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In the iHeart Radio interview Matt was asked how was the album 7 writing, and he said "wow, well, we're quite behind". I take that as "we haven't written anything yet", so my guess is that they'll actually start writing/recording after the tour is done, just like they did for the two previous albums. The only difference is that this time the whole process might take less than one year from recording to release and that they might finish touring by July, if it's not the V festival the one they're doing.


I guess it all depends on how long they take after Australia, Chris said in one interview that they already have a lot of ideas, and Matt's said they've got some things, so I think there's stuff there, but perhaps not as much as they'd've liked.


If they've finished writing but haven't finished the mixing etc by next summer, I'd say it's a possibility, especially with V being proshot; I think they've said the reason they don't play new stuff before the release is because they don't want fans' first listen to a song being a phone recording (E-werk gig being down to :logic: I suppose).

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e- werk was so close to the album release, though, and they didn't change the songs.

I see the cell phone issue being much less than playing songs live before they are finalized, and having them be substantially different when they do get released, or having the band never release them at all (or only later as a B-side.)


That said, Follow Me on album was a let down for me after Follow Me at e-werk, no matter how shitty the recording was.

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There are so many possible festivals.. It doesn't have to be a festival in the UK if they're already doing their 20th anniversary tour. Rock Am Ring is still possible or Rock Werchter (would be the 40th edition with Muse headlining for the 4th time etc). It's a bit too early to guess which festival they're playing maybe since we have no clue about the possible headliners for the major festivals in Europe.

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There are so many possible festivals.. It doesn't have to be a festival in the UK if they're already doing their 20th anniversary tour. Rock Am Ring is still possible or Rock Werchter (would be the 40th edition with Muse headlining for the 4th time etc). It's a bit too early to guess which festival they're playing maybe since we have no clue about the possible headliners for the major festivals in Europe.


Some time ago, a few weeks back, i saw a rumored line up for Rock In Rio (Portugal and Spain, not the one in Brazil.) and Muse was on it. not sure what to make of that, could be that one too. I'd LOVE Rock Werchter to be the one... the greatest festival i've been too! (i haven't been to that many though :p)

Uk could be the place to do a festival, but there are many other big festivals to play. But yeah, we don't know what headliners could be at major festivals in Europe yet... we'll know in a few months i guess!

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Because of that lecture Matt is doing? Dunno, feels weird that he went to promote a gig.


I'd say it's more that he was going to give the talk, then decided to organise a gig at the same time. Going by their reputation and their website, it would seem very possible that it was actually him that asked to visit and speak, as opposed to them asking him.

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I'd say it's more that he was going to give the talk, then decided to organise a gig at the same time. Going by their reputation and their website, it would seem very possible that it was actually him that asked to visit and speak, as opposed to them asking him.


Would be even weirder imo.

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Would be even weirder imo.


The fact that he's even giving a talk is weird. Also why do it at that particular university? Granted they played the end of year ball here in 2000, but that hardly makes a difference.


But more importantly I want to know what the hell he'll be talking about...

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