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I'd really like for them to distance themselves from a Drones era style set list, open with something different and out of the blue, hell open with Knights like the old days I'm sure it would go down great there


KOC opening with SD outro riff :awesome:

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Half of my gigs did not close with KoC.

The only reason I hate KoC in any placement is MWAH. That harmonica destroyed KoC for me.


i don't have any particular problem with MWAH, i enjoy the 2minutes of it as the intro of something big to close the gig, (and to take a last sip of water before the mosh pit)

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i don't have any particular problem with MWAH, i enjoy the 2minutes of it as the intro of something big to close the gig, (and to take a last sip of water before the mosh pit)


Having MWAH pop up in the middle of the set (after Resistance, one time...) was jarring, and kind of grinds the gig to a halt, imo.


My first, TR, KoC was magically MWAH-less. Likely because I got one of those weirdo sets where it was played 2nd.

(I do however recall a stupidly long pause before it, though...)

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On the bright side guys, if the Black Holes at L/R hype is killed (which it most likely will), y'know what's immediately gonna rise from its ashes with this "more announcements soon" business? Club Tour 2k17 :awesome:


One dead-horse hype dies and another is reborn. T'is the circle of...me.


MWAH = "Fuck, is the gig over already?"


MWAH = "worm me way to the back to avoid the collective exit crush" time


I'm usually a good quarter of the way there by the time it hits Chris' lips.

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I feel like we're talking about completely different bands.


Maybe they'll actually put out that hip hop album, and put this to rest.




The Handler

Interlude/Hysteria(Back in Black outro)

Dead Inside

Micro Cuts

Munich Jam

Citizen Erased

Apocalypse Please

Plug in Baby




Stockholm Syndrome





Yeah, Muse is a pop band. Provinssi 2015 setlist.

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They'd probably still use MWAH even if Knights opened tbh


If they didn't have any other "opening" (Drill Sgt, Uns, etc) it could actually work just fine as an opener.

I think they keep it as a closer more from the "save the big fan favorite for last to keep asses in the seats" that many bands use, instead of because it's a good closer or anything. Which would explain why they used Starlight as a closer in the past, too.




The Handler

Interlude/Hysteria(Back in Black outro)

Dead Inside

Micro Cuts

Munich Jam

Citizen Erased

Apocalypse Please

Plug in Baby




Stockholm Syndrome





Yeah, Muse is a pop band. Provinssi 2015 setlist.


It's not about finding an outlier setlist, it's about the band's approach to music and gigs as a whole. And I mean, come on, it was discussed to death that the band tried to be a rock band again during the festivals, only to completely abandon that as soon as people bought tix to their actual arena tour. That's why so many people, myself included, were so sore about their actual gig setlists.

Also at least 5 of those songs I wouldn't use as great examples of "rock" music.

(And one that I would, Matt took the opportunity to rub his tits instead of playing guitar during the main tour.)


Some of the songs in that set are good examples of what they're intentionally phasing out (MC, SS, even CE.)

And even the "big return to rock" song Reapers wasn't consistently played this tour. I think that's telling about what Muse thinks their fans want to hear, and the direction they're going.

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Going out of your way to find a specific one-in-a-blue-moon setlist with heavy songs you know they hardly ever play and aren't remotely a reflection of their average gig to validate Muse as a rock band is a pretty desperate stretch lmao.


Like I said, you can't split them one way or the other imo. 90% of their gigs are split 60/40 between pop and rock.


Edit: Which is fine btw, I love both sides equally. I just wish they a) played their better pop songs and b) wouldn't make the ones they do play sound flat and dead.

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I think all it really boils down to is Matt's obvious desire to be more "mainstream" and keep drawing the big audiences, which he clearly doesn't believe he can do through their heavier songs.


For me it's not so much whatever perceived genre they move into, so much as the way Matt approaches gigs and future albums.

I can really see a situation where he puts out something trying to be fully mainstream, or something "shocking" like rap/hip hop just so the band ends up trending and talked about (even negatively.)

They've honestly been taking that attitude at gigs for a while now but it peaked with Drones because they'd dangled the fan-favorites during the festivals and Psycho Tour, and then admitted to turning their backs to those same sorts of fans during the main tour. And the gigs went from feeling very choreographed, to just feeling very disinterested/low energy.

You were obviously supposed to be watching the effects, not the band. (Although there were way too many songs without visuals, and that's where the low effort performance was glaring.)

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I think all it really boils down to is Matt's obvious desire to be more "mainstream" and keep drawing the big audiences, which he clearly doesn't believe he can do through their heavier songs.


I don't even think Matt himself knows what he wants. Psycho, Reapers, The Handler and Defector (that is half of Drones btw) are among their heavier songs ever. In fact Drones is probably their heaviest album which is totally confusing.

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