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Whoever taught Matt how to copy and paste is an asshole.


There, I said it.

Haven't you heard? Matt spends a lot of time writing the setlists, so obviously he HASN'T learned how to copy paste. He writes them over and over.

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I know this has already been said basically, but people who only know only random Muse singles aren't going to expect to know all of the songs they play at a Muse concert. I just don't really get why they have to try to please them so much. Of course, there's a bunch of songs that pretty much need to be played every time, but it doesn't need to be all singles for everyone to enjoy it. Hell, my favorite concert ever was probably Porcupine Tree, and at the time, I only knew one song they played. Still loved it, though. Why can't they see this?

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I know this has already been said basically, but people who only know only random Muse singles aren't going to expect to know all of the songs they play at a Muse concert. I just don't really get why they have to try to please them so much. Of course, there's a bunch of songs that pretty much need to be played every time, but it doesn't need to be all singles for everyone to enjoy it. Hell, my favorite concert ever was probably Porcupine Tree, and at the time, I only knew one song they played. Still loved it, though. Why can't they see this?


Because if everyone knows the songs then they have more people singing along, its better for their ego and atmosphere.


Right can we cut the digging at other people's views. This thread is meant to be about what we can expect from future gigs, please keep on topic.

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I agree with this. Besides I believe the direction the band took with TR influenced the choices for the sets (more ear-friendly tunes) a lot. Also, the crowd reaction seems to determin a lot of what they play. When they played CE at Rock in Rio 2010 the reaction of the crowd was terrible, people just didn't know the song. But then, why play CE at a festival and not on your own arena gigs :rolleyes:


Still, I love to attend a Muse gig (altough so far I've only been to 2) and I'm always blown away, but I do agree that they have the potential to do even better, and they have showed tbat to people themselves over the last 10 years.


When I said fear I didn't mean fear of the crowd's reaction but more of themselves (..himself.. erm) fucking up.

Just like after he fucked up Collateral Damage when he played it live he basically stopped playing that. And I'm sure he's thinking 'if I didn't practice it enough it won't be 100% perfect live so I won't play it' and then it grows even more because he doesn't even want to try some older songs...

And when they do try that 'one off' (Dead Star in Asia or Fury in Australia or whatever) they probably do it for reasons like higher priced tickets and it's probably taking a lot of energy from him.


Anyway, fear is a lot stronger emotion than just being plain lazy I reckon.. so I can't see this getting any better. In fact with fame and everything around it, it might even get worse.


I fear for the next tour :erm:

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I think Liron is right with the paranoia thing. I recall discussing it in another thread. I think it's one of the reasons MK isn't played that often. He has fucked it up numerous times.


With regards to the future, I worry that Matt will have less confidence in himself - which is odd considering so many people idolise his guitar/piano skills. Lack of confidence is ultimately going to result in safe songs being played....which leads us back to the generic setlist.


I don't think anything will change.


We've been ranting about this for a year now...still no light at the end of the tunnel. I don't think they care.

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With regards to the future, I worry that Matt will have less confidence in himself - which is odd considering so many people idolise his guitar/piano skills. Lack of confidence is ultimately going to result in safe songs being played....which leads us back to the generic setlist.


Unfortunately, I know for sure we are right about that. :/


And I can't see a way out of it.. from own experience, these things usually just get worse.

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*jumps right in on the last page*




I don't think anything will change.


We've been ranting about this for a year now...still no light at the end of the tunnel. I don't think they care.

It's been a year, but it's been all the same tour, so the same mindset, same rut.


If things are going to change, it'll likely be after a break, when there is a chance to "reset" priorities/thinking/etc and recharge the batteries a little.


So, the fact that it hasn't changed yet doesn't mean it can't change in the future.


Unfortunately, I know for sure we are right about that. :/


And I can't see a way out of it.. from own experience, these things usually just get worse.

It's a hard thing to overcome, but it's possible (I also speak from experience) It's hard, though, and while it can take only one or two events over a very brief period of time to get you to that place, it can take years to come back from it...

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When I said fear I didn't mean fear of the crowd's reaction but more of themselves (..himself.. erm) fucking up.

Just like after he fucked up Collateral Damage when he played it live he basically stopped playing that...

I fear for the next tour :erm:


I think Liron is right with the paranoia thing. I recall discussing it in another thread. I think it's one of the reasons MK isn't played that often. He has fucked it up numerous times.


