ARE THOSE INSTRUMENTS FROM I BELONG TO YOU. Actually, I like this song now that the drums are in. Strings in now... a.k.a. The Beatles. It's Christmas, JINGLES! I think I do like this song. Shh... go to sleep. WHAT THE FUCK? I'm so confused. :LOL: ?/10

Big Freeze - When's Bono joining? What the hell? I wish Matt wouldn't outright rip off U2. It's not that bad though. The chorus is really beefy, absolutely love it. If it wasn't for that awesome chorus I think I would hate this song. I hate the verses so much. Such a contrast of emotions. D: ?/10

Save Me - So very pretty. Sounds just like the live version. WOW. When the drums come in! D: I love this song. It's not boring whatsoever. What are you guys on about? Chris' voice is brilliant. Oh my, the next chorus <3 The bass is so nice. I like the length of it too actually, doesn't drag for me at all. 8.5/10

Liquid State - Wow. I want to head-bang forever with this. I LOVE Chris' voice. Sounds like the singer of Pendulum but grouchier. I want to learn this on bass and play through my Big Muff NAAOW. Wish it went on for longer! 9/10

Unsustainable - Ahhh, Unsustainable. The strings are beautiful... It's a gimmick though really, isn't it? It's not a serious track. Saying that, the section just before the drop gives me goosebumps! So amazing! 7.8/10

Isolated System - So beautiful. I could do some artwork to this track. I love it. Saying that though, I love film and game music and this is like that. Wow... I commend Matt for this. 9.2/10


Overall, this album is fantastic with moments of 'WHY MUSE, WHY!?'... I just wish they wouldn't be so blatant about their influences.


Gems - Supremacy, Panic Station, Save Me, Liquid State, Follow Me, Isolated System, Animals


For lols - Unsustainable, Survival.


Really not sure about - Explorers, Big Freeze.


Good but I wouldn't miss - Madness, Prelude.

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The main problem I have with the album at this point is that, several hours after first listening to it, I can't actually remember what a number of songs sound like. Which is not a good thing. I hope - and suspect - that it'll improve live, though.


This. It isn't remotely memorable.

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Survival - Great

Madness - Bland pop song

Panic Station - Cheesy, but it's a fun song. It's just laughably absurd

Prelude - Generic Muse orchestral wankery

Survival - Cheesy, but it's certainly catchy.

Follow me - Absolute depths of the album. Bing's heartbeat also creeps me the fuck out :LOL:

Animals - Best song

Explorers - Depths of the album. GOOOO TOOOOOOOO SLEEEEEEEEEEP. What the fuck is that.

Big Freeze - Terrible everything. Just a horrible song, with horrible lyrics.

Save Me - It was nice to hear Chris, but it's just kind of a...nothing song? Doesn't really go anywhere

Liquid State - Nice Chris vocals again. Decent song

Unsustainable - Shit, even by brostep standards. Didn't help that they just repeat the first half of the song either.

Isolated System - Cool, but very underwhelming. Again, it builds up, but there isn't really a climax.



Overall I'd give it a strong 5/10. Better than The Resistance, but not as good as other stuff.


It's a very mixed bag and feels incomplete, and personally I don't think it flows together well at all. It doesn't feel like an album?

I mean listening to Madness after Supremacy was abit fuckin' weird. I'm all for experimenting with genres, but I think they were diving into a new style with each song without trying to catch their breath first. Also a lot of the production is flat, Liquid State is a good example of it.


I'm about the same as this. Better than TR but not even close to BHAR even. The ridiculously ignored CoD is better than every song on this album apart from animals.

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i couldn't resist anymore,and gave in,i thought i should start with a safe choice,so i listened to animals which was great,those protest sounds i could do without though,then i thought it's time for a risky move,and listened to Explorers,and it just didn't make me feel anything :(,and i had a WTF face most of the time,and gee i thought it's gonna be my favorite song on the album!,boy was i wrong.now i don't know what to do.

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Track by Track:

Supremacy - Awesome

Madness - Seems to be a better song the louder it's played. Decent pop tune but not a lead single

Panic Station - Very good. Should've been lead single

Prelude - Alright. Not strictly required but alright.

Survival - Fantastic riffage and end. Lyrics still a bit meh.

