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Everything posted by kueller

  1. pls don't be Coachella My wallet wouldn't be able to take it.
  2. This was done long before Fabri.
  3. There is actually an unmastered set of Muscle Museum stems somewhere. I don't know if I can post though.
  4. I'll be pretty disappointed if the 20th concerts don't happen. Although I will probably save around $3k for it.
  5. Apocalypse Please Sunburn Screenager Hoodoo Con-Science Soaked Exogenesis Pt. 3 Explorers Megalomania (piano) The Gallery Hyper Chondriac Music (piano) Exogenesis Pt. 2 Cave Feeling Good United States of Eurasia Hate This & I'll Love You (piano) Space Dementia bleh, someone please do a better one
  6. Yeah but until now everyone was just complaining about the release itself whenever something was shown and not the actual state of the band live.
  7. They've been so highly praised this tour. Now they release the proshot from the closer we already knew about, showing antics we already knew about (and most saw in person), with a performance we already expected, and suddenly everyone hates them again.
  8. Hyper Music is a bit fuller now than in studio. Can't find a good video of it from this year. You probably could.
  9. It's a small detail, but the little animation that goes to split screen is really distracting. I preferred in Hullabaloo where it just switched.
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