With regards to the future, I worry that Matt will have less confidence in himself - which is odd considering so many people idolise his guitar/piano skills. Lack of confidence is ultimately going to result in safe songs being played....which leads us back to the generic setlist.



:noey: I agree and I'm worried as well.


Thing is, he messes up USoE all the time and they still play it and it's still great live! Why can't he do the same with the rest?! :wtf:

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Now, from YOUR point of view. If you would play the same songs every gig for the whole tour, wouldn't that make it kinda boring after a while? Wouldn't it just kill some of the fun?


Now...what if you changed things around, made every night different, giving it a new and fresh touch every time. Just change a few songs around, add a song like Dead Star and see all the people just rocking out. Wouldn't that feel better?


My point is, I'm not fucking surprised if Muse has lost their enthusiasm by the way they are playing :p


To be honest, the songs are boring before you've done the first gig as often bands rehearse to death. By the time you've written the songs, perfected them, recorded them, rehearsed them for a live show, you've played them hundreds of times already.


I do think Muse are still stuck in the "unheard of" mindset and not aware they can play any song from their back catalogue and people there will love it. They don't need to play Plug In Baby every night still, the only regulars should be the new album tracks, every thing they should rotate and give the fans a reason to go back gig after gig.


The only way to play to the masses is to put the show you want to put on that night, every gig is different and a band has to be able to adapt to that. An 18 song set rotating around 21 songs isn't the way to do that, need upwards of 30 for such a set.



As for the drain of touring, Muse have been doing it for over 10 years, the people they work with may have been at it for decades. If they don't want to work hard, shouldn't have signed the contract in the first place.

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They don't need to play Plug In Baby every night still, the only regulars should be the new album tracks, every thing they should rotate and give the fans a reason to go back gig after gig.

Right, if it wasn't played all the time, people would be excited about getting PiB... instead of some other oldie.

And as for the band holding back for fear of messing up, isn't part of the thrill of playing/hearing live songs the little inconsistencies and nuances you can get from messing up? I think the band knows this. I hope so, anyway.

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Basically I think people are overthinking it. Yes I agree that Matt wants everything perfect, and fucking up is a bit of a issue for him, but more than that, I think that he's going on what he wants performed when he goes to a gig, which is the hits. He said it about Prince. He was so pleased that Prince played all his hits. I think it was Jo Wiley who commended Muse on the fact that they don't indulge themselves, they play the stuff that she felt people wanted to hear, which is the hits.


PS The next tour will have an extra ingrediant of course - new songs!:D I can't see anything to complain about that and am happy to wait and see. :happy: I can't see the point of bemoaning the loss of the old, life moves on!

Edited by CarrieB
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Basically I think people are overthinking it. Yes I agree that Matt wants everything perfect, and fucking up is a bit of a issue for him, but more than that, I think that he's going on what he wants performed when he goes to a gig, which is the hits. He said it about Prince. He was so pleased that Prince played all his hits. I think it was Jo Wiley who commended Muse on the fact that they don't indulge themselves, they play the stuff that she felt people wanted to hear, which is the hits.


PS The next tour will have an extra ingrediant of course - new songs!:D I can't see anything to complain about that and am happy to wait and see. :happy: I can't see the point of bemoaning the loss of the old, life moves on!



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PS The next tour will have an extra ingrediant of course - new songs!:D I can't see anything to complain about that and am happy to wait and see. :happy: I can't see the point of bemoaning the loss of the old, life moves on!

The thing is that it isn't lost. It's just ignored. It's not like it's impossible to get it back.


And yes, every new tour will most likely have a new album with new songs. With that logic there's never anything to complain about, since every new tour has new songs :p





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And yes, every new tour will most likely have a new album with new songs. With that logic there's never anything to complain about, since every new tour has new songs :p.



Exactly, so have a coke and a smile and stfu as Richard Pryor would say :awesome:



Seriously though, I sit near CarrieBs' camp, I'm not in it, but I'm leaning up against the fence :yesey:

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Exactly, so have a coke and a smile and stfu as Richard Pryor would say :awesome:



Seriously though, I sit near CarrieBs' camp, I'm not in it, but I'm leaning up against the fence :yesey:

Well, it's like the people who answer to setlist complains with "I thought the setlist was good.....I like them for whatever they play".


It kinda loses its point to judge something if you don't have any demands. It's like reviewing a movie and then finish by saying "But I would give it 5 stars no matter what".

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