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MKU could be seen as a risk.


How so? When I first listened to the thirty second clips, I got to MK Ultra and thought, "Thank God, a Muse song. They wrote a better version of Thought of a Dying Atheist." To me that's the most standard of their songs on the album, which is probably why a lot of the more rock-oriented fans like it. I agree with Sippe that there's very little boundary-pushing. I don't agree with the idea that doing something new as a band that's just the same as what other artists are doing is pushing any boundaries. Writing a Timbaland song or a Poison song or a Guns n Roses song isn't inventive. One of the best parts about Muse as a band is that they truly have the capacity to do something different and inventive. It's what was so enjoyable about their older stuff. To me, the Resistance is their spin on other people's tunes, and that's pretty boring.

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They have pushed their boundaries by doing stuff that isn't typical of them - Undisclosed Desires and IBTY, by going with what they wanted to do and sod the reaction, USoE, UD, IBTY, Exo, and by including a three piece classical ending. I also like how they've mixed the styles, so pop one minute, hard rock the next and classical the next. I think it's brilliant.

I totally agree with this.

It's amazing how well the album flows, considering how different most of the songs are from each other.

A year on, I still think TR is the most downright enjoyable thing Muse have done, and the album that I find myself most often listening to in its entirety.

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I don't think The Resistance is a "musically safe" album. They pushed the barriers with that one more than any of the others, in my opinion, at least in comparison to what they had done before. Actually as time has gone on, I think it has become my favourite album. It's certainly the one I enjoy listening to most.


They've spent two albums pushing barriers and testing the waters. It'd be quite nice for them to do an album that sticks a bit more to one sort of sound again rather than just a bunch of tracks they bunged together. They got where they are because their first 3 albums had an identifiable sound to them. That's not to say I didn't like some of BHAR and T.R, as I did, especially Exogenesis, it's just it feels like we're in limbo - they're not progressing they're just testing the water. Man up and take the plunge. They're big enough that their fanbase won't just disappear.


I have to say it's the album I listen to least. It's not bad per se, just flawed. I Belong To You and USoE should not have been on the album. USoE works brilliantly live, but it's a b-side. Nothing wrong with that; Fury, The Groove, Eternally Missed are all b-sides too.


The point is - in the past if a song didn't fit they didn't make it fit. This time they did and it was silly to do so. In the case of IBTY there are 2 great rock songs before it, a symphony after. If track 8 was something in between the two this would have been a great album, or at least appeased a lot of us who are losing faith.

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The point is - in the past if a song didn't fit they didn't make it fit. This time they did and it was silly to do so. In the case of IBTY there are 2 great rock songs before it, a symphony after. If track 8 was something in between the two this would have been a great album, or at least appeased a lot of us who are losing faith.


I don't know about that. I think every album (except maybe Showbiz) has at least 1 or 2 songs which feel out of place.

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It lies somewhere in my CD collection forgotten about. I think that says it all really.


It's a dull album that offers absolutely nothing new or interesting and has none of the things that I loved about Muse in the first place.


Same here, haven't been listening to it since summer. Didn't really enjoy the TR songs live either.:$:(

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There's absolutely no way it's 'darker' than OoS, or menacing for that matter.


It's certainly more paranoid or perhaps, edgier than previous albums but it's a fairly light, poppy album otherwise really, lyrics aside :erm:.


If The Resistance is the darker side of Muse, then they really don't deserve the "depressing music" label that people give them :LOL:


Absolution for me would be the darkest Muse album. Stockholm Syndrome is just desparing, Falling Away With You, Endlessly and Ruled by Secrecy are quite low key, and Blackout despite being essentially optimistic, is very solemn. TIRO and B&H stick out as more upbeat, but it's never been the case that any Muse album has been consistent in tone.


I...pretty much agree with what Clunge said with regards to The Resistance. It's actually a really good album, just by and large didn't pack much punch live.

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It lies somewhere in my CD collection forgotten about. I think that says it all really.


It's a dull album that offers absolutely nothing new or interesting and has none of the things that I loved about Muse in the first place.


Yeah, this. :(


MK Ultra is great, but if it wasn't on TR, it would have made a bad album awful.

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I totally agree with this.

It's amazing how well the album flows, considering how different most of the songs are from each other.

A year on, I still think TR is the most downright enjoyable thing Muse have done, and the album that I find myself most often listening to in its entirety.


It's like you're inside my mind.

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It lies somewhere in my CD collection forgotten about. I think that says it all really.


It's a dull album that offers absolutely nothing new or interesting and has none of the things that I loved about Muse in the first place.

Agreed. There's no spark at all.