Follow Me - Worked better live and seems to drown in it's influences a little bit

Animals - Only real blemish is the needless stockbroker chanting. Apart from that, it's brilliant.

Explorers - Confusing. Sounds like a mix of Shine acoustic, Christmas carols and the first part of Survival

Big Freeze - Love the bass in the chorus but even though I like U2, this feels a bit like one of the many knock-offs

Save Me - Quite good. Not amazing but still quite a good song, and I like the drum parts

Liquid State - Great riff, singing fits in well with it. Good song.

Unsustainable - Surprisingly great. The dubstep-metal bits are killer.

Isolated System - An interesting song but still sounds pretty good.


Bit of a mess but within the mess are some fantastic tunes.

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Early summary an ting.


Supremacy - I do like it a lot, but I was expecting the riff to be... bigger. That fucking bond chord too. 8.5/10


Madness - Listening through the context of the album made me realise how much I like this! 9/10


Panic Station - Soso catchy, nicely produced too. But it's pretty derivative.. and generic. 8/10


Prelude - Nice bit of moozik, not much else to say. 7.5/10


Survival - Absolutely fucking mental. 9/10


Follow Me - Still not sure... the drumbeat it goes into after the first chorus annoys me, for whatever reason. 7.5/10


Animals - Absolutely brilliant, gone straight up to be one of my favourite Muse tracks. Riff at the end is the same as Supremacy, wish it was bigger. But all in all, laaaavit. 9.5/10


Explorers - Average... like it more on the second listen, but again derivative, hear samey vocal lines, Beatles-y (not that that's bad). 6.5/10


Big Freeze - Bono...? 6/10


Save Me - Absolutely love this, really emotional, brilliantly sung. Loads of peeps say this drags a bit but I honestly don't think it does. 9/10


Liquid State - Again, fucking BRILLIANT. Reminds me of QOTSA big time. Ends stupidly abruptly though. AND WAIT, something else I just realised, it sounds like something from a musical. In a really fucking good way. 9.5/10


T2L - Unsustainable - Good... but dem drops. They need to be filthy :( 8/10



Transition between these two is fucking woeful



T2L - Isolated System - Beaaaautiful. Doesn't do much but it is a really cool little track. 8.5/10




Album faves now goes OoS > Abso > T2L = BH&R > TR > Showbiz


So yeah, on their own, loads of the tracks are brilliant. Collectively it's like a mish mash of tracks, no cohesion at all. It really bugs me how derivative it is too, it's not exactly ripping anyone off, but it is influence heavy. Animals strikes me as the only track that really keeps their sound from previous albums. I hope it doesn't, but for that reason I think it might get panned.


Course, this is only second listen, my opinions will probably change, I suspect for the worse currently


Favourites be Animals, Liquid State and IS.


Despite the fact that he sounds like an annoying as feck diva in places, Matt's vocal work is brilliant. As is his guitar work.


That chord at the end of Supremacy :stunned:


I KNOW, pisses me right off

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Track by track


Supremacy: Pretty amazing. Love the riff and I love the production of the vocals.


Madness: I really like it. Can understand why people don't, but I dig it. Definitely should not have been the lead single though.


Panic Station: Great track. Love Matt's random falsetto outbursts, a good laugh. Love the reversed snare.


Prelude: Could have been a lot more.


Survival: As over the top as it is, I reckon the riffs make the song.


Follow Me: I think the bass is a bit too prominent but it's a very well produced track. I love the vocal melodies.


Animals: Probably my favourite track on the album. Matt's guitar work is mindblowing.


Explorers: Did not know what to expect but i was pleasantly surprised. A very different song, but I really enjoy it. Very christmasy.


Big Freeze: I actually really, really enjoy this. I think it's getting a lot more hate than it deserves. The MoTP effect is great and the chorus is good.


Save Me: Good song but i think it could have been a lot more than what it is. However, i like a good mellow song.


Liquid State: Great. Guitar could be a bit more higher in the mix but I think it's a great direction for the band.


Unsustainable: I'd like it a lot more if it had more vocals.


Isolated System: Creepy and haunting track. I think its amazing, but It could have been a lot better with vocals in my opinion. A great closer.


I'd give the album either 8.5 or 9 out of 10. I think it's up there with Origin and Abso for me. Of course it's all personal preference, but I think it's fucking amazing :D

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