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What's wrong with Exo Part 1? I liked it and I thought it was generally pretty well received live :erm:


It's got a bunch of crappy synth stuff going on, as well as being completely pointless. Play the whole thing or don't bother with it at all.

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the whole Symphony or just the 3 part.


I'd say the third part would make the least sense to play by itself :erm:


I agree that playing the whole thing would make more sense but I think that could kill the crowd a bit too much (casuals mainly, I understand hardcores would probably enjoy it). Part 1 is a good build-up song to something like US or SS but it could be easily replaced by something like TAB so I suppose it would be better to be replaced but, out of the songs we got last tour, it was one of my favourites.

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It's got a bunch of crappy synth stuff going on




As well as being completely pointless. Play the whole thing or don't bother with it at all.


It works well as a segue into Stockholm. Also with the exception of the title many people think that the three tracks have nothing to do with each other. To give an example it's like Indiana Jones. The movies are connected yet they are each "standalone's".

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It's got a bunch of crappy synth stuff going on, as well as being completely pointless. Play the whole thing or don't bother with it at all.


I'd say it works really well live. Certainly impressed me at Wembley. Isn't all music completely pointless in a way? All it does is entertain, and I found Exo 1 entertaining live.

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I thought Exo part 1 was great live. And Dee, just out of curiosity, if you were irritated with this tour, why did you go to see 9 shows?


Because hindsight is a skill that everyone seems to have. And also because I don't own a fucking crystal ball and can predict what will happen at any given gig when my tickets/flights/hotels etc. were bought several months in advance.

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Because hindsight is a skill that everyone seems to have. And also because I don't own a fucking crystal ball and can predict what will happen at any given gig when my tickets/flights/hotels etc. were bought several months in advance.


So you booked the nine gigs for a band you'd never actually seen, or am I getting confused? Anyway, clearly a touchy topic..

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So you booked the nine gigs for a band you'd never actually seen, or am I getting confused? Anyway, clearly a touchy topic..


No, I've been a fan since around 2005. This was the first tour I had a real chance of seeing them live, so I wanted to make the best of it. My point is that I had no idea Muse were going to ignore pretty much everything that makes them great.


In my case it doesn't matter, because the vast majority of my gigs were awesome. In fact, across all the gigs I was at, I saw every single song they played this tour except Dead Star, Sunburn, CTMEOY, Back In Black and Where The Streets Have No Name. So basically the only songs I didn't see were the freak accidents and the covers that I don't give the slightest shit about.


Also, I was fairly careful when I picked which gigs to go to, so I did pretty good. That doesn't mean that the tour wasn't terrible, though. I only really got screwed once, and I still say that Roskilde is probably the worst gig they have ever played.

Edited by Dee3Dee
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No, I've been a fan since around 2005. This was the first tour I had a real chance of seeing them live, so I wanted to make the best of it. My point is that I had no idea Muse were going to ignore pretty much everything that makes them great.


In my case it doesn't matter, because the vast majority of my gigs were awesome. In fact, across all the gigs I was at, I saw every single song they played this tour except Dead Star, Sunburn, CTMEOY, Back In Black and Where The Streets Have No Name. So basically the only songs I didn't see were the freak accidents and the covers that I don't give the slightest shit about.


Also, I was fairly careful when I picked which gigs to go to, so I did pretty good. That doesn't mean that the tour wasn't terrible, though. I only really got screwed once, and I still say that Roskilde is probably the worst gig they have ever played.


Okay, that makes a bit more sense. You are forgiven :phu:

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9 gigs, really? no wonder you complain so much :LOL: Who needs to see the same band on the same tour so many times? I saw them three times (arena, stadium and a festival) and I thought it was more than enough, even excessive.

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9 gigs, really? no wonder you complain so much :LOL: Who needs to see the same band on the same tour so many times? I saw them three times (arena, stadium and a festival) and I thought it was more than enough, even excessive.


I also found this fucked up and brought it up a while back. No wonder he's the most vocal about repetitive set-lists.

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9 gigs, really? no wonder you complain so much :LOL: Who needs to see the same band on the same tour so many times? I saw them three times (arena, stadium and a festival) and I thought it was more than enough, even excessive.


I also found this fucked up and brought it up a while back. No wonder he's the most vocal about repetitive set-lists.


You two are idiots and I'll tell you why:


There were a few reasons for going to nine gigs.


1) It was the first tour I had a chance to see them live. I wanted to make up for missing the Absolution and BHaR tours.


2) I picked gigs based on my own theories in terms of what they might play at those gigs. I went to four stadium gigs just for the fact that they would be longer and have more songs, therefore there would be a bigger chance to see something rare/obscure. I was right, so in your faces.


3) I genuinely believed that they would follow through with the setlist polls instead of being dicks about it.


4) At some point you don't really have a choice. I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but you usually can't just cancel a flight without losing that money. You don't get refunded for those plane tickets.


5) The last two were to see Origin in full.


As for my right to complain about repetitive setlists:


Like I said on the previous page; I have seen every single song they played this tour except the five I mentioned earlier. I got quite a lot of variation, probably more than most people. But that's because I picked my gigs carefully and under the impression that the summer setlist polls wouldn't be a complete scam.


All of this is completely besides the point though. How stupid do you have to be to look at the setlists for this tour and say "No, that's not repetitive at all"? It doesn't matter if you went to nine gigs, or 100 gigs or no gigs at all. You have the setlists in front of you. The gigs were repetitive. The favouritism for certain places/gigs should be obvious to anyone with even half a brain. The TR tour had large amounts of bullshit. It doesn't matter if you went to any gigs at all.


He's also seen Radiohead 9 times so he can compare gigs :)


Radiohead were better every single time.

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Since the Resistance tour was mostly bland, do you still have making up to do or is the trust gone forever?


All trust is gone forever, unless of course the next album is mind-blowingly awesome and they start playing kickass gigs.

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Are we idiots because we were sensible with our money? OR knew that attending so many concerts of one tour may possible devalue the experience of seeing the band..... or any band in fact? OR knew that attending so many gigs of one tour may lead to repetition of songs?


It was my first time I saw muse live too. So what? I don't think attending that many concerts of one tour makes up for the fact I missed all the classic gigs.. Maybe so you can boast to people?


"I was right, so in your faces"


All that money you spent going to 6 more gigs than me and the only songs you heard live that I didn't were B&H, NSC, IBTY & SP...

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