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MK Ultra and I Belong To You are the only songs on it that keep me coming back.


I love Exogenesis, but they shouldn't have billed it as a 'Symphony' or split it into three tracks. Uprising is great live, if a tad flat recorded. United States Of Eurasia is still a favourite of mine and Unnatural Selection is great even if it is Muse-by-numbers.


I'd have like The Resistance x193i50935q more if it had run simply:



United States Of Eurasia

Unnatural Selection

MK Ultra

I Belong To You



I don't mind Undisclosed Desires, but it doesn't fit.

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I still haven't fallen in love with the album. It has a bunch of great songs but I think Muse could have still used a producer. For me a TR is like a big bubble. It sounds really big but it's a bit empty in the core. I also think that EXO. shouldn't have been put on the album. They could've filled the space with a couple more good rocking songs and then release EXO as a separate EP. Matt wouldn't have been so limited to fit EXO in an album and could've made it much bigger and longer and possibly make a short film to go with it or something.

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I literally feel indifferent to The Resistance. There are good moments (MKU, IBTY, Exo) but the shit ones are just too shit for it to be an acceptable album. Bad album, fucking shit tour.


Overall, the worst album they've ever made, and (hopefully) the worst one they will ever make.

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I think TR is an okay album that could've been a lot better. I miss the big guitar riffs and truly "rocking" songs, and hopefully Muse will have more of these in the future. I have to say that I think this is their worst album, but I still like listening to most of the songs.


PS: I like Guiding Light :p:D

PPS: I also think this album has the worst Muse song ever: UD (which I still find okay, though).

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MK Ultra and I Belong To You are the only songs on it that keep me coming back.


I love Exogenesis, but they shouldn't have billed it as a 'Symphony' or split it into three tracks. Uprising is great live, if a tad flat recorded. United States Of Eurasia is still a favourite of mine and Unnatural Selection is great even if it is Muse-by-numbers.


I'd have like The Resistance x193i50935q more if it had run simply:



United States Of Eurasia

Unnatural Selection

MK Ultra

I Belong To You



I don't mind Undisclosed Desires, but it doesn't fit.


I Belong To You is b-side material and nothing more. Plus, it's in completely the wrong place on the album as it is. Between the rock of US and MK and the "intensity" (it's not really that intense, but it's more serious for sure) of Exogenesis, it appears like a boil on the arse of the album (which is bad enough as it is). Sticks out like a massive sore thumb. Ruins any possible late-album flow. And the album doesn't exactly flow as it is.


Those of you who say it does flow, go and listen to Mansun's Attack Of The Grey Lantern for an example of a truly flowing album.

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I Belong To You is b-side material and nothing more. Plus, it's in completely the wrong place on the album as it is. Between the rock of US and MK and the "intensity" (it's not really that intense, but it's more serious for sure) of Exogenesis, it appears like a boil on the arse of the album (which is bad enough as it is). Sticks out like a massive sore thumb. Ruins any possible late-album flow. And the album doesn't exactly flow as it is.


Those of you who say it does flow, go and listen to Mansun's Attack Of The Grey Lantern for an example of a truly flowing album.

It flows better than Absolution and BH&R :p

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BH&R maybe, but Absolution has a solid musical theme running through it and flows a million times better than this.

Abso flows good up until TSP, after that it's just chaos.


TR never really makes me want to change song or feel a certain...pain when it changes song.


Micro Cuts->Screenager and B&H->TSP just makes me cringe.

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Abso flows good up until TSP, after that it's just chaos.


TR never really makes me want to change song or feel a certain...pain when it changes song.


Micro Cuts->Screenager and B&H->TSP just makes me cringe.


I disagree.


Personally I hate the way there's a jump in style in just about every song on TR. And I like the way Absolution flows. And why bring up Origin? We weren't talking about that.


On a serious note, I agree a lot of the time with things you, Alix and Dee3Dee say. But I think you've all started arguing for the sake of an argument nowadays. Your sig says it all, that you seem to enjoy the fact that you've become the board's arguing team.

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I disagree.


Personally I hate the way there's a jump in style in just about every song on TR. And I like the way Absolution flows. And why bring up Origin? We weren't talking about that.


On a serious note, I agree a lot of the time with things you, Alix and Dee3Dee say. But I think you've all started arguing for the sake of an argument nowadays. Your sig says it all, that you seem to enjoy the fact that you've become the board's arguing team.

It was just an example of bad flow. For me, the genre jumping isn't really an issue when it comes to flow, but sudden changes in tempo is.


I have never said that the reason for my arguing is for any other reason. I argue because I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I troll. What I say is my opinion.

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