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wtf Europeans complaining about US rarities? When had that ever happened? Even if there might be one or two people who did(European version of DeLarge), you're talking out of your ass, fabri.


How the fuck did you manage to forget? Or maybe you just didn't see the tweets at all. I'm not bullshitting.

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How the fuck did you manage to forget? Or maybe you just didn't see the tweets at all. I'm not bullshitting.

Nah I don't use twitter.


But seriously, how is promising something and then not even mentioning it again something that should go unnoticed? That Matt just said it to calm down fans after the Zepp gig isn't making it any better at all, it's no fucking excuse.


Basically telling the fans what they want to hear just so that you can get away with silly stuff(Japan gig vs the rest of the world), and then just walk away when you think people have forgotten.

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This is also a fucking retarded way of looking at things. Has album 7 been written? Has it been recorded? Did Muse specifically share it with you and you alone? Unless that's the case then that's a very false assumption. For all we know album 7 will be the biggest pile of shit they've ever put out. "But it'll be rock based with a back-to-their-roots approach!" Yeah. Lovely. Who gives a fuck what kind of album it is? All that matters is it's good. Which we don't know is the case!


Until you can guarantee me with proof that album 7 and the supporting tour will be the greatest event in the history of Muse and better than the feeling of being packed into a club with fellow fans and friends while you all fucking lose your shit to Showbiz and Assassin and fucking Hyper Chondriac Music!!!! then anyone who supports this idea is severely misinformed.

You're right, Muse should make shitty music, as long as I get to see Hyper Chondriac Music.

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You're right, Muse should make shitty music, as long as I get to see Hyper Chondriac Music.

Wow, that's like...the most illogical conclusion you could ever draw from his post.


when did he ever imply anything about what muse SHOULD do with their music, or what the effect of doing anniversary gigs would be? Unless that's your own conclusion, that doing anniversary gigs will lead to a shitty album. Makes total sense.

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Wow, that's like...the most illogical conclusion you could ever draw from his post.


when did he ever imply anything about what muse SHOULD do with their music, or what the effect of doing anniversary gigs would be? Unless that's your own conclusion, that doing anniversary gigs will lead to a shitty album. Makes total sense.


I'm not an extremely logical person if you haven't noticed. :p


Anyway, I'm not very good at writing what I'm actually thinking, especially after just waking up.


The point I was trying to drive home was that I would rather Muse focus all their attention on the new album than have to worry about anniversary gigs. I don't think the band is done with good music.


Mind you this opinion is based on the thought that the anniversary gigs will be grand and take a lot of planning. I would actually be happier if they made them old school and they didn't take a lot of time to set up.

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I'm not an extremely logical person if you haven't noticed. :p


Anyway, I'm not very good at writing what I'm actually thinking, especially after just waking up.


The point I was trying to drive home was that I would rather Muse focus all their attention on the new album than have to worry about anniversary gigs. I don't think the band is done with good music.


Mind you this opinion is based on the thought that the anniversary gigs will be grand and take a lot of planning. I would actually be happier if they made them old school and they didn't take a lot of time to set up.

The actual songwriting and recording process will only take up a minor part of the wait we will probably go through before Muse release the album. Most of the time is dedicated to managing and preparing for release.

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This isn't really relevant to the argument that seems to be going on at the moment but did Muse actually soundcheck Eternally Missed at Coachella last week?




They soundchecked Cross-Pollination for Stade de France. The boys must have their fun, too bad most people of the audience go to their gigs to listen Madness and Starlight, and Muse know it.


Did they?

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They soundchecked Cross-Pollination for Stade de France. The boys must have their fun, too bad most people of the audience go to their gigs to listen Madness and Starlight, and Muse know it.


They soundchecked IBTY before Night 1 in Montreal

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I hope your eye is ok.


I actually woke up this morning wondering wtf was wrong with my eye until I read this. :erm:

I plan to take warnings against alcohol while on anti-biotics more seriously in the future.


Had anyone thought to actually ask the band what happened with this whole thing, when they met them?

Besides cagey remarks about "so... should I put my suitcase away?"

I mean, like straight out, politely asking them.

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I can't vouch for that, but having met Jamie I can say he's truly one of the nicer musers I've met.








Honestly, he's not the only one but meh. If I went on about everyone on this board that was a cunt, I would waste a lot of time on a list I really can't be asked with.




Just get on Skype with me and Simon some time instead. :thumbsup:





Yeah Jamie is a nice guy in person, I get on with him when I see him, although he did make a lot of ridiculous posts on here


And Luke please make the list and sig it



20th anniversary stuff, yeah I think it's a tad cheeky for them to build up hype around it and all and then to just seemingly drop it completely. Hopefully there'll be some 'official' explanation why they dropped it.


I'll forgive them of they release audio/video of the zepp gig. They specifically said they recorded it didn't they? Plus after the Rome release didn't they hint that they'd wanna out out a less 'theatrical' release?


Just zepp pls.

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Tom said the Zepp was filmed for release, but Bellamy seemed less sure in a later interview; not that that's reliable in any way.

Bellamy DID say at one point that he wanted to put out rare gigs for the anniversary, which I would have adored, but it was a "maybe" and nothing else was ever said.


And... why the fuck does Warner give a shit about this?

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I think Apocalypse Please was soundchecked at SDF. I'd take that one for a 20th anniversary gig, although I doubt this petition will get anywhere. Maybe next tour something out of left-field'll appear.


Yep. It was AP, Soaked, CP and something else that was/is fairly rare, iirc.

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